the whole bag of tricks


  • It suggested that unified whitelist and match Chinese information base on regulation technology in order to filter content of short message technology according to analyze features of suspicious cell phone messages and introduce related technology about building SMS Platform the whole bag of tricks of segmentation .

    论文详细分析了诈骗短信的特征,并对短信接收搭建平台的相关技术、中文分词 各种 方法进行了详细介绍,提出了使用白名单和基于规则中文信息匹配相结合的技术对短信内容进行过滤。

  • In this thesis depiction the whole bag of tricks of decision-making analysis .

    本文 叙述 决策分析 各种 方法,以期在实际管理活动得到应用。

  • This thesis summarizes the whole bag of tricks of controlling CO2 in power plant and describes in detail the technologies and prospects of O2 / CO2 combustion . The mechanisms of NOx reaction and reduction have been studied systemically .

    本文对电力企业控制CO2排放 各种 方法进行了综述和分析,并阐述了 O2/CO2燃烧技术的研究现状和发展趋势,对此项技术中NOx的生成和破坏机理进行了系统的研究。

  • The disquisition introduced the whole bag of tricks to the drew line cement pole measured groundwork pit through used skin ruler and go along analysis interrelated concept its feasibility and safety proceeding .

    介绍了用 皮尺做带拉线水泥杆分坑的 各种方法,并且就分坑的相关概念,皮尺分坑的可行性及安全事项进行了分析。

  • This text introduced the whole bag of tricks molecular biotechnology in current compared each specialties and the application prospect .

    本文介绍 当前 研究土壤 微生物多样 各种分子生物学技术,并分析比较了各种实验技术的特点和应用前景。

  • In the whole bag of tricks of 3D depth mapping technology structured light method take advantage of resolution and speed .

    在三维深度映射技术 各种 方法中,结构光法表现出了在分辨力和速度上的优势。

  • Be careful not to stumble against that table or you 'll upset the whole bag of tricks .

    当心不要撞在那张桌子上,否则,会打翻 上面 全部 摆设