the other night

[ði ˈʌðər naɪt][ðə ˈʌðə(r nait]


  • I went out with this girl the other night .


  • Thanks for the other night .

    那天 晚上 ,多谢了。

  • Because they were following us the other night me and teddy .

    因为有 晚上他们跟踪我和泰迪。

  • See the X-Files the other night ?


  • I had a dream about him the other night . - really ? Dirty ?


  • Did you wait for her after the ballgame the other night ?

    球赛后你 她了吗?

  • I know that I came down on you really hard the other night .

    我知道我 那天对你太过分了。

  • They had a commercial on the other night for Drug Free America that was so gross I thought Daddy was going to faint

    他们前 晚上 美国远离毒品”组织播的那则广告非常恶心,我觉得爸爸看了都快晕过去了。

  • The other night where I told you I cheated ?

    我都向你 全盘托出了?

  • I dragged to the ballet the other night .

    我有 晚上被拉去看芭蕾舞。

  • I met this guy in a club the other night .

    那天 晚上我在一个酒吧碰到这个男的。

  • I saw you at the symphony the other night .


  • I read about the incident the other night .

    我读了 昨天 晚上的新闻。

  • He said to me the other night When you are ironic I am always behind you .


  • I wish I had seen the play on TV the other night .

    我希望 那天 晚上看了那部电视剧。

  • That was a terrific party the other night .


  • Come in here the other night causing trouble .


  • We owe you for the other night !

    我们 昨晚欠你

  • Just the other night me and Bonnie were talking .

    那天 晚上我和邦妮在聊天。

  • A.did you watch the debate on TV the other night ?


  • I even read they had a show the other night .

    我还读到 他们有一个演出。

  • I was thinking about our conversation the other night .

    我考虑了我们 昨夜的谈话。

  • You left so quick the other night .

    那个 晚上很快就走了。

  • The other night when you and I went out .


  • My point is what happened the other night .

    我想问的是, 发生了什么。

  • And the other night at dinner I saw a guy with an orchid on the rim of his drink .

    另外一个 晚上晚宴我看到了一个吃饮料边缘兰花的人。

  • I weirded you out the other night .

    那天 晚上我把你给弄糊涂了。

  • What happened the other night cannot happen again do you understand ?

    发生 事情不能再发生了,你明白吗?

  • I happened to see Alice the other night .

    天前 晚上我碰巧看见了艾丽斯。

  • Would you know if Margo took you home the other night ?
