the next best

[ði nɛkst bɛst][ðə nekst best]


  • Since the weather isn 't cooperating I guess the next best thing is find some colourful background for photos .

    天气不配合没 办法了, 只能是找点色彩艳丽的背景来 救急啦,呵呵。

  • This $ 79.99 NASA flight jacket is the next best thing .

    这79.99美元美国宇航局飞行夹克是 未来 最好的事情。

  • If you can 't use a tripod a monopod is the next best thing .

    如果你没有三脚架那么独脚架也是 代替品

  • Tickets for the concert are no longer available so the next best is the cinema .

    音乐会的门票已经 售完,所以 只能去看电影了。

  • There are no tickets left for the circus ; the next best thing is the zoo .

    看马戏的票没有了, 的去处是动物园。

  • In the adaptive fuzzy control the delay time of the green phase and the next best one were on the base of the infection of the non-vehicle and the length of every phase queue .

    在自适应模糊控制中,考虑到非机动车辆的影响,根据各相位排队长度,确定绿灯相位的延时时间和 最佳绿灯相位。

  • If however you had any problems along the way the next best thing is to use your distribution 's package manager update tool to install Audacity .

    但是,如果在此过程中遇到任何问题, 最好使用发行版的包管理器更新工具来安装Audacity。

  • I guess if you can 't snatch a newborn you go to the next best thing .

    我想如果你不能弄到一个新生儿,你会 退 其次

  • The next best way to quantify the amount of protoplasm in each trophic level is to weigh it .

    确定每一个营养阶层原生质总量的 办法是称重。

  • And if they can 't see their leaders in person employees want to view the next best thing .

    如果他们不能亲自看到他们的领导人,员工要查看 退 其次

  • The next best way to show objective measures is to present quantified achievements .

    展示客观评价 方法是出示一定量的成绩。

  • Do the next best thing and run cool water on your wrists .


  • Edward set about designing a feeding bottle that would become the next best thing to breastfeeding .

    Edward打算设计一款除母乳喂养外的 最好 奶瓶

  • Tickets for the concert are not available so the next best is the cinema .

    音乐会的门买不到了,那麽 退 其次是电影。

  • It is already clear that the next best thing to being there is going to be a picturephone call .

    现在已很清楚, 仅次于面谈的 最好办法,就是打个电视电话。

  • The next best thing to knowing something is to know where to find it .

    如果你不知道某个知识,知道在哪里能够查到它也 不错

  • The best way is by air ; the next best is by train .

    最好 办法是乘飞机, 其次是乘火车。

  • That could be the next best thing .

    那可能是 大发现。

  • Having an experienced producer on your side during a negotiation is the next best thing to having a lawyer with you ( and in some cases may even work better ) .

    经谈判过程中对你的身边有经验的制片人是 最好的事情有一个与你(在某些情况下甚至可能更好地工作的律师)。

  • To love and lose the next best .

    爱后失去了, 最好

  • It 's the next best thing to being there .

    也许 最好的消息也在这里。

  • The one thing he didn 't have was a son . I think he 's felt that a grandson is the next best thing

    他唯一缺的就是个儿子,我想他觉得有个 外孙也不错。

  • But if this ain 't freedom man it 's the next best thing .

    但是,如果不自由的话,也是 其次 的事情。

  • If parallelism is not possible then the next best sequential plan that allows for parallelism is chosen .

    如果并行不可行,那么就选择 的顺序计划。

  • If the treaty is a step too far then membership of these bodies is the next best option .

    如果签署核不扩散条约意味着太大的步伐,那么加入这些组织就是 选项。

  • You will perhaps think the building old and dark at first ; though it is a respectable house : the next best in the neighbourhood .

    也许你起初会觉得那所房子又旧又黑;虽然那是一所很漂亮的房子,在 附近 数一数二的了。

  • IFI can 't escape I 'll do the next best thing .

    如果我逃跑不了,我就做 事。

  • Opportunity cost expresses the idea that for every choice the true economic cost is the next best opportunity .

    机会成本表达了这样的理念:对于每一个“选择”,真是的经济成本是 最好的选择。

  • If you can 't meet face-to-face video conferencing is the next best thing .

    如果你没法面对面,可以 退而求 其次,选择视频会议 方式。

  • Determine the next best person to connect with in order to create the understanding you desire .

    确定 你想要交流的 合适的人,以得到你所需要的理解。