thermionic diode


  • The waveguide detector is made up of a thermionic diode standard waveguide filter and external circuit whose operating frequency is within the operating frequency range of the waveguide .

    波导型探测器由 热离子 二极管、标准波导、滤波器和外电路组成,其工作频率范围为波导的工作频率范围;

  • A high power microwave detector based on thermionic diode

    一种基于 热离子 二极管的大功率微波探测器

  • A thermionic diode has been developed for experimental research of Rydberg atoms Rb nD and nS high Rydberg states were measured with Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy .

    为了开展里德伯原子实验研究,我们首先研制了 热离子 二极管,利用无多普勒双光子激光光谱方法,测量了铷原子nD和nS高里德伯态。