the ratio of A to B


  • However the ratio of chlorophyll a to b reduced .

    但叶绿素 a 叶绿素 b 比值则下降。

  • Only when the quality of original liquid was stabilized the production temperatures were strictly controlled and the ratio of liquid A to liquid B was ensured in a certain range could the PU shoe sole with high quality be produced .

    准确掌握原液质量,严格控制生产温度,尽量维持系统内压力恒定, 确保A、 B配比在一定范围内,才能生产出合格的聚氨酯鞋底。

  • The ratio of leaf bound water to free water and the ratio of leaf chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b may reflect the cold resistance ability of these two mangrove species : the higher the both are the stronger the cold resistance ability is .

    束缚水与自由水、叶绿素 a b含量的 比值 变化可以反映红树植物抗寒力变化:两种 比值越高,抗寒力越强。

  • The results showed that allitridi appeared to be a powerful anti-lipid peroxide agent and caused a marked decrease in the ratio of TXB_2 / 6-Keto-PGF_1 α . The rise in AS index was significantly reduced by allitridi .

    结果表明,大蒜素 明显的抗脂质过氧化作用,使 血栓素 B2/6-酮前列腺素 比值显著下降,并可明显降低动脉粥样病变指数。

  • Compared with control ones Chl-a Chl-b total Chl contents and the ratio of Chl-a to Chl-b all decreased to some extent .

    叶绿素 a叶绿素 b、总叶绿素含量及 叶绿素 a/b 比值与对照相比均有所下降;

  • The content of cytokinin and Chlorophyll the ratio of Chla to Chlb can be used a physiological traits to identify senescence .

    细胞分裂素含量、叶绿素含量以及 Chla b 比值比较适合 作为筛选衰老的生理指标。

  • The curative ratio after three weeks of group A was significantly superior to the group B ( P < 0.01 ) .

    A组的三周治愈 显著优于 B组(P<0.01);

  • And when the time has no restriction the benefit allocation ratio of A to B - is proved .

    并证明了当无次数限制时, A B 利润分配 比例为。

  • That of the V_8 protease : 0-8 min the ratio of A to B was 99:1 → 95 : 5 ;

    V8蛋白酶洗脱梯度:0-8min,流动相 A B 比例为99:1→95:5;

  • The ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b in the bolting process was highest in the period of leaf color change .

    抽薹过程中叶绿素( a/b 比值在叶色转变期为最高。