the devil and all

[ði ˈdɛvəl ənd ɔl][ðə ˈdevl ænd ɔ:l]


  • Better the devil you know and all that .

    选择你 熟悉 东西

  • As he was leaving the building the devil came to him as usual and tried to make him believe that it was all a farce .

    当他走出会场的时候, 魔鬼 来引诱他相信这 一切 不过是一幕闹剧而已。

  • The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world .

    魔鬼 领他上了高山 霎时间把天下的 万国 指给他看。

  • I won 't run you to the station in the ambulance ! There 'd be the devil and all to pay if it was needed in a hurry .

    我不能用救护车送你去火车站。如果有 急用救护车不在,那可就 糟糕了。

  • I renounce the devil and all his works .

    我唾弃 撒旦 他的 所有恶行。

  • The conflicts between God and Devil Faust and Devil and the respective inner conflicts of the hero and the heroin are the three major dramatic conflicts which all follow the atheistic principles of the two opposites of goodness and evil derided from the Bible .

    它的三大戏剧冲突:上帝和 魔鬼的冲突、浮士德 魔鬼 冲突、男女主人公浮士德和玛甘泪各自的内心冲突 遵循了圣经提供的善恶二元对立的美学原则。

  • Mt.4:8 Again the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory .

    太四8 魔鬼又带他上到一座极高的山 世上的万国,和 万国的荣耀, 指给他看。

  • There is always a limit beyond which the devil would take control and you lose all you hope life and image of the future .

    无论谁,总有一个界限, 超过了 这个 界限的时候 你失去了 所有的希望,生命,和对于未来的幻想。

  • He may get the devil and all the money .

    他可以把 这笔 全部拿去。

  • Baptism works forgiveness of sin delivers from death and the devil and gives eternal salvation to all who believe this as the words and promises of God declare .

    洗礼使神对罪的宽恕在我们身上做工,使我们脱离死亡和 魔鬼所有相信的人永远的救赎,正如神的话语和应许一样。

  • And now people call it The Devil 's Town since the stones and hills are all formed into terrible shapes .

    由于水的冲刷作用,这里的石头 山形成了面目可憎的形状,现在人们把它称作 魔鬼 城。