thermionic emission


  • Study on Thermionic Emission Mechanism and Surface Analysis of La-Mo Film Cathode Deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition

    激光沉积镧钼薄膜阴极的表面分析和 发射机理研究

  • The Study on the Thermionic Emission of La-Mo Materials

    La2O3-Mo 发射材料的研究

  • Considering the theoretical models and the new experimental results the mechanism and process of the cathode arc discharge were analyzed systematically : electron explosive emission model thermionic field emission theory Mackeown formula in collisionless layer at cathode and spots motion model in a magnetic field .

    参考前人的研究模型和最新的实验结果,系统地分析了阴极弧斑放电的机理和过程:电子的爆裂发射模型; 发射理论;

  • Comparison of Poems Between Ten Talents in Dali Period and Poets in Seclusion ; The liberation of electrons from a hot wire is called thermionic emission .

    大历十才子与方外隐逸诗人之隐逸诗比较电子从热灯丝 逸出,叫做 电子 发射

  • It was shown that La_2O_3-Mo cathode had good thermionic emission property and the capability of anti-exposition to the atmosphere .

    结果表明,La2O3-Mo热阴极具有良好的 电子 发射性能并具有抗暴露大气的能力。

  • The rare earth molybdenum cathode which have advantages of high thermionic electron emission easily produced and no radioactive pollution hold great promise for replacing the ThO 2 W cathode .

    稀土钼作为一种资源丰富、 发射 性能 优良、易加工、无放射性污染的 新型 阴极材料,己逐步取代具有放射性污染的ThO2W阴极材料,在中大 功率 电子 器件中获得应用。

  • The Magnetically Confined Electron Cloud Sustained by Thermionic Emission

    电子 发射维持的磁约束电子云

  • For this purpose several kinds of laser-driven photocathodes and some thermionic cathodes and field emission cathodes are applied .

    为此,人们采用各种类型的激光驱动光电阴极、一些 阴极和场 发射阴极作为 电子

  • Impregnate with thorium oxide to increase thermionic emission .

    注入镀氧化物使增 加热 电子 发射

  • Laser-induced thermionic emission Study on Photothermal Deflection Technique with Step Optical Excitation

    激光感 生热 离子 发射阶跃光激励的光热光偏转技术的研究

  • The simulation results show that the proposed method has the advantages of greater accuracy and adaptability to SiC Schottky contacts in high fields over the WKB approximation . It also can seamlessly treat thermionic emission and tunneling current .

    结果显示该方法比WKB近似更精确,同时也更适合工作在高场条件下的SiC材料,并且能够连续地计算 电子 发射电流和隧穿电流。

  • Thermionic Emission Properties of Mo-Y_2O_3 Cathode

    Mo-Y2O3阴极的 电子 发射性能

  • The thermionic emission cooling employing hetero structure is a high efficient cooling method .

    基于异质结结构 电子 发射的热电制冷,是近年来提出的一种高效制冷方法。

  • Among them a better quality beam can be easily obtained from the thermionic cathode but the emission current density of the electron is relatively low the cathode is short life due to an easily cathode poisoning and the cost is expensive .

    其中, 阴极获得的电子束的束流品质较好,但 发射电流密度相对较低,阴极容易中毒,寿命较短,而且成本高。

  • Finally our simulation result shows that conventional SOI SBSD-MOSFET can effectively suppress thermionic emission leakage current but it still can not suppress tunneling leakage current .

    最后,我们的模拟发现,普通SOI结构SBSD-MOSFET能有效阻挡来自源结的 电子 发射泄漏电流,但仍不能阻挡来自漏结的隧穿泄漏电流。

  • Usually only the thermionic cathode and the field emission cathode have access to such the high emission current of the electron beams .

    通常只有 电子 发射 阴极和场 电子 发射阴极能够获得如此大的电流强度的电子束。

  • On the theory of thermionic emission (ⅲ) a model of dynamical surface emission centers

    关于 电子 发射理论的 评述(Ⅲ)&动态表面发射中心

  • The MS interface parameters are extracted from HgCdTe PV devices ' current voltage characteristic by applying Thermionic Field Emission ( TFE ) theory and numerical analysis .

    利用 发射理论和数值计算方法,分析了碲镉汞光伏器件的电流-电压特性,提取了金属-半导体(MS)界面参数,并对这些参数进行了讨论。

  • It has been accepted that in metal-semiconductor contacts exist two kinds of current transport mechanisms ( i.e. diffusion and thermionic emission ) in series with each other .

    本文把在金属-半导体接触中同时存在着扩散和 电子 发射这样两种互相串联的电流传输机构这一看法推广到了异质结。

  • An electric current produced between two electrodes as a result of electrons emitted by thermionic emission .

    一种由于 热离子 散射产生的电子发射而在两个电极间产生的电流。

  • The proposed model has the advantages of more universality more suitability for SiC in high-field application and seamless calculation of thermionic emission and tunneling current . ( 2 ) The study on the theoretical model of SiC SBSD-MOSFET .

    该模型具有更大的普适性、更适合工作在高场条件下的SiC材料,并且能够连续的计算 电子 发射 电流和隧穿电流。(2)SiC肖特基势垒源漏MOSFET的理论模型研究。

  • Microstructure and Electron Emission Performance of RE-Mo / W Thermionic Electron Emission Materials

    稀土钼/钨 电子 发射材料显微结构及其性能表征

  • Accordingly the I-V characteristics of N and P type DBRs due to three kinds of current mechanisms : the drift-diffusion pure drift and thermionic emission currents have been analyzed theoretically .

    并以此为依据,从理论上分别分析和比较了多子漂移扩散、纯漂移和 电子 发射电流机制所起的作用。

  • In the model the thermionic emission effect and the carrier transport effects are considered and also the new gain expression is given .

    该模型考虑了 辐射效应和 分离 限制 区域 SCH 内的载流子工作情况,给出了新的光增益表达式。

  • Emission spectroscopic techniques are employed to study the loss of thermionic emission material barium from the cathode of a T12 fluorescent lamp .

    应用发射光谱技术研究了T12荧光灯阴极 电子 发射材料钡的损失。

  • The density of state of valence electron of La and O ions increase during activation processes . The 6s higher energy valence electrons of La ions with unsaturated coordination number is easy to emit . It is clear that the processes is beneficial to thermionic emission .

    激活过程促使La,O离子的价电子态密度增加,配位不饱和的La离子外层6s高能价电子易形成电子发射,即这一变化过程对 电子 发射具有积极作用。

  • The liberation of electrons from a hot wire is called thermionic emission .

    电子从热灯丝 逸出,叫做 电子 发射