the good old times

[ði ɡʊd old taɪmz][ðə ɡud əuld taɪmz]


  • This work embody the good coexistence of cartoon and the inner world and the shift between the new times and old times which show harmony of religion with modern culture .

    作品体现 卡通与天 同乐新旧 时代的交替,表达了宗教和现代文化的和谐。

  • This is just like the good old times Wei Gong .

    就像 过去 日子一样,魏公。

  • The good old times were when we were young .

    年轻 时代 令人 怀念

  • They will love remembering the ' good old times ' .

    他们会很乐意回忆那些 美好 时光

  • The good old times are over .


  • The good old times : all times when old are old .

    过去 美好 时光”:所有事光,一旦久远,都会尘封。

  • For a time the talk gravitated to the good old times and the Party comrades of better days .

    一时话题转到了过去 时光和鼎盛时期的党内同志上。