the limit man

[ði ˈlɪmɪt mæn][ðə ˈlimit mæn]


  • Britain ` s Prince Harry has worked hard to shake off his wild-child image-and his newfound maturity will be tested to the limit when he acts as best man at his brother Prince William ` s wedding .

    英国哈里王子正努力摆脱他野孩子的形象&而其作为 伴郎也将在哥哥威廉王子的婚礼上展现崭新成熟 一面,并接受大家的检验。

  • Safety guarantee system of speed-up train is a complicated system involving the functions like line maintenance regional safe operation routine and makeshift control on speed limit message transmission between ground infrastructure at station and loco man and supervision of the train operation and dispatching etc.

    铁路安全保障系统是一个复杂系统,应具有线路维修、区域安全运行、日常和临时 限速命令的控制、车站地面设备与机车上 司机的信息传达、列车运行调车监督等功能。

  • The limit could be described as : taking ideological theory of historical materialism as philosophical basis taking the ideas of cognition history practice value and collection as basic conception taking the relationship between literature and emancipation of man 's everyday life as theoretical subject .

    边界表现为:以历史唯物主义的意识形态为哲学基础,以认识、历史、实践、价值和总体的观念为基本观念,以文艺与 人类日常生活的解放关系为理论主题。

  • Chinese landscape has been the language of the ancients to the limit . It is not easy for modern man to break and innovate ancient landscape . Creation of the modern landscape of the road can be very difficult .

    中国的山水语言己 古人发挥到 极致,对于现代 来说,要想对古人的山水成就 有所突破和创新是不易的,现代山水的创作之路可以说是十分艰辛。

  • After registering a blood alcohol level well over the legal limit the man ran onto the road and picked up a live snake .

    对这 男子进行测试后发现,此人血液中的酒精含量已超出法律 规定 上限,但就在此时, 却突然跑向道路中央并从地上捡起一条活蛇。

  • Restudy of the upper age limit of Beijing Man Site

    北京 猿人遗址年代 上限再研究

  • When the limit of her distress had been nearly reached she was beckoned to by a man at one of the many desks within the near-by railing .

    就在她窘迫得难以忍受时,旁边 栏杆圈里,坐在办公桌旁的 先生中有一 位向她打了 招呼。

  • But in our point it is impossible to turn humanism because humanism is the limit of man that is a special form of life .

    本文认为,它们都只是人类中心主义自我延续的形式,无法担当扭转 人类中心主义 任务

  • We need to think deeply the limit and the rationality foundation of man 's intervening the nature and control our unrational demands severely ;

    需要反思 人类干预自然 限度及其合理性基础,自律自控自身的非理性需求;