the lower world

[ði ˈlaʊɚ wɜrld][ðə ˈləuə wɜː(r)ld]


  • The upper layers are without exceptions nets while the lower layers are the world .

    最上面的一层毫无例外都是一层网, 下面的一层才是 世界

  • Nor is it evident quite who would capture the benefits of lower supply-side investment unless it was the world economy that could put resources to other uses or the world climate that would of course benefit from lower energy emissions .

    另外,有谁能 降低供应方投资中获益,也不是很明显&除非 世界经济可将资源用于其它用途,或是全球气候获益于降低能源排放。

  • The planting area of potato in China is first place in the world but the output per hectare is lower than the average level of world .

    我国马铃薯的栽培面积达470多万公顷,位居 世界第一,但是单产相对

  • Unfortunately I find that in some other bars and more so restaurants that the standards of customer service are a lot lower than in the western world .

    遗憾的是,我发现在其它一些酒吧里,尤其是餐馆里,客户服务水平要远远 低于 西方

  • You are a channel for information between the higher and the lower between the realm of the archetype and the relative world .

    你是一个更高与 更低之间的信息通道,也是原型世界与相对 世界的信息通道。

  • Except in 2001 the economic growth of the euro area has been lower than the developed economies in the world .

    除2001年以外,欧元区的经济增长水平一直 低于 世界发达经济体。

  • The World Bank has trimmed its forecasts for economic growth in East Asia with the slowdown in China set to counter the benefits of lower oil prices and improved activity in the developed world .

    由于中国放缓抵消了油价 下跌和发达 国家复苏带来 好处,世界银行(WB)下调了对东亚的经济增长预期。

  • Insufficient financial medical health inputs causes the level of medical insurance is much lower than the world average level and the reality of medical insurance disable to cover all the population make the inequality even worse .

    医疗卫生财政投入不足导致 医疗保障水平 低于 世界平均水平,医保未能全覆盖更是加速了制度内外不平等。

  • Alpine skiing is late comparatively in our country in addition its developing had restricted by various factors so the speed of its development is quite slow and the competitive level occupies middle and lower reaches of the world at present .

    我国高山滑雪起步比较晚,加之受多方面因素的制约,发展速度比较缓慢,目前竞技水平居 世界 下游

  • When in order to seek the advice of Odysseus came to visit the lower world the shade of Ajax frowned uponhim .

    奥德修斯为了得到盲人底比斯的忠告而来到阴间;埃 杰克斯的幽灵冲着他直皱眉头。

  • Poseidon as has been told earlier was ruler of the sea and Hades king of the lower world had no seat in the council chamber .

    波塞冬,如前所述,则统管着大海; 哈得斯是地狱之王,但在委员会中却没有他的席位。

  • China has already become the second major energy-consuming country in the world . But the diggable energy per person is lower to the world average .

    中国已经成为世界上第二大能源消费国,但人均能源可采储量远 低于 世界平均水平。

  • In 2003 our urban population rate was 39.1 % not merely far lag behind 80 % of the average level of developed country but lower than the world by 50 % of the average level too .

    2002年我国人口城市化水平为39.1%,不仅远远落后于发达国家80% 平均水平,也 低于 世界47%的平均水平。

  • The resource of fresh water in China is in the lower level of the world which is only 1 / 4 of the average in the World .

    中国的淡水资源总量处于 世界 水平,人均占有量只有世界平均水平的1/4。

  • The birds have also staked out their perches in the lower branches while below Subaraj and Sue Lyn explore the green world beneath the canopy .

    莎巴劳吉和苏琳,就在鸟儿们栖息的 的树枝下,饶有兴致的研究起这片树荫底下的绿色 世界了。

  • The impact of lower US imports could then cause world economic growth to plummet to as low as 1.6 per cent .

    美国进口 减少 影响可能导致 全球经济增长率大幅下降至仅有1.6%。

  • In the lower world Ajax chose to be a lion guided clearly by the bitter recollection of his former life .

    在阴间,由于受到前世痛苦记忆 折磨,埃 杰克斯选择了做一头狮子。

  • The islands of the Philippines are a paradise for diving fans where the cost is lower than other diving resorts of the world .

    菲律宾的海岛是潜水爱好者的天堂,这里收费较 世界其他潜水胜地 低廉

  • The lower tariff barriers contributed significantly to the400 % increase in World Trade from1947to1972 .

    关税壁垒 降低在很大程度上促使1947-1972年间 世界贸易增加400%。

  • The core of the lower boundary problem is the fact that there are no world wide major biological evolution events in the latest part of the Cenozoic and non marine deposits are of particular importance for the Quaternary in contrast to other geological periods .

    问题的实质在于新生代最晚期缺乏 全球性的重大生物演化事件,而且与其它地质时代不同,第四纪的陆相 地层具有特殊的重要性。

  • The International Monetary Fund anticipates sharply lower world growth because of the financial crisis rippling across the globe .

    国际货币基金组织预计,由于金融危机扩展到全球, 世界经济的增长将会显著 下降

  • The threshold is much lower for prospective buyers from non-members of the World Trade Organisation .

    对于来自非 世贸组织(wto)成员国的潜在买家, 这个门槛要 得多。

  • Much the developing countries have controlled the interest to accumulate the lower cost capital to steer up the domestic economies since the world war II .

    发展中国家是在 二战后,为 成本积累资本,加速经济增长,对利率开始实行管制。到20世纪七、八十年代后,利率管制政策的优势逐渐降低,所产生的弊端开始暴露。

  • Then Sisyphus watches the stone rush down in a few moments toward that lower world whence he will have to push it up again toward the summit .

    西西弗斯于是看到巨石在几秒钟内又向着 下面 世界滚下,而他则必须把这巨石重新推上山顶。

  • However the success rate is lower than the defensive powers of the world .

    但是在防守 成功率 低于 世界强国。

  • The additional supplies due to this policy lower the world price of sugar .

    由于这一政策 增加的供给 压低了食糖的 国际价格。

  • Based on Wudongde and Baihetan hydropower stations along the lower reaches of the Jinsha River the design work of the world 's largest hydropower generating units will be completed within this year .

    世界最大水轮发电机组将在位于金沙江 下游 乌东德水电站和白鹤滩水电站的基础上进行建设,设计方案有望于年内完成。

  • A prehistoric site near Lake Turkana the lower valley of the Omo is renowned the world over .

    奥莫低谷位于图阿卡那湖附近,是 世界上著名 史前文化遗址。