the seamy side

[ði ˈsimi saɪd][ðə ˈsi:mi: said]


  • The place was loud fast and throbbing with life some of it on the seamy side .

    这儿喧闹、快节奏,充满了生命的悸动,但也 一些 阴暗

  • The television documentary clearly described the seamy side of life in some places of America-with its alcoholics tramps and prostitutes .

    电视纪录片清楚地描述了 美国某些地方的生活 阴暗 &酗酒者、流浪乞丐及娼妓。

  • Annie grew up in comfort knowing little of the seamy side of life .

    安妮在 富裕安逸的环境中长大,不大知道生活 阴暗

  • You 're not aware of the seamy side of life .

    你还没有见到 社会 阴暗

  • Kazuo Inamori the world-famous Japanese entrepreneur proposes a theory of ethical and moral neo-capitalism so as to save the seamy side of the old capitalism .

    日本著名大企业家 稻盛和夫主张建立伦理的、道德的新资本主义。

  • Trafficking of people and smuggling of drugs or guns are the seamy side of globalisation .

    人口贩卖及毒品和枪支走私是全球化进程中 丑恶 一面

  • The novel gives a vivid description of the seamy side of city life .

    这本小说生动地描绘了城市生活 背后