the genital organs


  • Genital herpes ( GH ) is a kind of Sexual Transmitted disease caused by herpes simplex virus manifesting inflammation herpes ulcer in the external genital organs . Its treatment effect is not satisfied .

    生殖器疱疹( genitalherpesGH)是由单纯疱疹病毒( HSV)感染引起的性传播疾病,是难治的性传播 疾病(STD)之一。

  • An investigation on the genital organs of young men

    男性青年 器官的调查分析

  • The Effect of Morphology on the Nerve Source About Genital Organs

    生殖 器官感觉神经来源的实验形态学研究

  • The male genital organs were observed and measured in 30 newborn cadavers .

    作者对30具新生儿男尸的 生殖器作了观察和测量。

  • Expression of oncogenes Ha-ras and C-myc in wart and cancer of the genital organs


  • Objective : To study the value of laparoscopy on dysplasia of female genital organs .

    目的:探讨腹腔镜检查诊断女性内 生殖 器官发育异常 价值。

  • The findings are in accordance with the assumption that long-term ingestion of raw cotton seed oil is very likely the cause of injury inflicted on the genital organs in patients with burning sensation disease .

    本实验的结果支持临床和流行病学研究 结论:长期摄入粗制生棉油是引起 妇女生殖器损害的原因。

  • Of or related to the genital and urinary organs or their functions .

    属于、关于 生殖 器官和泌尿 器官或者他们的功能。

  • The most common kind of tumour in the genital organs that hysteromyoma pertains to abdominal mass category in traditional Chinese medicine .

    子宫肌瘤属于祖国医学症瘕范畴,是 女性 生殖 器官中最常见的一种肿瘤。

  • Of or relating to the third stage of psychosexual development in psycholanalytic theory during which the genital organs first become the focus of sexual feeling .

    性器期的在精神分析理论中性变态发展的第三个阶段,此时 生殖 器官首次成为性感受的焦点;或与之有关的。

  • These findings suggest that Ha-ras and C-myc are involved in the development of the cancer of genital organs and the method to observe the expression of oncogenes can be used for the screening of CIN ⅲ and PIN ⅲ .

    提示(1)ras和myc癌基因与 生殖器癌发生相关,且它们具有协同作用;(2)该方法可用于PINⅢ/CINⅢ筛选。

  • Hysteromyoma a most commonly seen benign tumors of the female genital organs has high incidence and generally is asymptomatic . Severe cases can cause menstrual abnormalities abdominal mass compression symptoms anemia infertility and even hysterectomy .

    子宫肌瘤是女性 生殖 器官中常见的良性肿瘤,其发病率高,病情轻者一般无症状,病情严重者可引起月经异常、腹部包块、压迫症状、贫血、不孕症等,甚至切除子宫。

  • Anatomical study on the male Childrens genital organs

    男性儿童 生殖器 年龄解剖学研究

  • Localization of NOS ⅰ immunoreactive fibers in the genital organs of female rat

    一氧化氮合酶I在雌性大鼠 生殖 器官 分布

  • The results of this investigation indicated that the relative growth rate of the genital organs of boars was much higher before 90 days than other stages of age .

    经观测结果,公猪 生殖 器官的相对生长率以90日龄前最高。

  • Background Hysteromyoma is the most common benign tumor of female genital organs .

    前言子宫肌瘤是女性 生殖 器官最常见的良性肿瘤,发病率较高。

  • The anatomy of the genital organs of Drake and gander

    公鸭和公鹅 生殖 器官的解剖

  • It involves partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other deliberate injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural or non-therapeutic reasons .

    它包括出于文化或非治疗性理由,部分或全部切除女性外生殖器或对女性 生殖 器官进行其他故意伤害。

  • Female genital mutilation ( FGM ) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons .

    女性生殖器切割包括出于非医疗原因部分或全部切除女性外生殖器,或对女性 生殖 器官进行其它伤害 所有程序。

  • Anatomical Study on the Genital Organs of Female Porcupines

    豪猪雌性 生殖 器官 解剖研究

  • Investigate progress of computer visualization applied in the adult male genital organs plastic plerosis

    计算机可视化技术应用在成年男性 生殖 器官整形修复中 研究进展

  • The results show that structures of female genital organs of different species in the same genus are different in the sharp of baculum and spermathecal duct .

    结果表明:柄天牛属雌性 生殖器在骨杆形状、受精囊管长短等方面存在不同程度的差异;

  • Observation on the anatomy of the male genital organs of Rong-chang pigs

    荣昌公猪 生殖 器官的解剖学观察

  • The morbidity of primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube in malignant tumors of female genital organs is 0.3 ~ 1.1 % This study reports 16 cases .

    原发性输卵管癌占女性 生殖器恶性肿瘤 0.3~1.1%。

  • This investigation was carried out on 73 boars of Fengjing pigs at different ages in Jinshan County Shanghai The relative growth rate of the genital Organs of the boars was very high before 90 days of age .

    试验用不同年龄枫泾公猪73头。结果表明,公猪 生殖 器官相对生长率以90日龄前最高。

  • Preliminary studies on influence of selenium deficiency to the developments of genital organs and spermatogenesis of infancy boars

    缺硒对幼年公猪 生殖 器官发育及精子发生影响的初步研究

  • Study on the Genotoxicity of Organic Extracts in Fishpond Water Containing Sewage and Its Toxic Effects on the Genital Organs of Male Mice ;

    养殖污水有机污染物的遗传毒性及其对雄性小鼠 生殖 器官 影响阐述环境中不同污染物的毒性作用及研究进展。

  • It also explains the Mongolian male worship culture from male genital organs worship the worship of the ancestor and the reflection of the male worship in other cultural forms .

    本章从男性 生殖器崇拜、男性祖先崇拜、其他文化形态所体现的男性崇拜文化等三个方面探讨了蒙古族男性崇拜文化 内涵。

  • Using immunohistochemistry SABC technique the location distribution and density of nerve fibers immunoreactive to nitric oxide synthase I were studied in the genital organs of the female Wistar rats during diestrus .

    实验采用亲和免疫组化 SABC法对雌性大鼠动情间期一氧化氮合酶Ⅰ的正常分布进行了观察。