


  • As the core concept of Dramatic Studies Theatricality needs to reveal the essence of drama namely the redial difference between drama and the other human literary and artistic products .


  • Most authors think as a part of aesthetic research the study of Theatricality should be objective and scientific basing on the most basic facts of nature to explore the essence of drama .

    笔者认为,作为美学研究的 戏剧性研究应 在客观、科学的 立场上,从最基础的 戏剧事实出发,探索戏剧活动的本质规律。

  • Her speech was full of theatricality but said little of importance .

    她的演说极富 煽动 ,但没有重要 内容

  • On the Difference of Theatricality Between Chinese and Western Drama The histrionic discourse contrined in poetic art is an important art form for aesthetics obtaining .

    诗歌艺术中所具有的 戏剧性话语,是诗歌得以获得审美 的一种重要艺术形式。

  • Harold Pinter is a world well-known playwright whose unique theatricality makes him carry off the Nobel Prize on Literature in 2005 .

    哈罗德·品特是闻名世界的戏剧家,他独特的 戏剧 风格使他荣获了2005年度诺贝尔文学奖。

  • It amplifies contradictory conflict of the peasant-worker living in the crisis situation . The urgent incident-narration and the maximum concealment of the narration voice efficiently strengthen its theatricality . However the limitation of the novel narrative about the peasant workers is much obvious .

    聚焦和放大危难情境中的农民工生活的矛盾冲突和干脆峻急的事件式叙述以及最大限度隐匿作者的叙述声音又有效强化了它的 戏剧性。然而,农民工小说叙事的局限性至为明显。

  • This article is meant to discuss the theatricality of a performance taking as an example Hidden Fees a production by students of the Directing Department the Central Academy of Drama .

    本文将以中央戏剧学院导演系 教学实习剧目 潜在的 支出》的 导演创作为案例,对戏剧演出中的 剧场性特征进行讨论。

  • Sound and audio elements are natural and in the course of directing performing and appreciating of the spoken drama they have gradually become the audio discourse with unique theatricality .

    声音元素和听觉本是 天地造化, 他们 共同在话剧的创作、演出、欣赏过程中 携手 并肩 时候,逐渐由简而繁 构成了独具 戏剧性的听觉语汇。

  • On the Difference of Theatricality Between Chinese and Western Drama

    中西戏剧的 戏剧性比较

  • Theatrical performance is practically the history of the understanding about hallucination and theatricality as the history of their ebb and flow .

    一部戏剧演出史,几乎就是人们对幻觉 剧场 的认识史,是幻觉 剧场相互 斗争、相互消长的历史。

  • Instead of a simple rebel the latter stage is an aesthetical choice after a hard exploration and clear understanding of the essence of hallucination and theatricality .

    后一阶段不是对前一阶段的简单反叛,而是在经过前一阶段的努力探索,对幻觉 剧场 的本质有了 较为明确的认识之后的一种美学选择。

  • This could be referred to as a rise in the theatricality of urban space or the transformation of daily life events into theatrical performances .

    对此,我们可视 为都市空间的 剧场化,或者称之为都市生活的 演剧化现象。

  • This article adopts terms beyond architectural study as reference to claim the concept of urban theatricality and discusses its meaning with two relative notions as theatricality and dramatic .

    借鉴建筑领域之外的术语,提出城市 戏剧性的概念,从文本戏剧性和剧场戏剧性两个层面 解析了城市戏剧性的内涵。

  • Theatre Translation from the Perspective of Theatricality


  • Origin of Conflicts : Theatricality of Snow in Summer

    冲突的起源& 窦娥 戏剧性

  • Though the terms of hallucination and theatricality in theatrical performance system occurred comparatively late they are very important in history in that all the efforts and disputes related to .

    作为戏剧演出系统中的重要术语,幻觉 剧场 出现得较晚,然而历史上关于戏剧演出的一切努力与争斗可以说都是 围绕着幻觉 剧场 展开的。

  • The novel narrative about the peasant workers has outstanding theatricality .

    农民工小说叙事也具有突出的 戏剧性

  • The dark shadows on the canvas sings a melancholic tune that the aged weighty eyes tell and we find ourselves trapped in the spell of this theatricality .

    画布上黑暗的阴影以及苍老、沉重的眼睛 彷佛唱著一首忧郁的小调, 观者 彷佛 掉进 作戏 的魔咒里。

  • Section 4 : memories and theatricality

    第四节:回忆与 戏剧性

  • To make a research on the two operas ' different musical theatricality as well as an analysis of the different orientation of heroines ' character and treatment of the dramatic climax ;

    研究两部歌剧的音乐 戏剧性,分析作曲家对 戏剧中关于女主角的性格定位以及对戏剧总高潮的处理。

  • Since drama is a form of theater arts the director should consciously bring out its theatricality in the process of creation so as to enrich theatrical expressions .

    戏剧是剧场艺术,因此导演应该有意识地在创作中发挥其 剧场 的艺术 特征,使戏剧表达更加丰富、 多元

  • Both the instability generated in illness and the dramatic tension generated in theatricality push the plot forward . In addition the subtle selection of narrative perspective of illness and narrative voice of illness also contributes to the realization of thematic significance .

    戏剧中的疾病产生的不稳定性以及 戏剧性生成所形成的张力,推动着剧情的发展,而疾病叙述视角与叙述声音的精心选取,有力地实现了主题意义的彰显。