the morrow

[ði ˈmɔro][ðə ˈmɔrəu]


  • Go up the escalator and turn left . and I had no more sense so I put it on the landing of the stairs hoping it might be gone on the morrow .

    我也不比他们清醒,因此我就把他放在楼梯口上,希望他 明天会走掉。

  • Let 's hope that the morrow will bring better news .

    希望 明天将(给我们)带来较好的消息。

  • Who cares what the morrow shall bring ?

    谁在乎 明天将带来什么?

  • Each time she closed her eyes her head filled with forebodings and fantasies of the morrow .

    每当她闭上双眼,脑子里就充斥着 明天 预感和幻想。

  • Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow .

    其实 明天怎样,你们并不知道。

  • On the morrow will he leave me as my hopes have flown before .


  • We had to leave on the morrow .

    我们 明天 得离去。

  • Some time that night or at latest before noon of the morrow we should sight the Treasure Island .

    那天晚上某个 时辰,最迟 中午前,我们就能看到金银岛。

  • Much of the talk about the table was of the matches to be fought upon the morrow .

    桌上大多的言论都是关于 明天 角斗比赛的。

  • I do not run : for are we not to return here on the morrow ?

    有人 逃难 那样 跑出 ,我却不这样做; 明天我们不是仍旧要回到这里 吗?

  • Therefore each hour of this day will I cherish for it can never return . It cannot be banked today to be withdrawn on the morrow for who can trap the wind ?

    因此,我珍惜今天的~分一 ,因为它们将一去不复返。我无法把今天存入银行, 明天 再来 用。

  • He thought of the morrow and the suit .

    他想到 明天和那场诉讼。

  • Yellow sky at sunset wind in the morrow .

    日落天空是黄色, 刮风

  • Now he decided he must do something and walking about saw another day go by bringing him down to his last twenty cents & not enough to eat for the morrow .

    这时他决定必须做些事情,但是,四处走走之后,眼看着一天又过去了,只剩下最后的2毛钱,已不够 明天吃饭了。

  • What had the morrow in store for them ?

    他们后来 遭遇如何?

  • They wondered what the morrow had in store for them .

    他们想知道 明天等待他们的是什麽。

  • He still had the morrow until noon .

    他还有 明天上午的时间。

  • It cannot be banked today to be withdrawn on the morrow for who can trap the wind ?

    我无法把今天存入银行, 明天 再来 用, 时间 像风 一样不可捕捉。

  • On the same day it shall be eaten up ; ye shall leave none of it until the morrow : I am the lord .

    要当天吃,一点不可留到 早晨。我是耶和华。

  • He would probably return by a certain hour in the afternoon of the morrow .

    他可能要在第 下午 某个时刻回来。

  • The morrow produced no abatement of Mrs. Bennet 's ill humour or ill health .

    班纳特太太 直到 还是 同样不高兴,身体也没有 复元

  • We do depart for Wales on the morrow .

    我们 明天确实要前往威尔士。

  • So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day and the morrow .

    于是乌利亚那日和 次日住在耶路撒冷。

  • And on the morrow when they were come from Bethany he was hungry .

    恢复 ,他们从 伯大尼出来,耶稣饿了。

  • On the morrow I 'll find us a ship .


  • Albert as he took off his dress carefully preserved the bunch of violets ; it was his token reserved for the morrow .

    阿尔贝把衣服脱下来的时候,小心翼翼地把那束紫罗兰保存了起来,这是他 明天 识别 标记。

  • The desire of the moth for the star of the night for the morrow ;

    这是 灯蛾对星光的向往,黑夜对 黎明 渴望;

  • Garton is due back in London on the morrow .

    加顿预定 次日要回伦敦。

  • But on the morrow all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron saying Ye have killed the people of the LORD .

    ,以色列全会众都向摩西,亚伦发 怨言说,你们杀了耶和华的百姓了。