thermal power plant

[ˈθɚməl ˈpaʊɚ plænt][ˈθə:məl ˈpauə plɑ:nt]


  • Application of Fuzzy PID Controller in Temperature Control System of Thermal Power Plant

    模糊PID控制器在 火电 温度控制系统中的应用

  • Medium-speed coal mill is the capital equipment for producing coal powder in thermal power plant .

    中速磨煤机是 火力 发电 煤粉制备系统的主要设备。

  • ZMQSY is a new-generation steam trap valve specially designed by our company for drainage of thermal power plant .

    型疏水阀是本公司根据 热电 设备蒸汽疏水而开发的新一代蒸汽疏水阀。

  • Hot oil system power plant steam system thermal power plant natural gas supply system water cycle system refrigeration system and other industries .

    热油系统、电站、蒸汽系统、 热电 、天然气供应系统、水循环系统、冷冻系统等行业。

  • Appliance and Studying of Shade Powdered Fuel Technology in # 4 Boiler of Baoding Thermal Power Plant

    浓淡燃烧技术在保定 热电 4炉上的应用与研究

  • Water Hammer Study of Make-up Water System in Thermal Power Plant

    火电 补给水系统水锤模拟计算研究

  • Application and Analysis of a New Corrugated Tube Heat Exchanger to the Heating System in Thermal Power Plant

    新型波节管换热器在 热电 供热系统的应用与分析

  • Analysis of FGD Electric System Design in Thermal Power Plant

    火力 发电 烟气脱硫系统电气设计分析

  • A reconstruction design for coal feeder control system for thermal power plant based on PLC

    基于PLC对 热电 给煤机控制系统的改造设计

  • Calculation of coal consumption of electricity supply for mult-unit thermal power plant and development of management system .

    多机组 火力 发电 供电煤耗计算与管理系统的开发。

  • The Application of Distributed Control System in Large Thermal Power Plant Unit

    分散控制系统在大型 火电 机组中的应用

  • Economic Analysis of Micro-oil Ignition Technology Used in Thermal Power Plant Boilers

    火电 锅炉微油点火技术的经济性分析

  • An auxiliary steam-water system is an important integral part of the thermodynamic system in a thermal power plant .

    辅助汽水系统是 火电 机组热力系统的重要组成部分,分析其对发电煤耗率的影响具有重要的现实意义。

  • Cooling tower is very important to the safety traffic of thermal power plant .

    冷却塔对于确保 火电 的安全运行具有十分重要的作用。

  • The Design of Vacuum Dust Absorption System of Boiler Houses in the Thermal Power Plant

    适宜作为集中吸尘系统的最终 过滤器火电 锅炉房真空负压吸尘系统设计

  • Thermal Power Plant Unit # 1 Oilfield Boiler Blowdown Control System Design

    油田 热电 1机组锅炉排污控制系统设计研究

  • Supervisory control system of backup diesel generator in thermal power plant

    火电 后备柴油发电机监控系统设计与实现

  • The influence assessment for thermal power plant construction projects is helpful to control the project risks .

    火电 建设项目影响评价有利于控制项目风险。

  • Status of Energy Consumption and Analysis of Its Potential Energy Saving of Major Auxiliary Equipment in Thermal Power Plant

    火电 主要辅机能耗现状与节能潜力分析

  • Status of watar system management and water saving measures in Zhengzhou Thermal Power Plant ;

    结合工程实例,对 供热系统综合节能措施的应用进行了探讨。

  • The first part is the optimization of thermal power plant circulating water system parts the overall description of the process and the circulating water system problems .

    第一部分是 火力 发电 循环水体系的优化部分,整体先容了循环水体系的流程和存在的问题。

  • Thermal Power Plant Auxiliary Equipment Control Systems Research and Engineering Application

    热电 中辅机控制系统研究与工程应用

  • A Study on Simulation of Starting Process in Energy Supply System of Torpedo Thermal Power Plant


  • The thermal power plant gives the city a full supply of electricity .

    这家 热力 发电 向该市提供充足的电力。

  • Thermal Power Plant Unit Coordinated Control System

    火电 单元机组协调控制系统的研究

  • The application of programmable logic controller ( PLC ) in water supply system of thermal power plant is introduced .

    介绍了可编程控制器(PLC)在 发电 自动供水系统中的应用情况。

  • The relationship among the thermal power plant standard reference environment and safety reference environment is addressed .

    阐述了 火电 系统、标准参考环境和安全基准环境三者之间的关系。

  • The choice of desulfurization technology is the key to the desulfurization project construction of thermal power plant .

    脱硫工艺的选择是 火电 脱硫工程建设的关键。

  • The general methods of remanent | life assessment and failure analysis of the equipments of thermal power plant are introduced .

    介绍 火电 设备剩余寿命评估和失效分析的一般方法。

  • The development situation of the software for water balance test in thermal power plant is introduced .

    介绍了 火力 发电 水平衡测试软件的研制情况。