thermal instrument

[ˈθɚməl ˈɪnstrəmənt][ˈθə:məl ˈinstrumənt]


  • Application Theory and Malfunction Maintenance of the Thermal Automation Instrument

    热工自动化 仪表的应用原理及故障维护

  • Research on Medical Infrared Thermal Image Instrument Processing System

    医用红外 热图信息处理系统的研究与 开发

  • The Present and Future Situation of Microcomputer Data Station of Thermal Analysis Instrument


  • A New Method Improving Signal Processing of Thermal Analysis Instrument by Virtual Instrument Technology

    用虚拟仪器技术提高 分析仪信号处理的新方法

  • The figure temperature field is formed by analyzing the concrete surface temperature field taken by infrared thermal mapping instrument .

    红外线 摄像 摄取的混凝土表面温度场进行计算机分析形成数字温度场。

  • Infrared thermal image instrument can online monitor and diagnose the most overheat faults of power equipment adopting no contact means with fast and real time which prevents breakdown of power equipment and power failure accident of power network in large area caused by these equipment breakdowns .

    红外 热像 能快速、实时地采用非接触手段在线监测和诊断出电力设备的大多数过热故障,防止电力设备损坏和由于这些设备损坏而导致的电网大面积停电事故发生。

  • The system deviation of the measurement results by using a DL 1500 thermal expansion instrument made by Japanese Vacuum Technique Corporation was analysed in this work .

    对日本真空理工株式会社制造的DL-1500 膨胀 的测量结果的系统偏差进行了研究。

  • The design of high - precision thermal expansion instrument

    高精度 膨胀 的设计

  • Now the lowest temperature can be detected by this system is 130 ℃ . To some extent this system can replace infrared thermal imaging instrument .

    本论文目前能探测到的最低温度为130℃,在一定程度上本系统可以代替红外 热像

  • Application of maintenance management system for thermal instrument auto-calibration in power plant

    热工 仪表自动检定维护管理系统的应用

  • The use of thermal analysis instrument is introduced .

    介绍了 分析仪的用途。

  • The phases of samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and their thermoelectric properties were tested by electric constant instrument and laser thermal conductance instrument .

    用X射线衍射分析了样品的相组成,用电常数测试仪和激光 热导 测试了样品的热电性能。

  • Research and Design of Thermal Verification Instrument Device with Embedded Operating System

    基于嵌入式操作系统的 热工检定 装置的研制

  • Development on Miniature Intelligent Differential Thermal Analysis Instrument

    智能化小型化差 分析仪的研制

  • Using the infrared thermal image instrument the blasting fireball ′ s temperature of thermobaric explosive with different mass and TNT were measured .

    运用红外 成像 分别测量了不同质量的温压药剂和TNT爆炸火球的表面温度。

  • Based on the function demanding analysis of intelligent calibrator this paper researched and developed Instrument Automation Management System ( IMAS ) software for thermal instrument which can manage the calibration data and print the recording report forms automatically .

    为满足智能校验仪的电厂用户的校验数据自动管理,自动打印检定记录报表功能采用校验软件的需要,在完成系统功能需求分析基础上,开发 热工 仪表全自动维护管理系统软件。

  • Effect of the concentration and addition manner of NMA and HEA etc on the property of acrylate polymer film was discussed . And with the aid of GPC and the thermal analysis instrument ( DSC and TG ) the major properties and characters of resin were discussed .

    讨论了 NMA的浓度、添加方式和交联时间等对改性树脂膜性能的影响,并利用玻璃化温度(Tg)和凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)进行了表征。

  • The failure mode failure mechanism and failure causation in the reliability of photoelectric product were analyzed by using some products as the examples such as photoelectric display system collimator and thermal imaging instrument .

    针对光学器件和光电产品的特点,以光电显示系统、瞄准具及 热像 等产品为例,对光电产品在可靠性试验过程中发生的故障模式、故障机理和故障原因进行了分析。

  • It is pointed out the crucial link to use the infrared thermal image instrument .

    指出了用好红外 热像 的关键环节。

  • It is found that the results of simulation are in agreement with the ones from experiment measurements measured by using infrared thermal instrument .

    通过红外 热像 对不同主轴转速下工件 表面温度的测量,验证了仿真结果与实验结果比较接近。

  • The characterization of PLA was token by thermal analysis instrument .

    综合 分析仪对改性PLA的 性能进行了表征。

  • With the incessant improvement of the trait and application of the sensor it requires a performance matching for the high-speed channel of infrared image which is the process unit of the thermal image instrument .

    随着红外传感器品质及其应用目标的不断提高,要求 热像 中信息处理部件&红外图像高速通道性能与之匹配。

  • TGS pyroelectric thermal image instrument and computer data processing system ;

    采用TGS热释 电热与计算机配合的数据读出及处理系统;

  • Study on the Developing and Application of A New Data Treatment System for Thermal Analysis Instrument

    分析数据 系统的开发及应用研究

  • In this paper the dynamic response surface method has been employed for the robust design of a thermal expansion instrument ;

    首先利用了动态特性的响应曲面方法对某 膨胀 进行了稳健实验设计;

  • The Accelerating Rate Calorimeter ( ARC ) is a thermal analysis instrument based on adiabatic theory .

    加速量热仪(ARC)是一种基于绝热原理设计的 分析 仪器

  • The method of measuring the temperature of the discharge gas in He-Ne ring laser by thermal image instrument was proposed in this paper The result was gained by experiment and calculation .

    本文提出了用 热像 测量HeNe气体环形激光器放电管内气体温度的方法,并通过实验和计算得出了结果。

  • The result was compared to experimental results calculated with a comprehensive thermal analysis instrument ( DSC ) and the metallurgical structure in test pieces cooling in constant-speed was examined .

    采用反算法对相变热焓进行计算并与综合 分析仪(DSC)实验结果相对比,并且对恒速冷却试件与实际空冷试样进行金相组织观察对比。

  • Using 3-dimension high accuracy thermal experimental instrument the improvement of experimental efficiency and measure precision are realized by improving the date processing and modification of slight systematic error .

    利用三维新型高精度多功能 变形实验 装置,通过改进数据处理和对微小系统误差修正两种方法,实现提高实验效率和测量精度。

  • Application of Infrared Thermal Image Instrument in Power Equipment Fault Diagnosis

    红外 成像 应用于电力设备故障诊断