time motor

[taɪm ˈmotɚ][taim ˈməutə]


  • At this time motor load increased dramatically .

    此时 电机负荷急剧增加。

  • Therefore it is hard to predict the life time of the motor grain only by the ageing properties of propellant carton and the influence of this phenomenon on the life of the motor was discussed .

    因此,单用推进剂方坯的老化性能难于推断 发动机药柱的 寿命,并对这一现象对发动机寿命的影响进行了讨论。

  • Objective This study examined the colonic transit time and anorectal motor in children with constipation .

    目的小儿便秘的病理生理基础目前尚不清楚,该文对结肠传输 时间和直肠肛管 测压在儿童便秘中应用的意义进行初步探讨。

  • Motor vehicles as a product of economic development and modern civil progressing it is convenient to people at the same time motor vehicle exhaust pollution has become the primary factor in deteriorating of the atmospheric quality .

    机动车,作为经济发展、现代文明进步的产物,它在带给人们方便快捷的 同时机动车尾气污染也成为大气环境质量不断恶化的首要因素。

  • The complete recovery time of motor nerve blockade and the regression time of sensory blockade were obviously prolonged in Group C ( P < 0.05 ) .

    C组的 运动和感觉神经阻滞持续 时间较长且程度较重(P<0.05)。

  • The recovery time of motor block were different . ( p < 0.01 ) .


  • For a long time motor drive and control has to use electrical equipments and electrical vac - uum devices has many disadvantages of large volume heavy weight high lost low reliability on operation and more complex repairing saving transport .

    长期 以来电动机驱动与控制所用电器和电真空器件,具有体积大、重量重、功耗大、运行可靠性差、维修储存运输较复杂等缺点。

  • At this time servo motor control system to into our line of sight .

    这时,伺服 电机控制系统就进入了我们的视线。

  • The Calculation of Braking Time of Asynchronous Motor With Taper Rotor

    锥形转子异步 电动机制动 时间的计算

  • Through phenomenological reduction of perceptual experience itself he describes the body perception of space time motor function and emotional world so that the body is the medium of our existence in the world is the hub of people and the world .

    他通过对知觉经验本身的现象学的还原,描述了身体知觉的空间性、 时间性、 运动机能以及情感世界,说明了身体是我们在世存在的媒介,是人与世界的枢纽。

  • The adjustable time of hydraulic motor is 0.5s and the overshooting is less than 10 % .

    液压 马达速度响应的稳态 时间为0.5s,超调量小于10%;

  • Analysis and Research of Starting-up Time of Driven Motor for Fan

    风机型 电动机组起动 时间的分析与研究

  • Through the prolong of central motor conducting time motor evoked potential reveals the clinical and subclinical changes of upper motor neurons especially the subclinical damages of multiple sclerosis and exerts an accessory role in the diagnosis .

    通过 中枢运动传导 时间延长,揭示临床及亚临床的上运动神经元改变,尤其适用于发现中枢性运动神经元病变的多发性硬化亚临床改变,起到支持辅助诊断作用。

  • The establishing time of gross motor development was examined with the 52 neuro motorial examination after 1 month .

    1个月后采用52项神经运动检查法检查幼儿的大 运动发育建立 时间

  • Objective To study the relationship between rehabilitation intervening time and motor function of upper and lower extremities and activities of daily living in patients with cerebral hemorrhage .

    目的探讨脑出血康复治疗介入 时间 运动功能和生活能力(ADL)恢复效果间的关系。

  • Taking miss distance of the interceptor along line-of-sight Z direction as performance index start-up time of the motor w.

    以拦截弹在视线系Z向上的脱靶量达到最大值作为性能指标,对 机动 发动机开启 时刻进行优化确定。

  • In the past for a long time step motor to take up a large market but China is gradually replaced for servo motor .

    在过去很长一段 时间 ,步进 电机占很大的市场,但目前正逐步为伺服电机所取代。

  • The second is for students to learn the best time for motor skills - sensitive enough to grasp fully .

    二是对学生学习 动作技能的最佳 时机&敏感期把握的还不够全面。

  • Results : The onset time pain free time motor free time and pain recovery time of continuous branchial plexus block in test group were shorter than those in control group .

    结果:麻醉起效时间、痛觉消失 时间运动阻滞时间、痛觉恢复时间在实验组均短于对照组;

  • This test system is designed to test the acting time of motor protector cutting temperature when temperature rises and closed temperature when temperature drops . Program compiled with VC + + is implemented for automated test .

    该测试系统主要测试在不同的电流和温度条件下, 马达保护器的动作 时间以及在升温过程中的断开温度和降温过程中的闭合温度,并用VC++设计测试软件实现自动检测。

  • As the increase of motor size and the time of motor operation the spin stabilized solid rocket propelled space vehicles performed the unpredictable nutation instability .

    自旋稳定固体火箭发动机飞行器随着发动机尺寸的增大,工作 时间的增长,在 发动机工作末期出现了不可预见的不稳定性运动。

  • Time for retrofire motor starting and control equipment

    制动发动机点火 时间 电动机起动控制设备

  • An automatic measuring system for the sliding time of submersible motor is designed in the light of the shortcomings of manual measurement .

    鉴于手工测量 电动机滑行 时间存在效率低和误差较大的不足,设计了潜油 电动机滑行 时间自动测量系统。

  • This paper develops a set of real time motor control prototype based on a squirrel-cage motor .

    本文以一台鼠笼式异步电动机为实验对象,研制了一套 实时 电机控制系统作为混合控制系统的实验平台。

  • Over a period of time the motor is required to make up the friction losses and the losses in the clutches when they are slipping .

    在整个工作 时间里, 电动机需要弥补摩擦损失和离合器滑动时所造成的损失。

  • Results The spinal epidural anesthesia effects of Ropivacain in motor nerve block is more slowly then Bopivacain and the time of motor nerve block is more shorter too .

    结果:罗哌卡因对运动神经阻滞较布比卡因起效慢,而且 运动神经阻滞 时间短。

  • Meanwhile the characteristic time for the motor to reach steady state was calculated .

    同时还计算了 马达到达稳态所需要的特征 时间

  • In this system it must adjust the stator voltage and frequency at the same time to adjust motor speed .

    在这种系统中,要调节 电动机转速,须 同时调节定子电压和频率。

  • At the same time using a motor to complete three movements strictly control the failure rate ;

    同时采用一个 电机完成三个动作,严格控制故障率;

  • Group C produced longest duration of sensory block among the four groups and the time of motor recovery was not different with group B but shorter than group A.

    四组中,C组感觉阻滞持续时间最长,与其他组比较差异有显著性(P0.05), 运动阻滞 时间与B组比较没有差异(P0.05),明显比A组短(P0.05)。