time optimal control

[taɪm ˈɑptəməl kənˈtrol][taim ˈɔptəməl kənˈtrəul]


  • Time optimal control etc.

    时间 最优 控制等等。

  • The advantage of the method is that the dynamic and steady properties of the time optimal control system are not affected by injecting the continuous APAZ signal into it .

    这种方法的优点是连续的APAZ信号的加入并不影响 时间 最优 控制系统的动态和稳态特性。

  • Time optimal control for quantum systems with su ( 1 ) symmetry

    SU( 1)对称量子系统 时间 最优 控制

  • In this paper a problem of closed loop time optimal Control for a class of distributed parameter Systems through parabolic type Systems as examples is discussed .

    本文以抛物型系统为对象,讨论了一类分布参数系统闭环 时间 最优 控制的问题。

  • A generalized time optimal control of relaxed system for non-linear control variables is discussed .

    对控制变量为非线性的松弛系统的 时间 最优 控制问题进行讨论。

  • A Time Optimal Control Problem on Time-Discrete System

    一个离散的 时间 最优 控制问题

  • The Approximate Optimal Solution for the Generalized Time Optimal Control System with Delay

    具有时滞的广义 时间 最优 控制问题的近似最优解

  • A Novel Time Optimal Control for Single Phase Voltage Sag Compensators

    单相电压跌落补偿系统的新型 时间 优化 控制

  • A Time Optimal Control Method Switched by Time

    一种按 时间切换的 控制方法

  • An algorithm for time optimal control

    时间 最优 控制的一种算法

  • Modeling and model management have been further studied with anthropoid and intellectualization and will be used widely in real time optimal control of dynamic system .

    本项研究有利于促进和深化建模与模型管理的类人化、智能化研究,在动态系统的 实时 优化 控制领域具有较广阔的应用前景。

  • We study time optimal control of phase-field system and we obtain local internal controllability of Boussinesq system . This dissertation consists of four chapters .

    我们研究了phase-field系统的 时间 最优 控制问题以及Boussinesq系统的局部内可控性。

  • Time optimal control problem for a fourth-order linear system with pointwise state constraints

    在逐点状态约束下一个四阶线性系统的 时间 最优 控制

  • Using the inverse system method and the time optimal control theory an emergency supporting and cooperating SVC controller of non-affined nonlinear power system is designed .

    TCR-FC型SVC的非仿射非线性模型,设计出非线性反馈线性化和 时间 最优组合的一种紧急支持配合控制器。

  • The application of time optimal control method switched by time is discussed .

    讨论按时间进行切换的 控制方法的应用。

  • In the paper many further discussions about the optimal control problem the approximate optimal solution to generalized time optimal control problem and stability of the degenerate systems with delay are considered and some important and meaningful results are obtained in it .

    而本篇论文则是对具有时滞的退化系统的最优控制问题,广义 时间 最优 控制问题的近似最优解和稳定性问题进行了讨论并且得出了一系列的重要成果。

  • An algorithm is presented for solving the problem of time optimal control of multivariable linear systems with bounds both in control and state variables and with delay in state .

    本文提出了对于控制作用和状态均受约束的多入多出线性系统的求解 时间 最优 控制问题的算法。

  • Special nonlinear functions were used to eliminate the chattering of the time optimal control .

    采用特殊的非线性函数对 时间 最优 控制的抖振现象进行了改进。

  • The inverse system method was used with the time optimal control algorithm to develop an optimal-time emergency support controller using linearization of nonlinear feedback with the time optimal control for non-affine nonlinear power systems with an TCR-FC type SVC .

    同时,将上述 算法与逆系统方法相结合,对含 TCR-FC型静止无功补偿器(SVC)电力系统设计出相应的反馈线性化和时间最优组合的非仿射非线性紧急支持配合控制器。

  • A novel method based on neural networks for discrete time optimal control problems

    离散 时间 最优 控制问题的一种神经网络新解法

  • The Time Optimal Control of Relaxed System for Non-linear Control Variables

    控制变量为非线性的松驰系统 时间 最优 控制

  • The existence of time optimal controls is proved by an new method and new computation way of time optimal controls is offered . The deep relation between Meyer problem and time optimal control problem is also presented .

    这不仅给出时间最优控制存在性的新证明,同时为时间最优控制的计算提供了一个新途径,并揭示了 时间 最优 控制问题和Meyer问题的深刻关系。

  • Combining the vibration suppression performance of the input shaper the order moment of time optimal control is solved based on that liquid slosh is linear and the control moment is less than the maximal output of the actuator .

    结合输入成形器的振动抑制性能,在保证液体作线性晃动和控制力矩不超过执行机构最大输出能力的基础上求解了 时间 最优 控制指令力矩。

  • On this basis the introduction of the time optimal control algorithm to the wheel balancing control system .

    在此基础上把 时间 最优 控制算法引进到砂轮动平衡控制系统中。

  • Wheel Automatic Balancing System Based on Time Optimal Control

    基于 时间 最优 控制的砂轮动平衡 测控系统的研究

  • Under such a background it has vital significance to promote the development of high-speed high-precision robotics and to speed up its practical and industrial production advancement by carrying out the research on time optimal control system of high-speed high-precision robot .

    开展高速高精度机器人 时间 最优 控制系统的研究,探索其在工程应用中的可行性,无疑对推动高速高精度机器人技术的发展,加快其实用化和产业化的进程具有重要的意义。

  • In this paper the time optimal control problem for nonlinear integral control systems with weak singularity kernel is discussed and it is proved that the Pontryagin maximum principle is still applicable to this system .

    本文讨论具弱奇性核的非线性积分系统的 快速 控制问题,证明了最大原理对这种系统依然适用。

  • The idea of minimum time optimal control is applied to chaotic orbit targeting . Based on a combination of chaotic orbit targeting with a stabilization method for unstable periodic orbit via controllable target a hybrid approach to the control of chaos in high dimensional systems is proposed .

    将最短 时间 最优 控制思想用于混沌轨道引导,通过可控域把混沌轨道引导和不稳定周期轨道的稳定化方法有机地结合起来,提出一种高维混沌系统的混合控制方法。

  • We establish the Pontryagin 's maximum principle for the time optimal control problem governed by the 2-dimensional Boussinesq system as well .

    对2维Boussinesq方程 时间 最优 控制问题给出了最大值原理。

  • In this paper a time optimal control problem on time_discrete system was discussed and some good results were obtained .

    讨论了一个具体的离散系统的 时间 最优 控制问题,得到了一些较好的结果。