timing diagram

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈdaɪəˌɡræm][ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈdaiəɡræm]


  • Based on the analysis of the use case diagram to provide the timing diagram and collaboration diagrams of the functional modules . ( 5 ) Achieving the design for database concept structure and database logic structure and drawing ER chart and data tables for the working management system .

    首先在分析用例图中类的基础上给出了功能模块的 顺序 和协作图。(5)完成了数据库概念结构设计和数据库逻辑结构设计,并给出了街道工作管理系统的ER图和数据表。

  • Through timing diagram and system interface described the current system function .

    并通过运用 时序 和系统界面介绍的方式展示出了目前系统功能实现的具体情况。

  • On the detailed design stages of the system the realization method of each module and key operation of each module combined with module involved in the class diagram timing diagram with each object to represent information between the realizations of the system more aspects and clear .

    在详细设计阶段对系统每个模块的实现方法和每个模块中关键操作,结合模块中涉及的类图,用 时序 来表示各个对象之间信息传递的过程,使系统的实现更为方面明了。

  • Identified the function of the system architecture and through class design and complete a functional classes at various levels of collaboration between the timing diagram describes the realization of some of the features of the system has done a detailed design .

    确定了系统的功能架构,并通过类设计和完成一个功能各层次类之间协作的 时序 描述了对系统实现的部分功能做了详细设计。

  • In the system development process in order to obtain more detailed requirements a description based on the needs of the use case diagram interaction diagram and timing diagram .

    采用了基于用例图、交互图和 时序 的需求描述获取比较详细的业务需求。

  • The timing diagram portrays lifelines across a period of time .

    计时 描述了一个时期内的生命线。

  • According to the investigation and the analysis of the business the modules of the system are identified and the overall structure of the system is established . And they are followed by the function design and description of each module completed by timing diagram .

    根据业务调查与分析,确定了最终的 实体 类图,对系统组成模块进行划分,建立系统的整体结构,然后进行系统功能设计并借助 时序 完成每个模块的功能描述。

  • At last it shows the results of synthesis and timing simulation diagram .

    最后给出了相应的综合结果和 时序仿真

  • The simulation results show the simulation process of the linearity CCD camera simulation system satisfies the demand of CCD camera timing diagram .

    仿真结果显示,此线阵CCD相机模拟器模拟过程符合实际相机的输出 时序要求。

  • According to the CPI fixed base sequence timing diagram and in combination with current affairs this paper analyzes the characteristics of price fluctuation in our country .

    根据CPI定基序列的 时序 并结合中国的经济发展历程,对我国物价波动特征进行了分析。

  • Two new UML diagrams described in the UML specification are now supported in Rational Software Architect : the interaction overview diagram and the timing diagram .

    RationalSoftwareArchitect中现在支持UML规范中所描述的两个新UML图:交互概览图以及 计时

  • And then the system framework and the function of a representative of the detailed design of modules through the activity diagram timing diagram ER diagram shows such as design ideas .

    然后对系统框架和有代表性的功能模块进行了详细设计,通过活动图、 时序 、ER图等方式说明了设计思想。

  • The paper designs the various subsystems with the class diagram and timing diagram .

    分别用类图和 时序 的形式对各个子系统进行了详细设计。

  • The vertical axis represents time in sequence diagrams but the timing diagram uses the horizontal axis to represent time .

    垂直线代表了序列图之中的时间,但是 计时 使用水平线来代表时间。

  • Through the business process diagram and timing diagram between specific functional modules the core function of the system can be designed with great details .

    通过具体功能模块实体间的关系图及部分业务流程的 时序 ,对党员信息管理系统部分核心功能进行了详细设计。

  • This paper analyzes the circuit design and the circuit state timing diagram .

    本文就这一现象从电路设计、电路状态 时序 设计等方面进行分析研究。

  • Sure the function and the technical architecture in some function after the detailed design as an example to realize the use of the business the data model class and control of the way describing the timing diagram to the kind of relationship between calls .

    系统功能和技术架构确定后对用例图中的核心功能采用类图、 时序 的方式进行详细设计,详细设计中描述了类及类之间方法的调用关系。

  • We mainly describe the detailed design producer of the system through the module design and sub-module function timing diagram introduce the system database design indicate the logic relationship between the various entities of the system by E_R diagram .

    主要是通过模块关系类设计图、子模块功能 时序 来详细描述系统详细设计过程,介绍系统的数据库设计、用ER图来表明系统各实体问的逻辑关系。

  • This part describes each part of the system by flow diagram statement diagram and timing diagram .

    该部分对系统的各个模块的设计通过流程图、状态图以及 时序 等形式进行了描述。

  • Moreover according to this enhanced algorithm the author designs hardware architecture of the decoder based on the pipelined technique and gives the timing diagram .

    根据该改进算法,基于流水线设计思想,设计出硬件译码结构,给出 时序

  • And then the realization of the subsystem used in the main class to make the design with timing diagram describes the collaboration between classes and finally describe the realization of the system and the use of key technologies .

    然后对实现该系统用到的主要类做出了设计、用 时序 描述了类之间的协作关系,最后描述了系统的实现和所用到的关键技术。

  • Timing diagram : A timing diagram explores the behaviors of one or more objects during a specified period of time .

    时间 :时间图探究了具体的时期中一个或多个对象的行为。

  • With combination of internal structure and working principle of TDI CCD and we had the detailed analyses the driving timing diagram designed the driver circuit .

    结合TDICCD的内部结构和工作原理,分析了它的驱动 时序 ,设计了驱动电路。

  • In the phase of detailed design it uses class diagram and timing diagram to describe functions of the system and fully considers the relationship between various data tables of the database to draw a consistent BCNF database design .

    对于详细设计的时候根据功能类图和 时序 ,对于系统所要实现的功能进行了描述,在数据库设计的时候充分考虑数据库的各个数据表格之间的关系,得出一个比较符合BCNF的数据库设计。

  • Secondly the system is technically the logical architecture of the system using the flow chart in the functional design timing diagram the main function of the detailed design .

    接着提出系统的逻辑架构,在功能设计上采用流程图、 时序 等方式对主要功能做详细设计。

  • The coexistence scheme mainly included : the design of arbiter hardware the design of timing diagram the configuration of registers software design scheduling algorithm design .

    共存方案的主要从以下几个方面加以阐述:仲裁器的硬件的设计, 时序 的设计,寄存器的配置,软件的设计,调度算法的设计等。

  • This paper shortly introduces the function feature pin meanings working theory and timing diagram of MAX1246 which is a4-channel serial 12-bit ADC .

    文章简要介绍了4通道串行12位A/D转换器芯片 MAX1246的功能特点、引脚含义、工作原理及工作 时序

  • Based on above analysis the worst-case delay in system with single switcher and system with multiple switchers are analyzed using timing diagram and the mathematics expression of the maximum delay is derived .

    在此基础上,针对时延主要分量,利用 时序 研究单交换机系统和多交换机系统中最大时延,并得到了最坏情况下最大时延数学表达式。

  • Through the relationship between Core business and its core business object class it has a descriptive analysis to the timing diagram of part of the module in the form in addition it shows the analysis of main module of the database design .

    通过核心业务类及核心业务对象之间的关系,对部分模块通过 时序 的形式进行描述分析,另外对主要模块的数据库设计进行了分析说明。

  • Secondly the technical architecture and functional structure of the system the detailed design stage the use of static class diagram and dynamic timing diagram of two ways on some of the features functional design and describes the system structure of the table .

    其次,给出了系统的技术架构和功能结构,在详细设计阶段,采用静态类图和动态 时序 两种方式对部分功能进行功能详细设计,并描述了系统的数据表结构。