time quantum

[taɪm ˈkwɑntəm][taim ˈkwɔntəm]


  • At the same time the quantum entanglement measure is a numerical representation of the quantum entanglement can be more convenient intuitive features of entanglement between bits .


  • Time Quantum Control of Electron Spin

    电子自旋的 时间 量子控制

  • Citing the maintenance scheduling of a transformer for instance this paper presents an optimized model for equipment maintenance scheduling in a given time quantum which takes into consideration the post-failure maintenance costs prophylactic repair costs repair effects and time apparatus reliability etc.

    以某变压器维修排程为例,综合考虑了故障后维修成本、计划性维修成本、维修效果和维修时间、设备可靠性等因素,提出一种特定 时间 设备检修计划排 的优化模型。

  • That thread is removed from the queue and executes for a period of time called a time quantum or time slice .

    该线程从队列中移除并执行一段时间(称作: 时间 或时间片)。

  • Study on electron tunneling escape time from quantum well

    量子阱中电子隧穿逃逸 时间的研究

  • When the inductances in the circuit increase and the capacitances decrease exponentially with time quantum fluctuations of the charge and current decrease exponentially with time ;

    当电路中的电感随 时间指数增加,而电容指数减小时,电路中的电荷和电流的 量子涨落也随时间指数减小;

  • Time Quantum Theory of Resonance Light Scattering

    共振光散射的 时间 量子理论

  • The purpose of the study was to ascertain the optimum grafting time quantum of Jingning white tea and the difficult degrees of grafting among its different lines .

    确定 景宁白茶的最佳嫁接 时间 和不同品系间嫁接的难易程度。

  • But in the real time calculated by quantum even those grains are of different volume .

    但是对于 量子计算的真实 时间而言,就连这些米都是不一样大的。

  • At that time the quantum world was still very much a theoretical place one more suited for the laboratory than employed for practical application .

    当年 量子 界基本上还处理在纯理论 阶段,在实践上基本还处于空白,更多地只是在实验室里进行研究,而不是应用于真实世界。

  • The article bases on the three different meanings of time in quantum mechanics discusses the references and meanings of energy & time uncertainty relation in various contexts and aims to clarify the confusion on the references and the meanings of the uncertainty relation between energy and time .

    文章区分了 时间量子力学中的三种角色,进而讨论了各种能量-时间不确定性关系的解释语境,及各种解释语境下其指称和意义,厘清在能量-时间不确定性关系解释上的混乱。

  • We have studied the identical particle model on biophoton emission by quantum chemistry and the time quantum theory on radiation-matter interaction . The theoretical results well explain a few experimental phenomena .

    利用量子化学和辐射与物质相互作用的 时间 量子理论研究了生物光子的全同粒子模型,所得到的结果很好地解释了多个生物光子发射的实验现象。

  • A research group in Munich has demonstrated for the first time the quantum phase transition of a superfluid state to the Mott insulator state of a BEC confined in a 3D optical lattice .

    德国Munich研究小组 首次在三维光晶格中观察到了超冷原子从BEC超流状态向Mottinsulator状态的 量子相变。

  • The Research on a Multifunctional Intelligence Wattmeter with Functions of Reactive Power Compensation and Dividing Time Quantum

    多功能智能型无功补偿分 时段电能表的研究

  • The results show that the curves of accumulative extraction yield presents two ladders in specific time quantum .

    研究结果表明:两种溶剂的累积萃取率曲线在特殊 时间 均存在两个 梯级

  • A time quantum control scheme is proposed in which the electron spin can effectively be controlled to given objective quantum state through controlling acting time of external control field . The states of electron spin periodically vary with the acting time of control field .

    提出一种 时间 量子控制方案,通过控制所加外部控制场的作用时间能有效地控制电子自旋到达给定的目标量子态,同时发现电子自旋状态能随控制场作用时间呈周期性变化。

  • Equal time Quantum Transport Theory


  • The main idea of GDA strategy is that : In time quantum T the system does not execute the attribute updating operation immediately but store the update information in the memory cell temporarily .

    GDA策略的思想: 时间 T内,属性更新操作并不是立即执行,而是将更新信息暂时存储在存储单元中, 时间 T过后,统一执行各组更新操作。

  • The two parties also disagree on the time and quantum of raising the debt ceiling .

    两党还在提高债务最高限额的 时间 额度上意见相左。

  • So a long time before quantum mechanics was developed people made measurements of the heat capacities of materials .

    那么在 量子力学建立起来,之前的很长一段 时间,人们测量,物质的热容。

  • In this paper we apply the time quantum theory on radiation matter interaction ( RMT ) .

    本文应用辐射与物质相互作用的 时间 量子理论(RMT)来进行研究。

  • Compared with these series of anticorrosive coatings the anticorrosive ability of epoxy resin series anticorrosive coating pigment was better than the ethyl silicate series coating pigment while the former one exhibited a longer drying time quantum .

    环氧树脂系列的防腐涂料与正硅酸乙酯系列的防腐涂料对比而言,环氧树脂系列的防腐涂料的防腐性能更长久,效果更好,但是其固化成膜的 时间相对 较长