time response

[taɪm rɪˈspɑns][taim riˈspɔns]


  • The time response property of a Single Photon Avalanche Diode ( SPAD ) are analyzed from the physics mechanism . Then the application of SPAD to satellite ranging is described according to the satellite laser ranging principle .

    首先从SPAD工作的物理机制出发,分析了SPAD的 时间 响应特性,然后根据卫星激光测距原理,说明SPAD在卫星激光测距中的应用。

  • The Time Response Characteristic Analysis of Radial Magnetic Bearing System

    径向磁力轴承系统的 时间 响应特性分析

  • The Fed 's operation has evolved over time in response to major events .

    多年来联邦储备系统的活动 随着一些重大事件而不断发展。

  • Time Response of Pressure-Sensitive Conductive Rubber for Flexible Tactile Sensor

    柔性触觉传感器用压力敏感导电橡胶的 时间 响应

  • Output time response with VAX-11 RGL graphics library

    用VAX-11RGL图形库输出 时域 响应曲线

  • By this time rapid response has been mobilised .

    这个 时候 警报车已经起动了。

  • Theoretical Defect of GM ( 1 ) Model and Its Optimum Analysis Based on Time Response Function

    GM( 1)模型的理论缺陷及其基于 时间 响应函数的优化分析

  • System simulation of the real time response of the suspension system is made .

    对于该悬挂系统进行了系统模拟,给出了测量微波 辐射 压力的定性实验结果。

  • Emphasis is given to the characteristics of the dose response and time response relationships of adaptive response induced by extremely low dose rate ionizing radiation .

    强调了极低剂量率电离辐射诱导适应性反应的可能及其剂量效应和 时间 效应关系的特点。

  • In transient electromagnetic method ( TEM ) the real time detection of early signal requires the instrument to be fast time response so a higher requirement is presented for the design of instrument .

    瞬变电磁法实时检测早期信号要求瞬变电磁仪具有很快的 时间 响应,这就需对仪器设计提出很高的要求。

  • The emulate experiment shows that this method is brief and fast . It has good real time response and great practical value to recognize the image of moving object .

    仿真实验表明,该方法 实时 好,简捷、快速,对运动目标的图像识别有较好的实用价值。

  • You waste our time to response your bullshit so we have less time to earn money .

    因为我们 还要 时间回应你们的胡说八道,这些时间本该用来工作赚钱。

  • Lateral stress and longitudinal stress are calculated in the time response of lateral stimulation at different water level of rectangle Shahe aqueduct the regularities of distribution is analyzed ;

    针对矩形沙河渡槽不同水位在横向激励下的 响应,计算横向应力和纵向应力,分析其分布规律;

  • A control system is designed to control the behavior ( the time response ) of a plant subject to commands or disturbances .

    控制系统设计就是使装置在有指令信号或者干扰时有满意的行为( 时域 响应)。

  • A method on improving precision and real time response for the instrument is studied using fractal and neural network ( NN ) .

    研究在仪器仪表中利用分形插值和人工神经网络算法改善测试精度和 响应 时间的方法。

  • The dark current charge collection efficiency and time response properties of CVD diamond film detectors are studied based on experiments and their theoretic analysis .

    通过实验测量和理论分析,从载流子动力学角度研究了用于脉冲辐射探测的CVD金刚石薄膜探测器的适用结构、电荷收集效率和 时间 响应性能。

  • You may be tuning for a different metric such as throughput median response time response time deviation or some other tuning objective .

    您可以对不同的度量进行优化,例如吞吐量、中值响应 时间响应时间偏差或其他某种优化目标。

  • In this paper the numerical methods for improving the simulation accuracy of very late time response in Long Offset TEM ( LOTEM ) sounding and its all time apparent resistivity have been introduced .

    文中讨论了提高长偏移距瞬变电磁测深甚 晚期 响应计算精度及相应的全区视电阻率的计算方法。

  • At different parameter time response and response variance of the displacement and acceleration are calculated about these vibration isolation models .

    计算在不同的输入参数下,车辆的 时域 响应和位移与加速度响应方差,讨论了弹簧刚度、阻尼、车速等对隔振性能的影响。

  • Design of the RAID Controling Software and Analysis of Its Real - Time Response

    磁盘阵列控制软件设计及其 实时 响应分析

  • Please show the real time network response at this very moment while the project is being held .

    请演示在暂停项目测试的此时此刻网络的 实时 反应

  • Numerical simulations of very-late time response and apparent resistivity in long-offset TEM sounding

    长偏移距瞬 电磁测深甚晚期 响应及视电阻率的数值计算

  • The results showed that the analyzer has the merits of high accuracy long-term stability and fast time response etc and can be applied to on-line analysis of fruits .

    实验结果表明,该分析仪测量 快速准确,可靠性高,可用于水果内部品质的在线分析。

  • If long time no response please refresh !

    如果长 时间没有 响应请刷新本页!

  • A high voltage nanosecond pulse generator for calibrating voltage dividers with fast time response was constructed .

    研制了一台高电压 毫微秒脉冲发生器,它将用于标定快 响应的分压器。

  • You will always see a delivery time and response time .

    您总能看到交付 时间 响应事件。

  • The time response characteristics of negative nonlinear intercalation photoswitch are discussed based on the photo induced thermal effect .

    根据光致热效应讨论了负非线性夹层式光开关的 时间 响应特性。

  • Time the response of requests .

    请求的 响应 时间

  • An interruption threshold is the difference between the time a request for the information was initiated and the time a response to the request was sent .

    中断阈值即为发起信息请求的 时间和发送对该请求的 回复的时间之间的距离。

  • In this paper we briefly introduce the construction and the basic principle of a subkeV X-ray spectrometer composed of a filtered XRD array with fast time response .

    本文简介了由滤片-X射线二极管阵列组成的具有亚纳秒 时间 分辨的亚千X射线能谱仪。