time scale

[taɪm skel][taim skeil]


  • On such a large time scale the radiation parameterization will become more and more significant .

    在这种较大的 时间 尺度上,辐射的参数化将变得越来越重要。

  • We can do so from the very beginning during the making of the time scale .

    在开始刻划 时就可以注意到这一点。

  • We say realistic because you should focus on what you 'll need in the next few years ; by the time you get beyond that time scale the products and requirements will have changed .

    我们说实际是因为您应该集中于未来几年中的需要;到您超过该 时间 期限 ,产品和需求已经发生了改变。

  • The vertical line to the right of the Great Spirit is a time scale in thousands of years .

    伟大的灵魂右边的垂直线是数千年 时间 刻度

  • Multiple time scale analysis of ET_0 series based on Morlet wavelet

    基于Morlet小波的ET0序列多 时间 尺度分析

  • Evolution of stars of all masses takes place on a hydrodynamic time scale .

    各种质量的恒星的演化,均以流体力学的 时间 尺度进行。

  • We propose a unified time scale algorithm for thermal effect of MESFET under irradiation of high power electromagnetic pulses .

    提出高功率电磁脉冲作用下MESFET热效应分析的 时间 尺度统一算法。

  • The problem of no match on time scale between single-time factors and predictor in objective forecast is analyzed and the necessity and the possibility of using multi-time factors are put forward .

    摘要分析了在客观预报中单时刻因子与预报量之间存在著 时间 尺度上的不匹配问题,提出使用多时刻因子的必要性和可能性。

  • The motion at this time scale is clearly dominated by this model .

    采用这种 时间 尺度时,运动显然由这种模式所决定。

  • You can also click the advanced button to set the time scale and display options for your Visio timeline .

    也可以单击“高级”按钮设置visio 时间线的 刻度和显示选项。

  • Similar distributions were found regardless of the time scale exhibiting self-similarity .

    类似的分布发现,无论参展的 时间 尺度自相似性。

  • The time scale : Variability and change are regarded as two facets of the same phenomenon .

    时间 框架:差异和变化被认为是同一现象的两面。

  • The limit of a large system and the time scale of the correlative function evolution are discussed .

    讨论了巨大体系极限和关联函数演化的 时间 尺度

  • PAF charts do not have a proportioned time scale .

    点数图没有成比例的 时间 刻度

  • The likelihood is that these companies now will show excellent profits on a two-year time scale

    如今这些公司很可能会在两年 创造丰厚的利润。

  • Sampling system with a time scale has a broad application prospect in the industrial real-time monitoring system .


  • As an example of non-stationary black holes the relationship between the compression factor of time scale near the event horizon and the temperature as well as the change rate of entropy of the Vaidya black hole is researched .

    研究了动态黑洞的温度、熵变化率与事件视界附近 时间 尺度压缩因子之间的关系。

  • So your time scale it just fast enough that this is basically an adiabatic compassion .

    你的 时间足够快以至于,基本上是一个绝热过程。

  • Here you see data from the same object but now the time scale is very different .

    但这次 ,很不一样了,从这里到这里是一天。

  • The wavelet transform has the advantage of probing the multi time scale of hydrology and water resources time series .

    小波变换法分析水文水资源系统多 时间 尺度是优越的。

  • Population dynamics studies under shifting environmental conditions over a longer time scale can help to determine how different species react to new biotic and abiotic conditions .

    在长 时间 尺度上研究环境变化条件下的种群动态,有助于确定不同物种如何对新的生物和非生物条件做出反应。

  • Matching the time scale in the report with that of the server helps correlate performance results with server events and aids troubleshooting .

    将报告的 时间与服务器的 时间匹配起来,可以帮助您将性能结果与服务器事件联系起来,并排除故障。

  • A timepiece that derives its time scale from the vibration of atoms or molecules .

    以原子或分子的振动确定其 时间 比例的时钟。

  • The time scale of the universe is very long compared to that for human life .

    宇宙的 时间 尺度与人类的生命相比是很非常长的。

  • The attitude dynamical and kinematical systems of the missile are divided into fast subsystem and slow subsystem by time scale separation .

    利用 时间 尺度分离的方法将导弹的姿态动力学和运动学系统分别看作快子系统和慢子系统。

  • Periodical convective boiling heat transfer in a time scale of milliseconds was found .

    发现了周期在毫秒级的微 时间 尺度的周期性沸腾传热。

  • Acceleration Mechanism of Periodic Tearing Mode and Time Scale of Radio Spikes

    周期性撕裂模的加速机制与射电尖峰的 时间 尺度

  • Application of Wavelet Analysis in Multiple Time Scale Analysis of Monthly Precipitation

    小波分析方法在月降水量多 时间 尺度分析中的应用