time reflex

[taɪm ˈriˌflɛks][taim ˈri:ˌfleks]


  • The time period from sevoflurane inhalation to the disappearance of eyelash reflex was also recorded .

    记录从开始吸人七氟烷到睫毛 反射消失 时间

  • The disappearance of righting reflex of mice was taken as index of falling asleep and the time from disappearance to rehabilitation of righting reflex was recorded as sleep time .

    以小鼠翻正反射消失为入睡指标,从翻正 反射消失至恢复的这 时间为睡眠持续时间。

  • Methods The therapeutic schedules of Memantine and atropine were arranged according to the L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal test table . The survival time the loss of righting reflex and the latency of onset of muscle fasciculations were observed .

    方法根据正交实验设计原理,选用L9(34)正交表,以肌束震颤出现 时间、翻正 反射消失时间和存活 时间为指标,分别测试美金刚和/或阿托品对敌敌畏染毒小鼠的治疗效果。

  • At the same time the LD50 and the latency and duration of muscle relaxation could also be revealed in the righting reflex test .

    翻正 反射法还可 同时测定肌松药的LD50、潜伏期以及持续期等。

  • It waves its hands and every time it happens to touch its mouth the mouth starts sucking by itself . It 's called the sucking reflex .

    他会摆动两只手, 每当手碰到嘴 ,嘴就自己开始吸了,这叫吸吮 反射

  • In to-and-fro test for SAM-P / 8 mice the time of non-conditioned reflex latent period delaying duration were longer than that of R / 1 mice ( P < 0.01 ) .

    在穿梭箱实验中,SAM-P/8非条件 反射次数、潜伏 时间、延迟时间均明显延长(P<0.01)。

  • Taking Salars ' cultural perceptions for example sort its history in view of time structure and Ideal Meanings and then reflex the emotion and attitudes towards tradition and past that contain in Chinese history .

    撒拉族历史文化观为例,通过 对此具有观念意义和 时间结构的历史线条的梳理,重新考量并反思中国历史本身所蕴含的对待传统与过去的情感与态度。

  • A study of time conditioned reflex

    时间条件 反射的研究

  • And indeed after some time the victim is forced in some sort of feign death reflex concerning his original personality .

    并且实际上,在经过若干 时间后,受害者被迫违反他的原始的人格,做出稍微的 假死

  • English week is a good time to reflex on English as second language also students learning in future studies at this school whilst in education .

    英语周 是一个展现学生学习英语能力和潜力的良好 机会

  • Then the indexes of the time peak value of pharyngodynia appearing time the lasting duration of pharyngodynia crest and the scores of pain in opening mouth odynophagia and reflex otalgia stop capillary hemorrhage cases after 3 hours of operation .

    记录最痛出现 时间,最痛持续时间及术后在最痛时间内张口疼痛、吞咽疼痛和 耳痛的得分,术后3h停止渗血例数。

  • The electromyograph was used to record and test the response time of the examinees on spinal reflex intermediate reflex and voluntary muscle activities of muscle vastus medialis and gastrocnemius before right after the exercise and 4 hours after recovery .

    于运动前、运动后即刻和恢复4h采用肌电图仪分别记录受试者股内侧肌和腓肠肌的肌肉反应 ,包括脊髓 反射、中间反射和自主肌肉活动肌肉反应时。

  • In global cerebral ischemic experiments we found Scutellarin significantly prolonged electroencephalogram ( EEG ) disappearing time shortened righting reflex and EEG recovering time with a concomitant decreased the water content of brain tissue .

    明显延长全脑缺血再灌注模型中缺血后脑电图的消失 时间,缩短缺血再灌注后脑电图的恢复时间和翻正 反射的恢复时间,同时显著降低缺血再灌注后的脑组织含水率。

  • Results The time of disappearance of eyelash reflex in TCI group was longer than that in the CI group but the recovery time was significantly shorter in TCI group ( P < 0.05 ) .

    结果TCI组睫毛 反射消失 时间明显长于CI组(P<0.05),但苏醒时间明显短于CI组(P<0.05)。

  • Methods : By orthogonal experiment design the time of survival of beginning tremor of losing righting reflex were observed in mice exposed to Dedevap Omethoate .

    方法:采用正交试验设计,观察安定对敌敌畏和氧乐果中毒小鼠存活 时间、震颤时间、翻正 反射消失时间的影响。

  • Ebriety time ( The durations from clear-headed to the disappear of righting reflex ) was observed and recorded .

    观察记录小鼠醒酒 时间(从翻正 反射消失到清醒的时间),计算24h内的死亡率。

  • Time for loss of eyelash reflex hemodynamic changes onset time of cis-atracurium and conditions of tracheal intubation are recorded .

    监测两组病人意识消失 时间、血流动力学指标、顺式 阿曲库铵起效时间并评价气管插管条件。