time register

[taɪm ˈrɛdʒɪstɚ][taim ˈredʒistə]


  • Reimbursement expires when armour nonperformance reimbursement is compulsory second cannot advocate the hypothec of this car to third but if dealt with pawn at that time register second can seek the seat that reachs pawn advocate hypothec to third .

    还款期满,甲不履行还款义务时,乙不能向丙主张该车的抵押权,但假如 当时办理了抵押物 登记,乙则可追及到抵押物的所在,向丙主张抵押权。

  • There are three legislative models on twice assignment of creditor ′ s right : time priority notice priority and register priority .

    债权二重让与有 让与优先主义、通知优先主义、 登记优先主义三种立法模式。

  • Mcontext_t provides data about all the register values found in the system at the time of the fault ; the register values will in turn be delivered to the process as a signal .

    mcontextt提供了有关在系统出问题时可以找到的所有寄存器值的数据;这些 寄存器值可以作为信号发送给这个进程。

  • There are two advantages to the implementation of nanosecond calculation using the Time Base register

    这种使用 TimeBase 寄存器来实现纳秒级精度计算有两个优点

  • At times semantically equivalent code written in two different ways might cause the optimizer to have a more difficult time performing good register allocation .

    有时,语义上等同但采用两种不同方式编写的代码可能会使优化器在执行良好的 寄存器分配上所花费的 时间相差巨大。

  • No matter hobo leaves length of time of census register ground all by reside a dwelling place to have family planning statistic now .

    无论流动人口离开 户籍 时间长短,均由现居住地进行计划生育统计。

  • About this same time French law required the clergy to register baptisms deaths and marriages .

    大约在同一 时期,法国的法律要求牧师 登记洗礼、死亡和结婚的人数。

  • By eating more slowly the diner consumes less in the time it takes for the brain to register satiety .

    由于吃饭速度比较慢,苗条的 食客在大脑感到满足所需要的 时间理摄入的食物更少一些。

  • Those who don 't pay tuition on time are not allowed to register .

    不按规定 时间缴费者不予 注册

  • If the space in satellite or missile is limited which leads to unregistered images of different sensors or images of different time intervals then we must register them before use .

    如果受到星/弹上空间或技术的限制,不同传感器获得的图像没有进行空间配准,或需要融合的图像是传感器在不同 时段获得的图像,那么,在使用之前必须进行图像的 配准

  • Take some time to let your physical sensations register and notice what they tell you about the person or situation and about how you were affected .

    花些 时间来让你的身体知觉被 发觉,并去注意它们在那人和那处境上面都告诉了你些什么,还有你如何被影响。

  • I will make complete payment at the time that I register .

    注册 我将付清所有费用。

  • When you wolf down your meal your stomach might be full but you haven 't allowed your brain enough time to register that fullness .

    当你狼吞哭咽地吃饭时,你的胃可能饱了,但你没给大脑足够的 时间感受到自己的饱腹感。

  • The Register is prepared in accordance with the information available at the time of the preparation of the Register and subsequent changes may affect the contents of the Register .

    纪录册是根据拟备 纪录 之时可得的资料拟备,而其后的改变可能会影响纪录册的内容。

  • Developing the signal generator simulating the skating time control and the software program is the emphases in a question for discussion this research solves the debugging need in the control mainboard of skating time register .

    研制模拟速滑 计时控制器的信号发生器及其软件程序,是课题研究阶段的重点,研究解决了对速滑记圈器主控制板的调试需要。

  • There has been some progress : Tajikistan has introduced a one-stop shop that has reduced the amount of time necessary to register a new business .

    塔吉克斯坦也取得了一些进步:通过引入一站式服务,减少了 注册新公司所需要的 时间

  • The article also discuss the problem that how to confirm the time of the register .

    同时本文对确定 登记 时间 等相关问题也 一并进行了论述。

  • Now that all the scripts and xml files have been created it 's time to register the custom widget by running the Jython scripts .

    现在,所有的脚本和xml文件都已创建,是 时候通过运行Jython脚本来 注册自定义widget了。

  • Slow down at meals so your mind has time to register fullness before you go back for seconds .

    吃饭慢一些能使你的大脑有 时间收到已经 了的信号。

  • Different types of data have different time scales : for example your cash register reflects your sales the moment they happen but your supply chain data can only reflect the last time an order was placed or a truck carrying your order was dispatched .

    不同种类的数据有不同的 时间尺度:例如, 收银机反映的是当时的销售额,但供应链数据只能反映上次下单或上次订单的运输派车。

  • At the same time relevant departments should register electric bikes with licensing system to strengthen the managements .

    同时,有关部门可对电动车实行 登记上牌制度,以加强对电动车管理。

  • This article presents the selecting of parameter the relationship between bit rate and distance and the way of ascertaining the value of bit time register ( BTR ) in detail .

    本文从实用的角度详细介绍了参数的选择、位速率与传输距离的关系以及决定位速率的两个总线 定时器值的计算。

  • For other crimes as tyrants and oppressors I have this race a long time on my register doomed to destruction and extermination .

    在我的 记录上我还 记载着这个家族其它的横行霸道、欺压百姓的罪行,而且注定要消灭, 斩草除根

  • He says that the time and paperwork needed to register a business is far less .

    他表示, 注册企业所需 时间和填表申请工作比法国要少得多。

  • To uphold our rights and interests we think it 's time to register the brand .

    为了维护我们的正当权益,我们认为 应该将商标 注册

  • When a new time stamp is written to register an interrupt is generated to the CPU .

    当新的 时间戳被写入到 寄存器时,则产生一次中断并送往中央处理(CPU)进行处理。

  • The units are the same as the time base register and the sum of the PURR values for both threads is equal to time base register .

    这些单元与TB 寄存器相同,并且两个线程的 PURR值的总和等于TB寄存器的值。

  • Its initial value is equivalent to the USER ( run time authorization ID ) special register .

    它的初始值等于特殊 寄存器USER中的值(运行 授权ID)。

  • For quite a long time successive approximation register analog-to-digital converter ( SAR ADC ) has got extensive applications since it features low power dissipation and small chip area .
