time work

[taɪm wɚk][taim wə:k]


  • For once you leave bang on time for work .

    你终于有一 准点 上班去了。

  • Her boss was very supportive and gave her time off work to see her mum .

    她的老板非常热心地帮助她,并准许她 请假去看望母亲。

  • given what I had been earning for part time work paying my way through NYU . So I told him I thought I should earn more and started to negotiate .

    ,我那会儿一直在利用课余 时间 打工挣学费。于是,我告诉他,我的工资应该更高,然后开始就此讨价还价。

  • For many people full time work is part of every day life .

    对很多人而言, 工作是日常生活的重要部分。

  • Previously she had very little time to work in her own garden .

    以前,她没什么 时间 打理自己的花园。

  • I try to adjust immediately to the local time and work through the day until at least 10pm .

    我通常会迅速调整到当地 时间,而且至少要一直 工作到晚上十点。

  • Since Mr Bennett was going to need some time off work he asked for a sick note

    因为贝内特先生要 请假一段 时间,他请医生开了病假条。

  • I usually allocate a minimum amount of time to work on my goal daily .

    我通常会每天抽出小部分 时间用来 完成我的目标。

  • It will take time to work through the difficulties in our market and our economy and new challenges will continue to arise .

    我们需要 时间来克服我们的市场和我们的经济中存在的困难,而且新的挑战还会继续出现。

  • Setting goals and making time work for you are um great but so are practical efficiencies .

    设定目标以及让 时间为你 工作确实都很重要,但是实际效率也是非常重要的。

  • You can get concrete answers to these questions when you use the date sleep and echo commands to time your work .

    当您使用date、sleep和echo命令来 计算具体 任务花费 时间 ,可以获得关于这些问题的实质性的 解答

  • It took a lot of time to work out their corporate policy .

    他们也要花大量 时间制定公司政策。

  • All in all this solution should help you save a lots of time and work more efficiently when deploying and managing a stable of virtual machines .

    总而言之,在部署和管理一组虚拟机时,此解决方案应当可以帮助您节省大量 时间并且更高效地 工作

  • He divided his time between work and study .

    他把 时间分别用在 工作和学习上。

  • A difficult boss can make your time at work miserable .

    一个难缠的上司会让你觉得在 工作 度日如年。

  • Be sure you have the correct object by calling find each time you work with the object .

    每次处理一个对象 ,都需要调用find方法来确保您得到正确的对象。

  • It gives you some money on hand to buy time to work out what happens with the equity market .

    它让你手头有一些资金,获得一些 时间,想清楚股市怎么了。

  • He was having a really tough time at work .

    当时 工作上困难重重。

  • If this is you what you are saying is that work is more important that your life . You are willing to sacrifice your personal time for work .

    如果这里面有你,那就说明你的工作比生活更重要,你愿意为了 工作牺牲自己的个人 时间

  • She also said she would have liked more time to work on some of the books .

    她还说,她希望能有更多的 时间研究一些别的书。

  • It took me some time to work out what was causing this

    我花了一些 时间弄清此事的起因。

  • With the DB2 source and target stages defined it 's time to work on the stages that process the data .

    定义了DB2源和目标阶段之后, 应该关注处理数据的阶段了。

  • She managed to make herself presentable in time for work .

    她想方设法让自己在 工作 时间穿得更像样。