time of recovery

[taɪm ʌv rɪˈkʌvəri][taim ɔv riˈkʌvəri]


  • The response of the system is rapid and the time of recovery is short .

    该系统的响应迅速, 恢复 时间短。

  • The average time of recovery was 11.7 days and the cure rate was 88.2 % .

    面瘫 恢复 天数平均11.7天。治愈率88.23%。

  • At last the reliability of different strategies protocol cost the time of fault recovery are analyzed and compared .

    最后对所设计的不同策略容错系统的可靠性、协议开销、故障 恢复 时间等进行了分析和比较。

  • Compared with the single computer disk copy it can obviously abbreviate the time of recovery system and decrease the manager'labor .

    与单机 硬盘拷贝相比,可以明显缩短系统维护 时间,减轻管理员劳动强度。

  • Group C produced longest duration of sensory block among the four groups and the time of motor recovery was not different with group B but shorter than group A.

    四组中,C组感觉阻滞持续时间最长,与其他组比较差异有显著 (P0.05),运动 阻滞 时间与B组比较没有差异(P0.05),明显比A组短(P0.05)。

  • And particularly analyze and compare the protection switching time of each recovery scheme .

    然后对比分析了各个 恢复方案的保护倒换 时间

  • The materials needful for filling the cavity through recrystallization are supplied by diffusion of matrix in the processes of cavity-type fault self-recovering so the ability of materials diffusion has an important effect on the whole time of fault recovery .

    孔隙性缺陷修复过程中,由重结晶充满孔洞所需物质从基体材料中扩散而来,材料的扩散能力对完成缺陷 修复过程所需 时间具有重要的影响。

  • The time of recovery from the anesthesia adverse reactions and complications of anesthesia were noted down .

    记录麻醉 恢复 时间、不良反应及麻醉并发症。

  • The degree of comfort and satisfaction to coloclyster the intestinal sanitary degree and the time of the recovery of intestinal wriggle were assessed .

    评估患者对灌肠舒适满意程度、肠道清洁程度以及术后肠蠕动 恢复 时间等。

  • Results : In patients underwent transplantation of sternocleidomastoid muscle-great auricular nerve flap the ratio of recovery of facial function was 92.3 % and average time of recovery was 21.5 weeks .

    结果:带胸锁乳突肌瓣的耳大神经移植的方法,面神经功能的恢复率为923%,面神经功能 恢复 时间平均为21.5周;

  • The average time of recovery of bowel activity was 3.5 ( 2-5 ) days 3.4 ( 2-5 ) days and that for oral intake was 4.5 ( 3-6 ) days after operation .

    术后病人平均胃肠功能 恢复 时间为3.5(2~5)d,下床活动 时间为3.4(2~5)d,进流质 时间4.5(3~6)d;

  • Research on Mechanism of the Massage on Foot 's Reflection Areas Reducing the Time of Recovery of Fatigue Induced after a High-loaded Aerobic Endurance Training

    足反射区按摩促进大强度有氧 耐力运动疲劳消除的实验研究

  • By merging the metadata information of the backup jobs the system can restore the data to the state of a specific backup point in time by only one time of recovery operation .

    通过对备份作业的元数据信息进行整合处理,实现在 恢复时只执行一 操作就将数据恢复到指定作业时间点状态的备份融合。

  • Conclusion Propofol administered for general anesthesia is effective in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting and can shorten the time of anesthetic recovery markedly .

    结论异丙酚行全身麻醉可有效地预防术后恶心、呕吐,并可显著缩短麻醉 恢复 时间

  • High frequency power supply for electrostatic precipitator has some excellences such as high efficiency short time of spark recovery and small volume .

    高频静电除尘电源具有效率高、火花 恢复 时间短、体积小等一系列优点。

  • Results Improvement of symptoms include hypodynamia anorexia and sleep icterus elimination and time of transaminase recovery in treatment group were more than that in control group .

    结果患者乏力、纳差、睡眠的改善,黄疸消退,谷丙转氨酶 恢复正常的 时间均优于对照组(P<0.05或0.01)。

  • The indication choice of temperature duration of mild hypothermia and time of recovery monitoring treatment of complication were discussed .

    结合治疗体会,讨论了亚低温治疗的适应症、温度的选择、亚低温持续的时间和 时机、亚低温治疗的监测和辅助治疗及其并发症的处理。

  • Installation of automatic analyser and safety control switch of three way valve for active recovery and increasing average time of recovery to 10 - 13 minutes ;

    安装煤气自动分析仪和三通阀安全控制开关,变被动为主动回收,使 转炉煤气 回收 时间提高到平均10~13min/炉,并且安全可靠;

  • Multiplicity logistic regression model analysis showed time of recovery to EEG and duration of seizures were the risk factors of secondary epilepsy after viral encephalitis ( P 0.05 ) .

    Logistic回归分析显示惊厥持续时间及EEG 恢复 时间为病毒性脑炎继发癫癎的危险因素(P0.05)。

  • But MED method is better method for the treatment of LDH because it has advantages of minimal invasion shorter time of recovery least pain and excellent effect .

    两组方法疗效相近;但MED法创伤小、 恢复 、痛苦轻、疗效好,是治疗腰椎间盘突出症的较好方法。

  • Conclusions : Shenmai injection combined with composite salvia miltiorrhiza injection in curing shock is able to significantly improve the curative effects shorten the time of recovery and meanwhile effectively reverse and restrain the development of shock .

    结论:联用参麦注射液和复方丹参注射液治疗休克能明显提高疗效, 缩短病程, 逆转和阻断休克的发展。

  • The study on initial time of fluorescence recovery in the FPR experiment

    在荧光漂白 恢复测量中荧光 恢复起始 时间的研究

  • Then in the time of economic recovery ( 2009.10-until now ) the liquidity began to excess again during the period of the first round the second round and the third round of quantitative easing monetary policy implementation .

    而在 金融危机治理后的经济 复苏 (2009.10&至今),随着美联储第一轮、第二轮以及第三轮量化宽松货币政策的实施,美元流动性的过剩现象又开始重新显现。

  • Methods : Indexes of operating time amount of hemorrhage the time of postoperative recovery and complications were compared among double drilled technique ( group A ) tri drilled technique ( group B ) and transabdominal operation ( group C ) .

    方法:对二孔穿刺术、三孔穿刺术与开腹卵巢肿瘤手术的操作 时间、出血量和术后各项指标的 恢复及并发症进行比较。

  • The time of recovery of electroencephalogram was different and the longest time was 8 months .

    脑电图 恢复 正常 时间长短不一,最长达8个月。

  • Two hundred schizophrenics who were in time of recovery were assessed using the HAMA and LSAS to study social anxiety disorder ( SAD ) .

    为探讨精神分裂症 恢复 社交焦虑(SAD),对200例精神分裂症 恢复 患者用汉密顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、社交焦虑量表(LSAS)进行评分。

  • Conclusion Liver dysfunction induced by obstructive jaundice prolongs the clinical duration of action but does not significantly affect the onset time of and recovery from rocuronium .

    结论梗阻性黄疸的肝功能障碍病人,罗库溴铵的临床作用时效延长,但起效 时间 恢复无明显改变。

  • Conclusion : A long history of having seizures and slow time of recovery to EEG are the risk factors of secondary epilepsy after viral encephalitis in children .

    结论:病毒性脑炎恢复期继发癫癎的危险因素为惊厥持续时间长及EEG 恢复 时间慢。

  • The clinical fracture heal and the time of functional recovery were observed .

    观察骨折临床愈合和功能 恢复 时间

  • Since the discovery of Da qing Oil Field after long time of waterflood recovery many oil exploitation areas especially the old areas have gone into high or ultra-high water reserve period the phenomenon of oil-bearing sand bodies flooding is serious .

    自大庆油田发现以来,在经历了长 时间 注水 开采 ,很多油田开发区块尤其是老区油田都进入了高&特高含水期,含油砂体水淹严重。