time wage

[taɪm wedʒ][taim weidʒ]


  • We hold that after lawful explanation the loss of income due to missed working time may be determined with reference to the currently promulgated minimum wage rate for the employees in this city .

    我们认为,可在依法释明后,参照目前公布的本市职工最低 工资 标准确定其 误工费用。

  • Excessive pay awards for company executives came under fire on the 14 May from the European Union 's top economic policymakers who condemned them as scandalous at a time when ordinary employees are under pressure to accept modest wage deals .

    欧盟最高经济决策官员5月14日对公司高管过高的薪酬予以了抨击。他们表示,在普通员工面临压力,需要接受较低 工资 水平 ,这些高管的做法是可耻的。

  • At the same time the paper suggests that practice of the wage system of post and technique should be promoted and perfected from the aspects of ideology method and action .

    总结岗位技能 工资制颇受欢迎的五个原因, 同时指出推行岗位技能 工资 要从思想、办法及行动上加以促导,使之更趋完善。

  • The new pay system on the operator structure of the annual salary system and wage system has been improved in order to fully reflect the value of human capital ; same time the commission on the emergence of wage employees with strong incentives .

    新的薪酬体系对经营者年薪制以及结构工资制进行了改进,以充分体现人力资本的价值; 同时,提成 工资 的出现也对企业员工具有较强的激励作用。

  • According to the input-output data from 1980 to 2009 we calculate the TFP of China in this time period . Then this article analyzes the relationship between labor wage and TFP and the possible action mechanism .

    第四:利用 1980-2009年中国的投入产出数据计算了中国经济的全要素生产率;在此基础上对 工资与全要素生产率之间的关联性进行了实证分析,并考察了其可能的作用路径。

  • At the same time labor quality and labor market segmentation also are important factors influence wage inequity .

    同时,劳动力素质差异和劳动力市场分割的现状也是造成 工资差距的另一重要因素。

  • The salary is generally including time rate wage piece rate wage bonus subsidy allowance and overtime pay and the salary paid in special circumstances .

    工资一般不包括 计时 工资、计件工资、奖金、津贴、补贴和加班加点工资,以及特殊情况下支付的工资。

  • For some time analysts have been tracking food prices in China as a lead indicator of future wage inflation .

    时间 以来,分析师们一直在跟踪中国食品价格,将其作为判断未来 工资上涨的主要指标。

  • Thats why since the last time this Congress raised the minimum wage 19 states have chosen to bump theirs even higher .

    这就是为什么 上次国会提高最低 工资 标准后,有19个州 在此基础上额外提高了 标准

  • At the same time on the point of the average wage of workers and the payroll I have approached that the scale of the redundant employees and overall employees are how to influence the efficiency of state-owned enterprises and labor costs .

    同时从在岗职工平均 工资和工资总额角度,研究了雇员规模和冗余雇员对国有企业效率和劳动力成本的影响。

  • At the same time Jinan should keep AWL steadily growing and actively adjust the wage structure .

    同时保持济南市职工平均工资平稳增长,积极调整 工资结构。

  • If you 're selling $ 70 vehicles it really is a waste of time to target an audience who 's making minimum wage .

    如果你向 低薪人群推销70000美元的车,那样做只是浪费 时间

  • At the same time women are poised to emerge from the downturn with even greater relative economic power as the wage gap narrows .

    同时,由于 工资 水平的差距缩小,女人在这场危机之后所掌握的经济权力也更大了。

  • At last the paper take Beijing as an example combining the data of road networks information making calculation and comparision between congestion extra time costs based on investigation questionaire and wage ratio putting forwards to some suggestion about alleviating traffic finally .

    最后以北京市为例,结合居民出行数据和机动车路网相关信息,进行基于出行心理调查问卷的拥堵额外 时间成本和基于 工资率的拥堵额外 时间成本的计算与比较,最终提出缓解交通的建议。

  • But as time goes by the contribution of investment and industry structure change declines and the effects of wage increase on employment growth increases and the restraining effect of market on the employment growth declines .

    但随着 时间的推移,资本投资、产业结构变动对就业的贡献度逐渐下降, 工资增长对就业的拉动作用逐渐增强,市场化对就业的抑制作用逐渐减弱。

  • It cost as much as five thousand yuan to have one installed and it was at a time when the average monthly wage was only about a hundred yuan .

    装一部电话要5000元,而 那时的月平均 工资才100元左右。因此寻常百姓没有几家安装那玩艺儿的。

  • Minimum wage standard is key point of the regulations which will be the first time that the minimum wage system will be included in the Regulations .

    最低工资标准是条例草案的重点内容。国家实行最低 工资制度 首次被写入《条例》。

  • Those who joined revolutionary activities during the time of the Liberation War are paid a cash pension equivalent to 80 per cent of their standard wage .

    解放战争 时期参加革命工作的,按本人标准 工资的百分之八十发给。

  • However by the time this change is introduced the minimum wage will be set at 5.73 an hour with tips on top .

    不过, 这种规定变化开始生效后,最低 工资将被定为每小时5.73英镑,小费另算。

  • For a long time people have always thought that the emolument was the wage the bonus or the kind of tangible physical and then ignored lots of the content of the humanistic spirit .

    长期 以来,人们一直认为薪酬就是 工资,就是奖金,就是那种看得见摸得着的实物或货币,进而忽视了很多人文精神的内容。

  • We know we 'll all die eventually we know our time on this earth is limited so why do we trade hours of our existence for minimum wage ?

    我们知道我们最终都会死,我们知道我们这个地球上的 时间是有限的,为什么我们的贸易存在小时最低 工资

  • At the same time further detailed should be set up design the performance wage system optimization and FO fireworks company welfare optimum construction .

    同时进一步详细的制定了不同 岗位 薪酬优化方案,绩效 工资体系优化设计与FO烟花公司的福利优化设计。

  • At the same time the urbanization process is slowing as the age structure of urban population is deteriorate and the wage for rural worker is rising which means the over-reaction of housing price on this factor will face the modification as well .

    同时,由于城市人口年龄结构恶化,农民工 用工成本提高,目前的人口城市化模式面临减速。过去房价对人口城市化率预期的过度透支也面临修正的风险。

  • Because of a very long time nominal wage generally lower than the price rise up and the gap is obvious .

    由于相当长的 时间 ,名义 工资上升普遍低于价格上升幅度,且差距明显。

  • In war time it is good enough if production can continue and existing working hours and original wage levels can be maintained .

    在战争 时期,能够继续生产,能够不减工时,维持原有 工资水平,就是好事。

  • At the same time we summarized two labor market institutions social security system and wage policies which have been studied by researchers broadly .

    同时对两种已经被广泛研究的劳动市场制度:社会保障制度以及 工资政策的研究成果进行综述。

  • To obtain oral contraceptives the distance and the time are the shortest and the losing wage is the least too .

    获取口服避孕药的距离最短,所 时间最少,损失 工资最少。