till now

[tɪl naʊ][til nau]


  • Waiting for you from beginning till now it is still impossible .

    为你等,从一开始盼 现在,也同样落的不可能。

  • I am not married till now because of the media .

    传媒害我 直到 今天没嫁出去。

  • I have been think I with through attained common heart can be calm of treat occurrence 's everything in my in front regardless to with wrong is with not but see till now I have no.

    我一直以为我以经做到了平常心,可以平静的去对待发生在我面前的一切,无论对与错,是与非,但是 现在 看来,我没有。

  • Sorry I haven 't a phone till now .

    抱歉,我 现在还没有过手机。

  • Till now I haven 't got any reply from him yet .

    不过, 现在 为止,我并没有收到任何回复。

  • And till now I still think being an interpreter is a good choice .

    直到 现在,我依然觉得 以后成为一名好的口译者是一个不错的职业选择。

  • Where you been till now ?

    之前你们去 哪儿

  • See we haven 't got the money till now .

    我们 现在 没有拿到钱。

  • At least till now until this paper publication in the stop when these facts are so .

    至少 现在 为止,到这篇论文公示于众时止,这些事实是如此。

  • Yet till now we haven 't had systematic research results in this field .

    在这一领域 比较具有系统性的研究成果 没有出现。

  • Thank you for bringing me the news . I 've been living in the dark till now !

    谢谢你给我透了个 ;我真是 蒙在鼓里

  • Up till now the company has already made the outstanding achievement and quite high honor .

    目前 为止,公司已取得突出的业绩和颇高的荣誉。

  • Up till now would you describe yourself as a bad woman or a good woman ?


  • How I 've lived till now .

    我怎么 活到现在

  • I want to invite that wallflower to dance she hasn 't have danced with someone till now !

    我想邀请那个受到冷落的女子跳舞,她 现在都还没有和任何人跳过。

  • Do you know how many processors one CPU contains till now ?

    你知道 目前 为止核心数量最多的CPU包含了几个核心吗?

  • Till now I still want to be your lover !


  • Up till now he has won five prizes .

    现在 为止他已经赢得5块奖牌了。

  • But up till now he has not found him yet .


  • Till now do I also did not entitle to request you what ?


  • I 've survived till now and will go on doing so without help from you .

    我一直努力 活到现在,而且没有你的帮助也能继续活下去。

  • I want to have a wife so much but I have not had one up till now .

    我非常想有一位妻子,但是我 现在还是没有。

  • I think this is the best answer up till now .

    我觉得这是 目前 为止最好的答案。

  • Till now you have only seen the power of fear .

    直到 现在,你只看到过恐惧的力量。

  • I am happy that I finally preliminary complete this document till now .

    我很高兴, 目前 为止,我总算基本上完成了这一文档的 编辑工作。

  • And I have never been inside this hospital till now .

    直到 现在我才来过医院。

  • How many passages have you read till now ? Come back and count them and then let me know .

    现在 为止已经读了多少篇了?倒回来数数并告诉我。

  • But the mistake at the beginning can 't be settled till now .

    但是开始时犯下的错误 现在已经不能解决。

  • Till now I am in love with sky .
