time buying


  • Customers usually take their time when buying shopping goods and they often like to compare .

    顾客在 购买购物型商品时,通常会 慢慢挑选,比较价格。

  • Once upon a time buying a stock on the first day of trading could possibly let you in on a rally that could last months if not weeks .

    很久以前, 购买首日发行的股票,它的涨势很可能会持续几周,甚至几个月。

  • For a long time it was Japan buying up our debt but now China has joined that special club .

    长久 以来,都是日本 我们的国债,现在中国也加入这个俱乐部了。

  • At the same time buying long depressed Japanese stocks has emerged as one of the top investment themes of 2011 on the assumption that an uneven global recovery and rising inflation will push up equity values .


  • The nature of time buying strategy is a kind of fiscal opportunism behavior . Under the constraint of fiscal strength weakening the government inclined to accumulate excessive implicit and contingent liabilities in order to put off the timing of fiscal payment .

    时间 赎买策略的本质是一种财政机会主义的行为,政府在转型初期财政能力弱化的约束下,以大最积累隐性、或有负债的形式来尽量推延财政支付的时限。

  • This reduces the fear people have that they will lose time and money buying something that doesn 't live up to its advertising .

    这样也可以减轻顾客的疑虑,让顾客不必担心会因为误 广告 说辞,浪费 时间以金钱。

  • Lose no time in buying a real bargain at the big clearance sale .

    清货大减价, 便宜货。

  • Such as the price of the food is high few variety to choose from too long waiting time for buying food .

    如食物的价格很高,几个品种可供选择,太长时间轮候 时间 购买食品。

  • This is hardly the time for buying new clothes-I 've only got just enough money for food .

    这绝不是添新衣的 时候&我的钱仅够 食物。

  • After all law firms poach groups of attorneys all the time without technically buying them from their old firms .

    比方说,律师事务所 一直在偷偷挖人,但却并不会走流程从他们的老东家“ 收购”他们。

  • The time present arbitrage needs buying in both the futures market and the stock market and takes the advantage of futures and stocks price volatility to make profit .

    现套利需要分别在期货市场和现货市场 建仓,利用期货与现货价格差的波动进行获利。

  • I 'll have a careful look next time I 'm buying them .

    下次 墨镜的 时候,我要好好瞧瞧。

  • As consumers they lavish money on their free time buying DVDs furniture and comfort food .

    作为消费者,他们在闲暇 时间大肆挥霍, 购买DVD、家具和方便食品。

  • The studio is keen to move people to video-on-demand because it generates better returns than DVD rentals at a time when people are buying fewer DVDs Hollywood 's cash engine for the last decade .

    华纳兄弟公司热切希望推动人们转向视频点播,因为这种形式的创收要优于DVD租借, 当今人们 购买的DVD数量减少了,而DVD是过去十年好莱坞的现金制造机器。

  • It 's a terrific time for any buying / selling as your mind is locked into the true value of things .

    这时由于你的思想对事物真正的价值判断的很准确,因此这 时间非常适合 购买或销售商品。

  • And the new cooperation comes just in time for peak buying season .

    新合作正好 赶上了高峰 购物季节的到来。

  • By arguing less you are providing the required space and prestige to others and at the same time you are buying more time for yourself to look at the others argument from another angle .

    少辩论,也给别人提供了必须的空间和威望, 同时你也能给自己 争取更多时间来从别的角度审视别人的观点。

  • Although the methods of technical analysis have advantage on deciding the time of buying and selling share and short-period investment their disadvantage and limitation can not be ignored in primary security market in china which has been set up for ten years or so .

    诚然技术分析方法在确定股票 买卖 时点和短期投资上具有优越性,但是,它对于仅仅建立10余年、尚处于初级阶段的中国证券市场来说,它的负面影响和局限性同样不可忽视。

  • This is hardly the time for buying expensive clothes .

    现在根本不是 购买贵重衣服的 时候

  • Officials at the US Federal Reserve are considering a fresh monetary stimulus that would combine guidance on the provisional scale of a new programme and a time frame for buying assets with the flexibility to adjust its size at regular meetings .

    美联储(Fed)官员正在考虑新的货币刺激方案。该方案将会就新计划的临时规模及资产 购买 时间框架提供指引,同时保留在定期会议期间调整这些规模的灵活性。

  • I know it saves a lot of time when buying a ticket .

    我知道,这样可以省掉很多 买票 时间

  • I had little idea at that time of buying my own house .

    时候我毫无自己 房子的打算。

  • And yet neither I nor to my knowledge frank have spent much time buying crack cocaine or observing human resources policy in the local street gang .

    然而,我和弗兰克(据我所知)都没有花大量 时间购买强效可卡因或观察本地街道流氓团伙的人力资源政策。

  • You should use this feature if this is the first time you are buying unit trusts .

    如果您是第一 认购单位信托,请使用此项服务。

  • A crowd of housewives crowded into the store when the goods were on sale . Lose no time in Buying a real Bargain at the Big clearance sale .

    大减价时大批家庭主妇涌进商店 抢购.趁 清货大减价, 买便宜货。