time basis

[taɪm ˈbesɪs][taim ˈbeisis]

[经] 时间基础

  • The site meeting shall be held on time on basis of the pragmatic and brief principle and settle the problem occurring during the inspection in real earnest ;

    工地例会坚持务实、简短原则 按时 召开,切实解决监理过程中的问题;

  • In this way you will live smell speak and listen to Spanish on a full time basis .

    这样,你将有充分的 时间实践察觉 讲和听西班牙语。

  • This paper has studied 1949 until 1965 through the angle of historiography taking the historical picture and document at that time as basis the development of the Chinese portrait of oil painting train of thought .

    本文通过历史学的角度,以 当时文献和历史图片为 依据,研究了1949到1965年之间,中国油画肖像的发展脉络。

  • Features and application relating to metal cladding gasket for pipe flanges are introduced at the same time basis and main contents to formulate its national standard is presented too .

    介绍了管法兰金属包覆垫片的特点、应用以及国家标准的制订 依据与主要内容等。

  • To develop the positive effects of sports on human heart it is fundamental to balance the burthen and the intensity as well as the appropriate arrangement of time on the basis of individuals .

    要发挥运动对心脏影响的积极作用,关键在于掌握运动的负荷与强度, 根据个人体质与机能状况,掌握运动的负荷量,合理安排运动 时间

  • Interior space of urban developing residence varies with the development of people 's requirement so the architects should adjust and improve the theory and practice of it by all time on the basis of grasping the fundamental principle .

    城市新兴住宅内部空间是随着人们对其的不断需求而呈现不断变化的趋势,作为建筑师亦应在把握基本规律的 基础 不断调整和完善这方面创作的理论与实践。

  • This article asserts that Bergson took the idea-time is authentic-as the starting point of his philosophical thinking he challenged the traditional ideas of time on the basis of man 's rationality and reconfirmed the life 's essence of time .

    柏格森哲学的逻辑起点在于对什么是真实的 时间的思考,指出他全面质疑的是人类理性对时间的 宰制,把时间还原到它的原初状态,重新发现了时间的生命本质;

  • In this paper a new method to get the optimal furnace temperature of reheating furnace is brought up for the first time on the basis of the mathematical model of continuous reheating furnace . The objective function is the integral value of enthalpy increasing process of billet .

    本文在加热炉内钢坯加热过程数学模型的 基础上, 首次提出了一种以钢坯焓增过程积分值为目标函数求取加热炉最优炉温制度的方法。

  • A study in measuring the reverberation time on the basis of the impulse response

    脉冲响应 测量混响 时间技术的研究

  • The index system and measure model of tourism environment carrying capacity changed with the changing of time on the basis of analyzing the basic theories of tourism environment carrying capacity . The dynamic model of tourism environment sustainable carrying was built .

    在对旅游环境承载力基本理论进行分析的 基础 ,指出旅游环境承载力指标体系、测算模型应随 时间的变化进行动态的调整,并构建了旅游环境可持续承载的动态模型。

  • The returned signal from the sea bottom can be recorded by the recorder on a real time basis .

    该记录器对海底回波信息的记录是 实时

  • The experience of being a consultant on a short time basis founded a sound base for my career .

    短期顾问的经历为我的事业 下了很好的 基础

  • The equipped bulb tubular turbine set has been applied to two level waterpower station of Zhenziling for the first time on the basis of performance analysis of homemade midget waterpower station .

    榛子岭二级水电站,是利用我国研制的机组建成的第一座 整装灯泡贯流式小型水电站。

  • Documents are routed and tracked on a real time basis using email tasking and notifications .

    文件按路径发送和对文件的追逐是 实时的,使用电子邮件任务 分配和通知。

  • It is a historical task for the modern economic scholars to construct a system of economic theory that accommodates to the new time on the basis of traditional theories in order to make innovations on economic research .

    在传统经济学理论 基础 之上,构筑与新经济 时代相适应的经济学理论体系,实现经济学研究的理论创新,是当代经济学人的重要历史使命。

  • For the sake of transporting oil safety it is necessary to study the situation of radial temperature drop to make sure accurately the allowed shutdown time on the basis of the axial temperature drop obtained .

    为了确保安全经济地输油,在得出停输后轴向温降规律的 基础 ,还必须研究管路停输后的径向温降情况,以便更准确地确定允许停输 时间

  • It is the main body of industry and at the same time the basis of economy 's sustainable development ;

    它是工业的主体,是国民经济持续发展的 基础

  • Its characteristics of short response time provides the basis for intelligent automobile lamps .

    LED响应 时间短的特性为设计制造信息化的车灯奠定了 基础

  • As the world continues to shrink becoming ever more globalized and closely interconnected on a real time basis teamwork-related skills and qualities become even more crucial .

    随着世界不断变小、全球化加剧、 实时 互动更加紧密,团队合作的技巧和水平也变得更为重要。

  • Some wealth managers such as stonehage charge on a time basis for family office advisory services but charge a percentage of assets for specific investment advice mandates .

    stonehage等一些理财机构按 时间对家庭办公室咨询服务收费,但对特殊投资建议委托,则会 根据资产规模的百分比收费。

  • If this works you will be hired on a full time basis to make different episodes .

    如果此方法有效,您将聘请一个 全职 基础 ,使不同的事件。

  • Based on the wavefront 's low order approximation expression the linear equations set that the time coefficients basis function 's spatial derivative and the jitters of probe beams are met is established . By solving the linear equations set the series coefficients are obtained .

    从波前低阶近似表达式出发建立了 时间系数、 函数的空间导数与探测光束偏折角所满足的线性方程组,通过求解该方程组得到系列低阶时间系数。

  • The paper mainly discusses the freedom of synchronization of absolute time found and keep absolute time of signaled by using GPS high precision time basis . To improve precision synchronization of Loran C system and consummate the navigation capability .

    主要探讨了利用GPS提供高精度的外 时间 基准,建立和保持发射信号的绝对时间,即可实现绝对时间的自由同步,以此来提高罗兰C系统本身的同步精度,进一步增强和完善系统的导航性能。

  • The development of age and society request that we should make Marx 's fundamental ideas on theory of state develop with the time on the basis of correct understanding of it .

    时代和社会的发展要求我们在正确把握马克思国家理论基本思想的 基础 使这一理论 与时俱进

  • Interest income is recognized on a time proportion Basis that takes into account the effective yield on the asset .

    利息收入乃根据 时间比例作 基准 该等资产之有效收益确认。

  • Tax will be calculated on the total income and then apportioned on time basis .

    在计算税额后,按在内地停留 天数计算 缴纳税款。

  • Recorders are practising barristers who act as judges on a part - time basis . Article 13 An in-service functionary in a State organ shall not concurrently practice as a lawyer .

    巡回刑事法院的 兼职法官可以作为高级律师开业。第十三条国家机关的现职工作人员不得兼任执业律师。