time of vibration

[taɪm ʌv vaɪˈbreʃən][taim ɔv vaɪˈbreɪʃən]

[电] 振动周期

  • It provides the beneficial analyse data and method for dynamic design and time effect of vibration technology for eliminating body remains stress on pin gear fit .

    为销齿副的动态设计及残余应力 振动 时效工艺提供了有益的分析数据和方法。

  • Identification of arriving time of vibration induced by geostress dynamic unloading during Blasting-Excavation employing method of time-energy analysis based on Wavelet Transform

    基于小波变换时-能密度分析的爆破开挖过程中地应力动态卸载 振动到达 时刻识别

  • The angelic realms are here to help ALL at this time of heightening vibration and we wish to offer our assistance to ALL at any time that help is needed .

    天使界是来帮助所有人在这个 时期提高 振动的,我们渴望为所有的人在需要帮助时提供我们的帮助。

  • This software can plot the trajectory of axis center of some given cross-section of the rotor system Poincar é sectional view and time charts of vibration .

    该软件可绘制出转子系统的转子给定截面的轴心轨线图、Poincaré截面映像图和 振动 时域曲线图等。

  • The framework and approaches of turbopump post test data analysis were presented . Using the traditional time domain features of vibration signals the turbopump history test data were analyzed and based on the results some conclusions were drawn .

    提出了涡轮泵事后数据分析的步骤和软件总体框架,利用 振动 分析中常用的 时域统计特征参量,对涡轮泵历史试车数据进行了统计分析,并对分析结果进行了讨论。

  • Effect of Application Time of Ultrasonic Vibration on the Structure of Ingots

    超声波 振动处理 时间对铸锭组织的影响

  • On-line Judging Periodicity of The Time Series of Vibration of Rotor and Forecasting

    转子 振动 时间序列周期性的在线判断与预测

  • The longer time of vibration and the fiercer of frequency are .

    这种影响 振动 时间和频率的变化趋势与水蜜桃果实的一致。

  • According to the experimental results the irregular change of time histories of particle vibration is discussed in the period of strong motion and it is found that the Fourier spectrum can not describe the shock property of strong motion .

    根据实验结果, 质点 振动 时间历史在强震阶段的不规则变化进行了讨论,发现Fourier谱不能描述强震脉冲作用的特征。

  • Afterwards the results are analyzed through nonlinear regression in order to get the function between the amount of dust particles and time of vibration and vibration frequency .

    进而对结果进行多元非线性回归拟合,确定了尘土量与 振动 时间、频率因素的函数关系。

  • According to the short lasting time of the vibration above the Maximum Transient Vibration Value of the acceleration is selected as the comfort index which is also the criterion to decide if the differential settlement is tolerable .

    由于该 振动是持续 时间很短的瞬态振动,振动舒适性指标采用人的加速度最大瞬态振动值MTVV,它也为桥头跳车严重与否的衡量标准。

  • On the consideration of velocity frequency and retention time of the mass vibration the signal of blasting vibration is resolved by use of the wavelet packet and the new critical standard for blasting vibration by equivalent energy is established .

    应用小波分析工具对爆破地震信号进行分解,在考虑质点 振动的速度、频率、持续 时间的基础上,从能量角度提出折合能量判据。

  • Application of Wavelet Networks to the Prediction of Time Series of Vibration Data

    小波网络在 振动信号 时间序列预报中的应用

  • This method considers the whole time histories of vibration which differs from the traditional damping ratio identification method in the time domain which uses merely the amplitude to calculate damping ratio and overcomes the defect of the traditional logarithmic decrement method for high accuracy requirement of amplitude .

    该方法考虑了完整的基础 振动 程,不同于传统的时域阻尼比计算方法仅仅依据振幅的数值计算阻尼比,克服了传统对数衰减法对幅值测量精度要求很高的缺陷。

  • The calculation of magnitude limited earthquake magnitude according to the lasting time of vibration

    地震持续 时间计算限幅地震震级

  • The result shows that both instantaneous response time and amplitude of vibration in the sliding bearing flexible rotor system decrease with oil inertia force at a certain speed .

    研究表明:考虑惯性力后,此转子系统在定转速条件下,突加不平衡质量的响应 时间 振幅都减小了。

  • On a special apparatus for the experiment a correlation test between the time of grain vibration and its moisture is carried out and the result shows that there is a evident correspondence between the two factors .

    在特制的实验装置上进行了大豆的 振动 特性与其含水率的相关性试验,并得出了大豆的含水率与 振动 频率有着显著的对应关系。

  • The time history of the vibration wave was analyzed indicating that the whole waves mainly consisted of blasting vibration touchdown vibration of the upper lip of the nick and touchdown vibration of the chimney .

    分析了 振动波形的 时间历程,认为记录的整个波形主要含有爆破振动、缺口上唇磕地振动及烟囱塌落触地振动。

  • Real Time Measurement of Vibration Based on USB Camera

    利用普通摄像头实现 振动 实时测量

  • Finite element of ANSYS stress response displacement response and speed response were analyzed this slope blasting excavation by utilizing the transformed accelerated time interval curve from the test speed time interval of blasting vibration as the calculating loads .

    利用自编程序,将爆破 震动实测速度 程曲线转化为加速度时程曲线作为计算荷载,对该边坡爆破开挖进行了ANSYS有限元模态分析和应力响应、位移响应、速度响应 分析

  • Therefore we can identify the joint sounds according to the energy frequency amplitude and occurring time of the vibration on the joint sound sonogram .

    根据关节音的声谱图特征,从关节音 振动能量、频率、振幅、发生 时间等方面 关节音进行鉴别,可能有助于判断颞下颌关节的功能状况。

  • The mode set method for time series of vibration signal is discussed in this paper and its computer analysis program is compiled .

    振动信号 时间序列的建模方法进行了研究和探讨。

  • In this paper several time domain waveforms of vibration signal and its identification method in mechanical fault diagnosis are analysed .

    本文主要论述了机械故障诊断中,几类 振动信号 时域波形的分析与识别方法。

  • Based on research on characteristics of magnetostrictive material negative current feedback is adopted in controller to decrease time constant of magnetic vibration circuit resulting in high frequency increasing lower distorting and bigger output displacement .

    在研究超磁致伸缩材料性能的基础上,提出采用电流负反馈电路使磁 振荡 时间常数减小,以增加对高频信号的快速响应,减小失真,进而产生较大的位移输出。

  • Identification Analysis of the Time Varying Parameters of Vibration Systems

    振动系统 变参数识别分析

  • The occurrence of mechanical failure of high voltage breakers not only can cause time shift of vibration impulse events but also can bring the change of some wave crest shape in time domain .

    高压断路器机械故障的出现不仅会引起 振动冲击事件的 移,而且会引起时域波形中一些波峰形态的变化。

  • Time Series Modeling of Vibration Characteristics of Diesel Engine Cylinder Head Structure

    柴油机气缸盖 振动特性的 时间序列模型

  • The yield of enzyme activity and the activity of immobilized enzyme reach their peaks when the concentration of enzyme solution is 2.0mg/ml and the optimal time of vibration is 8 hours .

    通过对比实验分析确定,自由酶溶液浓度为 2.0mg/ml时,能使固定化酶活和酶活力收率 同时达到峰值;