


  • For the dominant use aim of commodity timberland is different from that of commonweal timberland .

    由于 公益性森林资源作为公共物品其 经营的主导利用目标是生态效益。

  • The regionality and sealability of collectivity timberland resource and institution arrangement of attaching importance to equity and make light of efficiency during the management of collectivity timberland ;

    集体 林地资源 使用 主体的区域性和封闭性,以及在集体林地分户经营中重公平而轻效率的制度安排;

  • The price of timberland resource is one of important problems in market allocation of timberland resource .


  • Reflection on Decrease in Quality of Commercial Timberland Base

    商品 基地质量下降的反思

  • She 'll dress me like a timberland barbie .

    她会把我打扮的像个 比熊。

  • Study on Timberland Market and Timberland Market Allocation


  • As my colleague Michael skapinker pointed out recently timberland shoes are popular with both hikers and hip-hop artists but when the crossover between two sets of users is small so is the likelihood of customer confusion .

    正如我的同事迈克尔斯卡平克(michaelskapinker)最近指出的那样, timberland鞋在远足者和说唱歌手中都很受欢迎,但这两类客户之间的交集很小,因此客户混淆的可能性也很小。

  • Although Timberland is public the family maintains 69 percent voting control .

    虽然 是上市 公司,但史瓦兹家族占有百分之六十九的表决控制权。

  • Timberland used a waterproof leather upper to increase the durability and weather resistance of this boot so you can head out in nearly any conditions without worry .

    这款 用了防水的皮革材料,从而也增加了耐久性,不管在什么 的天气下都不用担心了。

  • But the low using efficiency of timberland is inappropriate for this austere realism .

    但与这一严峻的现实 不相称的却是我国 林地利用的低效率。

  • Because the dominant use aim of commodity timberland is different from that of commonweal timberland the price connotation and the evaluation way are also different .

    由于商品性 林地与公益性林地的主导利用目标不同, 的价格内涵和估价方法不同。

  • We were wearing our best clothes Plat flannel shirt quarter Royce you know timberland shoes We though that was corporate dress and we could go close these deals But we did learn .

    我们穿着自己最好的衣服,小块法兰绒衬衫,罗伊斯手表,还有 天木 鞋子,我们觉得穿这身去十分 适合 洽谈一定可以搞定 业务,但我们的确成长了。

  • Hugh Humfrey partner at timberland investment resources Europe a forestry investment group said the few opportunities for foreigners to invest in Chinese timberland he had seen all appeared too risky .

    林业投资集团 timberlandinvestmentresources欧洲公司合伙人休赫姆弗雷(hughhumfrey)表示,自己所看到的为数不多的外国人投资中国林业的机会,看起来风险都太高。

  • The market distribution of timberland resource is based on the growth of timberland market which is the place for timberland property right bargain .


  • As the using of timberland resource plays an important role in ecology environment and in view of particularity of timberland resource it is necessary to sustainable use timberland resource .

    由于 林地资源的利用对生态环境有十分重大的影响,且林地资源本身的特殊性,要求实行可持续利用。

  • The causes of decrease in quality of commercial timberland base were analysed and the way to solute the problem was offered .

    作者对商品 基地质量下降的原因进行了分析,提出了对策。

  • The priority of the infiltration ability of underlying surface is terrace > timberland > grassland > barren slope > town road .

    下垫面入渗能力依次为:梯田> 林地>草地>荒坡地>村镇道路。

  • We 're going to run out of space pretty quickly says Betsy Blaisdell senior manager of environmental stewardship at Timberland ( TBL ) maker of boots shoes and other outdoor gear .

    “我们马上就没‘田’可种了”,该公司环境工作高级经理贝琪•布莱斯代说。 伯伦是一家专门 出品靴子、鞋子及其他户外用品的 公司

  • Therefore the mode of timberland property right in China can only be monopoly-competition mode .

    因此,我国 林地产权市场模式只能是垄断竞争型的。

  • TIMBERLAND staff buy produce at a little farm stand in their cafeteria and proceeds support a food bank in New Hampshire & a fairly common approach for employee gardens .

    伯伦的员工在自助餐厅 特设柜台购买 小农产品,获得的收入用于帮助位于新罕布什尔州的一个“食物银行”, 大部分员工菜园都是这样运作的。

  • Application of EVA to timberland investing .


  • The company recently had acquired a publishing empire an insurance company and half a million acres of timberland .

    最近,这家公司又买进了一个庞大的出版系统,一家保险公司以及五十万英亩的 森林