time closing

[taɪm ˈklozɪŋ][taim ˈkləuziŋ]


  • Gold continued its upward march in a time of global financial tumult closing above $ 1 an ounce Thursday for the first time as investors seek safe haven in the metal .

    在全球金融市场动荡不安、投资者寻求金属类投资品做避风港 ,黄金继续保持上行趋势,周四 收盘价首次突破每盎司1500美元的大

  • In order to transfer energy from the charged capacitor to EM coil launcher in a short time interval a special closing switch is used to handle high voltage and heavy current .

    电磁线圈发射器工作需要能承受很高工作电压和很大工作电流的 闭合开关,这些开关 目前主要有半导体开关和间隙类开关。

  • The Foreign Ministry is for the time being not considering closing the embassy and Cypriot diplomats will stay in the Egyptian capital unless the unrest there escalates .

    外交部是 暂时不会考虑 关闭大使馆,塞浦路斯外交官将在埃及首都逗留,除非那里的动乱升级。

  • After closing time especially a legally established closing time .

    在结束 时间之后,特别是在法定的 结束时间之后。

  • Time for the third kind of closing well is so long that flange steel ring groove on the top of casing-head is heavily corroded in M4 well being situated in Tarim basin .

    位于塔里木盆地的M4井,由于三类 时间较长,造成套管头上部法兰钢圈槽严重腐蚀。

  • It was within half an hour or so of the time of closing .

    关门 时间已不到半小时。

  • The Application of PLC in Measuring the Undergoing Time from Opening to Closing the Table of High Level Palletizer

    PLC在高位码垛机开 关门 时间测量中的应用

  • With this standard the optimum impedence coefficient in relation to the geometry size and the position of the impedance hole has been determined and a set of curves denoting the optimum impedance cofficient changing with the time of closing the gate have been presented .

    在此准则下决定出与阻抗孔的几何尺寸及位置有关的最优阻抗系数,给出了最优阻抗系数随 关闭 时间而改变的一组曲线。

  • However it is more time consuming to construct closing loops on all of our patients .

    然而,更多的 时间消耗建造 闭幕循环在我们所有的病人。

  • After pointing out the problems resulted from the mixed tubing & casing fracturing this paper presents three kinds of improvement methods : sand settling in rat hole nozzle adjustment and time closing of valve .

    指出了油套混压存在的问题,提出了三种工艺改进办法:口袋沉砂法、嘴子调节法和 定时 阀法。

  • But the fact that any indie stores are opening at a time when big-box chains are closing says a lot about being small and local .

    但在大型连锁书店 关闭旗下分店的 时候,个体书店却纷纷涌现,这个事实在很大程度上说明了向小看齐和本地化的趋势。

  • Thirdly by constructing the mechanical model of contact system and permanent magnet actuator the displacements of moving contact and moving core versus time while contactors ' closing are also simulated based on ADAMS software package .

    然后,利用ADAMS软件构建操动机构的机械模型,仿真动 触头和动铁心的位移- 时间特性。

  • His viewpoint about time is returning staying and closing .

    其参破 时间抗拒 时间的方式是:归去,不还, 闭关

  • Begging him to leave this terrible place she breaks away just in time before the rapidly closing portcullis closes in on her .

    公主请求王子赶快离开这个可怕的地方之后, 及时地在铁闸门 掉下之前跑进了城堡。

  • The hands are used for opening the umbrella at the time of opening and one hand is used for closing the umbrella at the time of closing .

    自合伞在开伞时用双手撑开,合伞 用单手就可使伞 合拢

  • If contacts of some contactor to start a motor are soldered fusing in a crane the crane will suddenly be started at time of closing the main power switch .

    如果一台起重机中的接触器触头发生熔焊,在总电源开关 合闸 ,这台起重机的电动机就会突然起动,就可能发生意外碰撞事故。

  • The best method increasing the production efficiency of the platen press was to reduce its auxiliary operating time that is the time for the rise and decline of the bolster and the time for opening and closing molds .

    提高平板硫化机生产效率,最有效的方法还应是快速硫化,减少平板硫化机辅助操作时间,即可动平台上升、下降时间和开模、 时间

  • Literary characteristics of diary-style fiction consist in the form of its reliability time frame and closing motif .

    日记体小说的文体特征在于它的真实性、 时间形式和 封闭性主题。

  • The closing time of quick closing valve is the time that oil completely flows out of the piston vat .

    在液流惯性阻力未知的情况下解决了速 阀关闭 时间问题。 即速 关闭的时间即为活塞缸中液体油完全排出的时间。

  • Once again we had front-row seats & this time for nature 's closing .

    再一次我们获得了前排的位子,这一 我们是来看大自然落下 帷幕

  • A Calculating Method for Flow Time When Measuring Pressure in Closing Fractured Oil Well

    压裂油井 井测压地层流动 时间的计算方法

  • I would also be getting out of bed about the time all the good restaurants were closing .

    我还会在所有的好餐馆都 关门 起床。

  • The FFT can calculate the actual frequency of voltage and enhance the precision in calculating the time of closing or opening the AC electrical apparatus .

    它能够较精确地计算电网电压的实际频率,提高 移相延时 时间测算的准确度。

  • The common directly-acted descaling valve and pilot overflow descaling valve suffered from a defect that a greater pressure percussion produced at the time of opening and closing or the opening and closing time can not be adjusted .

    常用的直动式除鳞和先导溢流式除鳞阀存在启 产生较大的压力冲击,或启闭时间不可调的缺陷。

  • Late last week we opened a position in Chinese equities within the hedgeye virtual portfolio for the first time since closing a long position in late September of last year .

    上周晚些时候,我们的HedgeyeVirtualPortfolio对中国股票进行了建仓,这是自去年9月末我们 结清中国股票多头仓位以来的 首次

  • The earth crust in Nanling experienced three time opening closing with different scales ;

    南岭地区地壳经历3 不同规模的南北向 开合活动;

  • Proposals were given including two day long construction period closing the up and down lines separately construction of 2 or 3 stations at the same direction being carried out at the same time construction and closing at noon etc. .

    提出了2天一个施工周期、上下行施工地段分别封闭、每2~3个站的同方向结合在 一起施工、施工 封闭点选择在上午等观点。

  • Four separate journal entries could be made to close these four expense accounts but the use of one compound journal entry is an easier time saving method of closing all four expense accounts .

    结清这四个费用账户可以作四个单独的日记账分录,但是使用复合日记账分录来 结清这四个费用账户更容易,并且更节省 时间

  • We carried out a series of study on the optimum method and time closing explosive wound with tissue defects and the application of G-BRX to explosive bone defects .

    本课题拟研究爆炸伤所致肢体严重软组织缺损早期最佳修复方法和 时机,并探讨 G-BRX在爆炸伤性骨缺损早期修复中的应用价值,对合并骨缺损者找到一种良好的修复材料。

  • Booming Asia had more millionaires than Europe for the first time last year and is fast closing in on North America for the top spot a report released Thursday said .

    本周四发布的最新报告显示,亚洲的百万富翁人数在2010年 首次超过欧洲,与排名第一的北美差距也迅速 缩小