time of duration

[taɪm ʌv dʊˈreʃən][taim ɔv djuəˈreiʃən]


  • There was no significance comparing the parameters of peak intensity initiation time of enhancement time of reaching peak intensity and enhancement duration between two groups .

    造影后子宫肌瘤和腺肌瘤峰值强度、始增 时间、达峰 时间以及增强 时间各参数比较差异无统计学意义。

  • In fact every kind of psychological disorder in clinical diagnosis should be required to have their time to master each of the duration of Mental Disorder criteria is not easy .

    事实上,每一种心理障碍在临床诊断上都有其被要求应该达到的 时间,要掌握每种心理障碍的临床 持续 时间标准并不容易。

  • The volume of fluid input time and area of eschar shaving duration of wound healing incidence of complication and mortality were comparatively analyzed between two groups .

    比较两组补液量、切削痂 时间及面积、创面愈合 时间、并发症发生率、死亡率。

  • The Effect of Time Metaphor on the Estimation of Time Duration

    时间隐喻对时 判断的影响作用

  • Conclusion TBM may lead to prolonged time of mechanical ventilation and duration of ICU stay in patients with congestive CHD especially in young infants with low body weight .

    结论TBM对充血型CHD早期恢复的影响主要表现在机械通气 时间和ICU停留 时间延长,尤其是低年龄、低体质量患儿;

  • The average time of duration was 7.47 days per case .

    医院感染 延长的住院天数为平均每例 747d

  • Multiplicity logistic regression model analysis showed time of recovery to EEG and duration of seizures were the risk factors of secondary epilepsy after viral encephalitis ( P 0.05 ) .

    Logistic回归分析显示惊厥 持续 时间及EEG恢复 时间为病毒性脑炎继发癫癎的危险因素(P0.05)。

  • Normally they are offered as part of a benefits package outlined at the time of recruitment and added to over the duration of an employee 's time at the company .

    通常,公司会在招聘 标明员工福利,在续签劳动合的同时也会加上福利部分。

  • Filling duration occurrence time of maximal filling rate duration of slight-increase period and slight-increase period filling rate were less affected by weak light and high temperature .

    灌浆持续期、最大灌浆速率出现 时间、缓增 持续 和缓增期灌浆速率受弱光和高温影响较小。

  • The average time of onset and the average duration was 46.50 days and 42.50 days respectively .

    平均发病 时间为46.50天,平均 病程为42.50天。

  • At the same time will express sunshine time length of the sunshine duration and can reflect the building toward of the sunlight space as evaluation indexes .

    同时,将可以表达日照 时间长度的 日照 以及可以反映建筑朝向、布局的日照间距作为分析评价指标。

  • Methods : The sublingual medication for the care of 36 infants with seizure was compared with venous injection and rectal perfusion in time of preparation antispasmodic duration total therapeutic time and success rate of single administration .

    方法:以静脉推注和直肠灌注为对照,对36例惊厥患儿在治疗准备 时间、止痉 时间、治疗总时间及一次给药成功率上进行比较。

  • Program evaluation and review technique solve the weighted average time or expectation of duration using theory of probability and statistics . This calculation is quite complex .

    计划评审技术利用概率统计理论,求解 工期的加权平均 时间或期望 持续 时间,这在计算上相当复杂。

  • If you are expecting application response times greater than 10 seconds you might want to choose a control delay time of a similar duration .

    如果预计应用程序响应时间长于10秒,那么您有可能希望选择一个具有类似 持续 时间的控制延迟 时间

  • Conclusion The major factors affecting the effective rate of CPR are the primary disease the age the starting time of electric defibrillation and CPR and the duration of CPR ;

    结论原发疾病、患者年龄、电除颤开始 时间、CPR开始 时间、CPR 持续 时间是影响CA患者CPR有效率的重要因素;

  • Time is * the determination of sunshine duration on different hill slopes

    任一坡面 日照 时间的确定

  • Therefore it is very important to evaluate these factors at the time of choosing the type and duration of treatment .

    因此,在治疗 时机的选择及治疗 过程中对以上因素的评价是非常重要的。

  • Results The time of stay in ICU duration of mechanical ventilation dose of inotropic drugs were the best correlated with Tc . Si + Di was relatively well and SF was mildly correlated with postoperative outcome .

    结果Tc与ICU监护 时间,呼吸机 维持 时间,正性肌力药物剂量相关性最高, Si+Di与术后情况相关性较好,SF与术后情况轻微相关。

  • Systolic murmurs are classified according to their time of occurrence sound quality and duration .

    根据其出现 时间、音性质及 持续 时间对收缩期杂音进行分类。

  • The paper investigates the influence of increasing the pH of the bupivacaine solution for brachial plexus anesthesia oon time of onset of local anesthesia and the duration of useful analgesia .

    考察了臂丛麻醉时提高布比卡因溶液pH值对麻醉起效 时间、止痛维持 时间布比卡因药物动力学的影响。

  • Results : 7 cervical pregnancy patients were all successfully cured by one time of UAE . The duration of operation was 35 ~ 50 ( 42.3 ± 5.3 ) min.

    结果:7例患者均一次性运用UAE治疗成功,平均手术 时间42.3±5.3)min;

  • The time of cardiopulmonary bypass and duration of assistant circulation in Group ⅰ were significantly shorter than those in Group ⅱ( P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 ) .

    Ⅰ组的体外循环 时间及辅助循环 时间显著少于Ⅱ组(P<0.05和P<0.01)。

  • Results : Gegen Mixture could significantly alleviate mouse ataxia caused by alcohol decrease the frequency of spontaneous activity of mice postponed the time of sleeping latency shortened the duration of drunk in mice and obviously reduce the death rate induced by acute alcoholism .

    结果复方葛根合剂能明显缓解小鼠因醉酒引起的平衡失调现象,抑制酒精致中枢兴奋引起的小鼠自主活动增多,延长小鼠睡眠耐受 时间,缩短睡眠 维持 时间,降低急性酒精中毒的死亡率。

  • Study on Disruption Management for Customer Time Window Changes in Logistics Classification of Short Duration Disturbances Based on Similarity of Varying Scale Benchmark

    物流配送客户 时间窗变动干扰管理研究 短时电能质量扰动变尺度标杆相似度识别

  • The round sharp acupuncture therapy for lumbar disc herniation significant with short onset time the advantages of long duration of analgesia .

    员利针疗法治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效显著,具有起效 时间短,镇痛 时间长的优势。

  • DRC treatment prolonged the survival time of mice and the duration of electrocardiograph in trachea closed mice .

    实验结果表明:DRC能显著延长小鼠常压缺氧环境下的存活 时间以及夹闭气管小鼠心电图消失 时间