time of memory

[taɪm ʌv ˈmɛməri][taim ɔv ˈmeməri]

[法] 能追忆到的时期, 法律可追溯的年代

  • Eventually the paper points out limitation of uC / OS-II for example delay of time tick waste of memory and task stack and bring forward ameliorated projects . Which offers valuable advice for future research .

    论文最后指出了操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ的缺陷,如时钟中断 延时内存和任务栈的浪费,并提出了改进方案,为下一步的研究工作提供了有价值的建议。

  • Mixed emotion reduced the reaction time of recognition memory .

    混合情绪减少被试再认 记忆的反应

  • It was erected before the time of living memory . So was he seven years in building it .

    它建造的 时间为人所 不知

  • You can now configure a private memory cache for every CPUVP to decrease the time of server memory allocation on large multiprocessor computers .

    现在可以为每个CPUVP配置一个私有内存缓存,以减少大型多处理器计算机上的服务器 内存分配 时间

  • As for maintaining more time of the immune memory by this immune method it is necessary to be investigated .

    至于这种免疫 记忆能否维持更长 时间,尚待进一步探讨。

  • To meet the needs of practical application the performance of the storage system is optimized by means of reducing the waiting time of memory operations modifying bottom-level driver and functions .

    为了满足实际应用需求,从减少 存储器操作的等待 时钟、修改底层驱动程序和文件系统实现函数等多个角度对该存储系统的性能进行了优化。

  • When this result is applied to numerical computation the accuracy of the stress approximation can be greatly improved and the time of computation and the memory requiment will not be increased .

    利用应力佳点,可以在不增加计算 时间 存贮量的情况下显著提高应力逼近精度。

  • This at that time engrave to make you all can 't be thin to forget forever it will become your the abyss of time of memory embed at you of mind deep place .

    这一 时刻使你永远都无法淡忘,它将成为你永恒的 记忆,深藏在你的心灵深处。

  • Then they are asked to estimate how much time or money each lapse of memory cost .

    然后要求他们计算每一次 记忆丧失造成的 时间或金钱浪费。

  • Pictures of yellow lost lost the left in the bottom of my heart for a long time traces of withered memory lost .

    遗失了发黄的照片,遗失了留存于心底 很久的痕迹,遗失了枯萎的 记忆

  • This practice have exist from before the time of legal memory .

    这种惯常做法从法律 记忆 时间前就一直存在。

  • But as the developing time of the Magnetism Memory Technology is very short some theories are not very mature .

    但由于磁 记忆检测技术发展的 时间短暂,有些理论还很不成熟。例如,对被检试件的压磁磁化机理还没有完全弄清;

  • The purpose of this experiment was to discuss the influence of output time for performance of short-term memory ( STM ) in oral and writing output modes .

    实验目的是探讨在不同的输出方式下,输出 时间对短时 记忆的影响是否相同。

  • But I spent a long time considering what aspect of memory I found most intriguing and possible to tackle within the confines of the research seminar .

    但是,我仍然花了很长 时间来考虑究竟自己 记忆的哪个领域更感兴趣、并且有可能在研讨会上阐述。

  • Properly dealing with mutual coupling the method decreases the computation time and the need of memory capacity greatly .

    由于较好地处理了互耦的影响,这种方法极大地节省了计算 时间 存贮 单元,并使激励源型式具有很大的灵活性。

  • Shows that the time of elaborating the specific memory in depression group is shorter Implies that patients with depression is difficult to recall the details of the specific memory .

    表明抑郁症组对具体性 记忆精加工所用的 时间短,暗示了抑郁症组很难回忆出具体性记忆的详细内容。

  • Research on the Time Series of Short Memory and Forecast


  • Names like sprintf and nmtkns are relics of a time when supercomputers had32 KB of memory .

    像sprintf和 nmtkns这样的名称是超级计算机只有32KB 内存 时代的遗物。

  • Besides the performance test shows the average time of allocating memory is 0.05s . The average time for disk read and write is 0.3s .

    性能测试表明,系统的 内存的平均分配 时间为0.05秒,磁盘平均读写时间为0.3秒。

  • Mental Time Travel : Uniqueness of Episodic Memory

    心理 时间之旅&情景 记忆的独特

  • Economic time series is of obvious memory represent as the series have remarkable autocorrelation even apart of many spacing the historical events would influence future events for a long time .

    经济 时间序列具有非常明显的 记忆性,表现为即使相距较远的时间间隔,序列仍然具有显著的自相关性。历史事件会长期影响未来,这就是经济时间序列的长记忆性。

  • Requirements were programmed output t1 t2 t3 t4 time of memory free zone status .

    要求编程序分别输出t1、t2、t3、t4 时刻 内存的空闲区的状态。

  • Results Gingkgo Biloba Extra shortened the reaction time of leaning prolonged the latent time of memory reduced times of mistakes and restrained the activity of AchE .

    结果银杏叶提取物可使模型小鼠学习反应时间缩短, 记忆潜伏 时间延长,错误次数减少;可抑制AchE的活性。

  • Memory hours ( the time xMBs of memory are allocated to a server in MB / h ) .

    内存时间(给服务器分配 内存 速度,单位为MB/h)。

  • Fufang Danshen tablets could shorten the reaction time of study prolonged the latent time of memory reduced times of mistakes .

    复方丹参片可使模型小鼠学习反应时间缩短, 记忆潜伏 时间延长,错误次数减少。

  • We also studied experimentally the ingredients affect the storage time and efficiency of the memory such as the pulse shape pulse parameters the temperature of the atomic ensemble . The partial results verify the theoretical researches that have been published .

    实验中还研究了脉冲形状、脉冲参数、原子系综温度等对存储 时间存储效率的影响,部分结果验证了已发表文献中的理论研究结果。