time base error

[taɪm bes ˈɛrɚ][taim beis ˈerə]


  • Finally we also studied frequency band extension under time base distortion condition by simulation . The results show that the compensation of time base distortion can reduce the error of signal and then increase the accuracy of frequency band extension .

    最后,对时基失真条件下的频带展宽技术的仿真表明 时基失真的补偿可以减小信号的 误差,因而提高频带展宽的精度。

  • Application of 555 time base circuit in felt error checking device

    555 时基电路在 毛布跑偏中的应用

  • The time base error and the correction

    录像信号中的 时基 误差及其校正 美国人 时间

  • The results of variance decomposition shows that in the first period of time the proportion of the monetary base contribution is 100 % because of all the changes in the monetary base are coming from their own standard error and then its contribution is gradually declining .

    方差分解结果显示,在第1 由于 基础货币的所有变动均来自自身的新生标准 误差,贡献度比例为100%,而后自身的贡献度逐渐下降。

  • The main error sources of pulse width measurement including counter 's repeatability trigger level timing error time base error the amplifier hysteresis error LSD displayed error etc. are analyzed .

    分析了脉冲信号源脉宽测量时的主要误差来源,包括计数器测量重复性、触发定时误差、 时基 误差、放大器滞后误差、分辨力误差等;

  • Time Base Error Correction for VTR

    VTR的 时基 误差校正

  • Based on the principle of the time base error producing using frame memory PAL coded chip CPU FPGA control logic the video time base correct circuit is realized .

    在分析 时基 误差产生原理的基础上,利用帧存和PAL(逐行倒相)编解码芯片及CPU和FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)控制逻辑设计实现了视频时基校正电路。

  • The Calibration of Time Delay Between Different Channel and The Estimation of Time Base Error in Oscillograph

    示波器通道时延偏差校准与 时基 误差估计