time bargain

[taɪm ˈbɑrɡɪn][taim ˈbɑ:ɡin]


  • At the same time the cost of real estate in big cities such as Hong Kong Beijing and Shanghai has skyrocketed making a $ 1 million condo in Boston look like a relative bargain .


  • There is no necessary to lower the index of A stock to solve the problem of non-circulation of the state share . This paper gives the way that sets different regulations on circulation system to sell T + 1 system as time bargain .

    解决国有股非流通问题不应降低深沪股市A股的股指,可以通过对交易制度的不同规定,将 T+1流通制度作为 期货来出售。

  • By the time of the first nuclear explosion a little more than a decade later in New Mexico the idea of physics as a Faustian bargain was to its makers already a clich é .

    刚过十年之后,在新墨西哥州进行了 首次核爆炸。此时,将物理学当作 浮士德式 交易的说法对核弹的制造们来说已经是老生常谈了。

  • Therefore it is never more important than at the time when the bargain being made that both parties should have a thorough understanding of the terms to which they are agreeing .

    因此,在 契约 签订 最重要的就是使合同双方对所认同的条款都有十分透彻的理解。

  • But it is at the same time putting machinery in place that could be used to make a bargain .

    与此同时,美国也在利用可以被用来 讨价还价的(交)制。

  • China has fooled itself again this time in believing that holding their trade imbalance in dollar denominated treasury bonds represents a fair bargain .

    中国再一次愚弄了自己,这一 他们误以为把贸易失衡(出超)换成以美元发行的美国国债攥着,就代表 公平交易了。

  • A crowd of housewives crowded into the store when the goods were on sale . Lose no time in Buying a real Bargain at the Big clearance sale .

    大减价时大批家庭主妇涌进商店抢购. 清货大减价, 便宜货。

  • Lose no time in buying a real bargain at the big clearance sale .

    清货大减价, 便宜

  • For the first time labor had been given the legal right to bargain collectively .

    劳工第一 获得了集体 谈判的合法权利。

  • During that time he learned how to bargain and how to persuade customers .

    在那段 期间,他学会了如何 讲价和说服客人。

  • Men need to understand that when a woman takes time to be alone she 's expressing a need to be autonomous not a lack of love and she 's making herself a better companion in the bargain .

    男人应该知道女人 独处只是表明她不愿总是依附他人,而不是对丈夫没感情,她正力图使自己成为一位更好的 伴侣

  • With the development of computer technology and network technology electronic commerce is growing fleetly these years . However there is still some security problem such as time of bargain attestation blocking on its way .

    电子商务随着计算机技术和网络技术的发展快速发展,但是也存在着诸如 合同 时间认证等安全性问题使其推广受到阻碍。

  • Talking about the Time - bargain and the Accounting Theory

    也谈 期货 交易与会计理论

  • At the same time in the bargain Chiang Kai-shek to some extent held the principle of territory and sovereignty thus expressed some national consciousness .

    同时,在 交涉中,蒋介石把握了一定的领土与主权的外交原则,表现出了一定的民族意识。

  • Parent 's supervision did not work all the time as children had learnt to bargain for more time to play .

    父母的监督 一直没有效果,因为孩子已经学会了 讨价还价争取更多时间来玩。

  • Waveform Fractal Feature of Time Domain of Stock Market Bargain Data in China

    证券市场 交易数据的 时域波形分形特征

  • The alternative for me is to say that each time the market drops and throws up some of these bargain basement ideas I 'll deploy some capital as long as I have some capital left .

    对我来说可选择的办法是, 每次市场下跌到 低价区的 时候,我就会利用我能用的资金来买入。

  • Navigating the market that lined the path from the parking lot took time : Malachi had to bargain for T-shirts passion fruit and chess sets .

    从停车场出来,经过的道路两边都设有市场,从市场里寻路走过去花了我们不少 时间。玛拉基得 砍价买T恤、西番莲果和国际象棋棋具。