time of effect

[taɪm ʌv ɪˈfɛkt][taim ɔv iˈfekt]

[经] 有效期间

  • Comparison between the calculation results and that of actual tests shows that the balancing time of the lever system has art extreme effect on the measuring accuracy of the dynamic mechanical track scale .

    同时与实际检测结果对照,说明杠杆系平衡 时间对机械动态轨道衡的计量精度有极大 影响

  • The results showed that the temperature and time of the heat treatment had different effect on the protein fractions .

    结果表明,热处理温度和 时间对样品中的蛋白质组分均有不同程度的 影响

  • While fermenting the time of fermentation had no obvious effect on the physics indexes of the product .

    发酵 时间对产品的物性和出品率没有明显 影响

  • The time course of affective priming effect

    情绪启动 效应 特征

  • It should include names of the items regulations items explanations and time of being in effect and expired .

    其内容包括条例的名称、规范、条文以及有关条例的说明和解释、条例 生效或施行 时间等。

  • The results showed that the breakthrough time of adsorption resin was longer and its heat effect was lower .

    实验结果表明,吸附树脂的穿透 时间长,温 升略低,适于油气吸附分离。

  • Long circulation liposomes improves the side effect of anti-tumour drugs increases target distribution prolongs time of blood cycle enhances curative effect for tumour .

    长循环脂质体可改善抗肿瘤药物的不良反应,增加靶向性,延长血循环 时间,增强抗癌 疗效

  • The Methods to Deal with Time Offset and An Analysis of Their Effect to Positioning Accuracy in Multi-mode Satellite Navigation System

    多模卫星导航系统中的 时差处理方法对定位的 影响分析

  • At the same time of ensuing heat-exchange area and cooling effect the condenser is matched perfectly with vehicle .

    在保证换热面积及制冷 效果 同时与主机车型达到最佳匹配。

  • The Effects of Stroke Number and Viewing Time of Cues on the Perception Interference Effect in Chinese Characters Identification

    学习、笔画和线索注视 时间对汉字知觉干扰 效应的影响

  • When the grain size decreases the moisture sensitivity increases and the time of effect increases too .

    粉料颗粒尺寸减小时敏感度增高, 响应 时间加快。

  • The result shows the co-soaking improved the framework and the temperature soaking time and concentration of terrae rare had great effect on the framework .

    结果表明:硼铬稀土共渗改善了渗层组织,而且温度、保温 时间、稀土浓度的变化对渗层组织都有较大的 影响

  • With the residence time distribution of materials the effect of specific reactor style on polymer properties are studied and the key parameters for macroscale model are presented .

    利用物料停留 时间分布,研究了具体的反应器形式对聚合物性质的 影响,并得到了宏观反应器建模的重要参数。

  • As production time increases the impact of skin effect becomes disappearing .

    随生产 时间增长,表皮 效应的影响逐渐消失。

  • In the same concentration the more the time of effect is long the more the rate of bacteriostasis is high .

    同一浓度下, 作用 时间越长,抑菌率就越高。

  • Results The therapeutic group was better than the control group on the transforming negative time of tuberclostic bacteria in sputum and the effect of pulmonary atelectasis .

    结果在痰菌阴转 时间及肺不张 疗效方面治疗组均优于对照组。

  • The time effectiveness of capillary effect improvement of ramie fabrics processed by RF glow discharging was studied .

    介绍射频辉光放电等离子体改善苎麻织物毛细 效应 时效 的实验。

  • Dots or dashes in a row leading the eye across a page as in an index entry . The Effects of Stroke Number and Viewing Time of Cues on the Perception Interference Effect in Chinese Characters Identification

    指引线引导视线掠过书页的成排点或短划线,如在索引词条中学习、笔画和线索注视 时间对汉字知觉干扰 效应的影响

  • RESULT The decoction of Fructus Corni Officinalis and its extracts ( IV )~( VII ) could prolong the breathing time of mice after decollation indicating their effect in reducing the tissue 's oxygen consumption increasing material metabolism and energy metabolism and preventing hypoxia of the brain .

    结果山茱萸水煎液及提取物(Ⅳ)~(VII)均使小鼠断头后张口喘气 时间延长,提示其能降低组织耗氧,提高物质代谢和能量代谢,表现出抗脑缺氧 作用

  • Methods 160 cases of patients with uterectomy were randomly grouped epidural block anesthesia group ( CEA ) and combined spinal-epidural block group ( CSEA ) . We observed the time of taking effect effect and incidence of complication .

    方法160例子宫切除术病人随机分为硬膜外阻滞(CEA)与CSEA两组,观察两组的 起效 时间、阻滞效果及并发症的发生率。

  • The results showed : ( 1 ) The intensity and work time of electric field had effect on the moisture gradient along height of the wood .

    研究结果表明:①电场强度与作用 时间对马尾松木材厚度(高度)方向的含水率梯度有 影响

  • Time history of response to effect of vertical seismic traveling wave at Pudong Airport Terminal (ⅱ) in Shanghai

    浦东机场候机楼竖向地震行波 效应 程分析

  • Overview of Relation between Retaining Time of Acupuncture and Effect for Apoplexy

    针刺治疗中风留针 时间 效应关系的概述