


  • Tiled walls white wash-basin and a bathtub !

    瓷片 的墙,洁白的洗手盆,还有浴缸!

  • Unlike larger-area LCD displays tiled LCDs offer more flexibility scalability and the possibility for a higher resolution .

    与大尺寸的单块LCD液晶显示屏相比较,液晶 拼接提供更加有弹性的、可扩展的高分辨率。

  • The roof is ready to be tiled .

    屋顶可以 盖瓦了。

  • There 're a heated towel rail in the bathroom fully tiled .

    浴室里有烘干毛巾架,整个浴室都 瓷砖

  • Huge mountains surrounded the inlets the sky was a brilliant blue and the stone houses with their red tiled roofs were such a contrast to the grandeur of the natural environment .

    巨大的山脉包围了口,天空是一个辉煌的蓝色和红色的 瓷砖与屋顶的石头房子这样的对比,自然环境雄伟。

  • A porcelain mosaic tiled wall and plastic stools in chartreuse give this kitchen a refreshing modern look .


  • The tiled floor was wet and slippery


  • There is a bright red kitchen here a pond full of goldfish a marble terrace an outdoor shower tiled in shiny mosaics ; while I shampoo I can watch the herons nesting in the palm trees .

    这儿有鲜红色的厨房,养满金鱼的池塘,大理石露台, 马赛克 瓷砖的户外淋浴间&我可以一边洗头一边观看筑巢于棕榈树上的苍鹭。

  • The terracotta tiled floor gives the place a wonderfully homely character .


  • He heard footsteps on the tiled floor .

    他听到 花砖地板上有脚步声。

  • The floor is tiled in blue .

    地板被 蓝色的。

  • Pluralized windows can be either tiled or overlapping .

    多元状态下窗口既可以 平铺,也可以层叠。

  • Once in ski boots I negotiated a tiled wet squat toilet .

    一次,我穿着滑雪靴去了一个湿漉漉的 瓦房蹲便厕所。

  • It carries me upstairs through a square in the tiled ceiling to a dim oak-paneled office .

    传送带穿过一个有屋顶 瓷砖的方格带我上楼,把我送到一间阴暗的、橡木装饰的办公室。

  • The high resolution of the tiled NSL-4601 video wall allows operators to sit close by and monitor high-density information .

    整个 拼接墙叠加成的高分辨率允许操作者坐在附近监视高密度的显示信号。

  • The image will be tiled if it is smaller than the table .

    如果图像比表小,图像将 平铺

  • The room is typically simple and unadorned with white walls and a tiled floor .

    墙壁是白色的,地面 地砖,房间布置得特别简单朴素。

  • The stone-built property is in good condition with a new tiled roof shuttered windows and electric heating .

    这栋石砌房屋的条件很不错,有新 瓦片屋顶,装有百叶窗的窗户还有电力供暖系统。

  • The white and grey tiled building is a corpse hotel its18 deceased guests tucked up in refrigerated coffins .

    这栋白墙灰 的建筑是一座存尸所,有18位具尸体被安放在冷冻的棺材里。

  • I heard a chink as the key hit the tiled floor .

    当钥匙掉在 瓷砖地板上时我听到叮当一声响。

  • Tiled kitchen floors are easy to keep clean .


  • This dissertation focuses on the analysis design and implementation of data-parallel memory system for Tiled Stream Processor .

    论文的研究工作着眼于 片式流处理器的数据并行存储系统的分析、设计和实现。

  • Each bungalow is built with high ceilings with hand made ceramic tiled roofs .

    每幢小屋都有高高的天花板,并有手工制造的陶瓷 屋顶。

  • Background picture tiled behind the text and graphics on the page .

    背景图片 平铺在页面的文本和图形之后。

  • The tiled floor of the kitchen slopes towards the drain .

    厨房的 瓷砖地向排水沟倾斜。

  • But it is the ballroom with its tiled floor and its paneling the stairs in the background and the lion 's paw at the side that creates the film 's dense powerful atmosphere .

    但是,有 地板和镶板的舞厅、后台的楼梯和侧面狮子的脚印,为电影制造了厚重有力的气氛。

  • Looking at the house from the patio with its ceramic tiled roof it becomes conventional .

    从庭院里看过去,这个 屋顶的房子显得十分传统。

  • Wash all tiled areas .

    水洗所有 瓷砖的地方。

  • Handpainted tiled murals for kitchens and bathrooms are Julie Eurich 's speciality .

    制作厨房和浴室用的手工绘制花砖是 朱莉·尤里克的专长。

  • Browsing is made easy by the clear tiled layout .

    浏览是很容易的明确 平铺布局。