till money

[tɪl ˈmʌni][til ˈmʌni]


  • Chris : You choose but make sure that they have some specials for cheap drinks . I don 't get paid till Friday and I spent too much money at the football game !

    你来选吧,但酒水一定要便宜,我要 周五 开支 ,看球赛我花了太多的 了。

  • I never knew till then how much I wanted my money to go in with Father 's.

    直到这时,我才知道我是多么想把我的 和爸爸的合在一起。

  • Prom morning till night he pondered the problem and reckoned up his money .


  • Children cannot rest till they get rid of their money or as we say it burns in their pockets .

    孩子们不把他们的 掉是不会甘心的,正如俗话说的& 心安

  • He was caught at the moment he was dipping into the till I be under the illusion that he be honest until he be catch stealing some money

    他在偷公款时被当场抓他 偷钱当场被人抓住,在此之前我 一直误以为他是个老实人

  • I 'm going to wait till dad 's in a more mellow mood before I ask him if I can borrow some money .

    我会 一直 等到爸爸心情愉快的时候再问他是否可以借我点

  • But you 'll have to work till you get enough money .

    不过,没凑到足够的 之前你还得工作。

  • He would have hidden the silver with the gold to wait there till his revenge was satisfied and then he would have had the misfortune to find that money turn up missing .

    他会把装金币的箱子藏在这里,然后去报仇,等 回来后会伤心地发现 东西不翼而飞。

  • He said he 'd cowhide me till I was black and blue if I didn 't raise some money for him .

    他说,要是我不能给他凑点 ,他便要狠狠地揍我,搞 我青一块紫一块的。

  • I didn 't mean anyone should know till the time came . I only meant to change the little bottle for a big one and I gave all my money to get it and I 'm truly trying not to be selfish any more .

    我并不是有意要 着你们,我只是花掉全部的 把小瓶的古龙水换成大瓶的,我真的不想再那么自私了。

  • Debt and money are locked up together to death its logistic inevitable result is debt increases forever till its debt money abandons thoroughly by the person or its interest heavy burden collapses oneself economy to develop those who cause whole system is final break down .

    债务与货币死锁在一起,其逻辑的必然结果就是,债务永远增加, 直到其债务 货币遭人彻底抛弃或其利息重负压垮自身经济发展,导致整个体系的最终崩溃。

  • I 'll stand here till the cows come home unless you pay me back the money I lent you .

    除非你把借我的 还我,要不然我会 一直站在这。(实习编辑: 顾萍

  • Your till 's full of money .

    你的 抽屉里全都是

  • I 've just been counting the till money .

    我一直在数 钱柜

  • My savings have dwindled away over the years till there is hardly any money left .

    这些年我的 积蓄越来越少,现在几乎没有余下什么了。

  • Till 2002 our country 's individual saving account has exceeded 70000 hundred million RMB . If we use this money in the infrastructure construction it has great significance to mitigate the lack of money .

    而至2002年,我国居民个人存款总额已突破70000亿人民币。如果把这些 资金引入我国的基础设施的建设,对于缓解我国基础建没资金的不足,将有极其重大的意义。