time lag

[taɪm læɡ][taim læɡ]


  • There 's a time lag between infection with HIV and developing AIDS

    从感染艾滋病病毒到病发有一 后期

  • There is a long time lag between when I do the work and when I get paid .

    我做工作和领薪水之间 相隔很长一段 时间

  • A study is made on existence and uniqueness and stability of almost periodic solutions to a class of nonlinear integrodifferential equations with finite time lag .

    研究一类具有无限 时滞的非线性微分积分方程,其概周期解的存在性、唯一性及稳定性等问题。

  • A Study on the Inside Time Lag of Monetary Policy in China

    我国货币政策的内部 效应 时滞问题研究

  • We have suffered a singular time lag in bringing to the problems of today and tomorrow the elements of yesterday 's thinking .

    我们在把昨天的思维原理用到今天和明天的问题的过程中,已经受到了异常的 文化 时滞的障碍。

  • The time lag of real output is longer than that of price .

    利率 传导的产出 时滞大于价格 时滞

  • To solve the problem of determining time lag and dimension simultaneously a new method of phase space analog prediction has been advanced with maximizing the historical forecast accuracy .

    本文针对相空间相似预报方法应用过程中存在需要同时确定 时滞和维数的困难,引入历史预报准确率最高原则,提出了一种相空间相似预报的新方法。

  • There is a time lag of about fifteen years .

    其间有15年左右的 间隔 时间

  • Agile development methodologies are lightweight processes that seek to minimize the time lag between identifying requirements and the delivery of working code .

    敏捷开发方法是轻量级流程,追求尽可能减少标识需求与工作代码交付之间的 时间 延迟

  • It is hard to build a precise math model for counter-gravity casting process for its time lag uncertainty and complexity .

    由于反重力铸造过程的 时滞 、不确定性、复杂性,难以建立精确的数学模型。

  • The time lag effects of vortex behaviour during wing rock comparing with static condition was observed .

    相对于静态而言翼摇滚过程中存在着旋涡特性的 滞后效应;

  • Time Lag Analysis on the Effect of Monetary Policy-Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition

    货币政策效应 时滞分析&脉冲响应函数与方差分解

  • This model shows you the effect of time lag on the population growth .

    本模型为你展示了人口增长带来的 滞后效应。

  • Judgments are more consistent if one can observe the same trait on different plots with little time lag .

    假如人们不 拖延 时间,逐个小区地观察同一性状,判断会更加准确。

  • What fascinated me was the time lag between the issue of my instructions to the ship and the ship 's response .

    使我极感兴趣的是我向船发布命令和船做出反应当中的 时间 间隔

  • Just at that moment I had a time lag flashback and saw the area again as it had been in the year AD2008 .

    就在那一时刻,我得了 时间 滞后症,在我脑海里,这个地方又闪回到公元2008年。

  • As a result I suffered from time lag .

    结果我得了 时间 滞后

  • One hurdle is the usual time lag between the presentation of policy advice and its implementation .

    一个障碍是在于政策建议的公布及实施之间 拖延 时间

  • Compared to the West there appears to exist a time lag phenomenon .

    与西方相比,该病的流行存在一个 时间滞后

  • For a long time people have owed time lag effect of financial innovation on diffusion and absorption of financial market in China to lack of absorptive capacity or competition in micro-market and neglected the effect of institutional factors in a country of economic transition like china .

    摘要长期以来,对金融创新在中国金融市场扩散吸收中的 时滞效应的认识往往归咎于微观市场主体缺乏吸收能力或竞争所致,而忽略了中国这样的转型经济国家所具有的制度性因素的影响。

  • The time lag between the consolidated and remote databases is configurable and can range from minutes to hours or days .

    统一数据库与远程数据库之间的 时间 延迟是可以配置的,可以是几分钟,几小时或几天。

  • There is always a considerable time lag between the exam and results .

    考试和成绩揭晓之间总有相当一 时间 间隔

  • There is a time lag of about 10 years .

    有大约十年 时间 间歇

  • Two Input output Dynamic Model with Time Lag Factor

    两种带有 时滞因素的投入产出动态模型

  • For more general application the double time lag model should be used .

    对于更一般的应用,应当采用双 模型。

  • The physiological feedback of feeling full or the satiation signal comes with a time lag .

    生理上的对于食物的饱腹感或满足感都是以 时间作为 参照的。

  • The research results will play a great role in understanding the mechanism of time lag of rock burst and establishing the prediction method of rock burst .

    研究结论对于深入认识岩爆的 时滞 机制以及建立 时滞 岩爆的预测方法具有重要的意义和启示。

  • There is always a big time lag in prestige . It 's like light from a distant star .

    在声望上常常有一段很长 时间 滞后