time of set

[taɪm ʌv sɛt][taim ɔv set]

[化] 凝固时间

  • The production plan management research and application based on standard labor time of whole set electric apparatus production ;

    基于标准 工时 成套电器产品生产计划管理研究与应用及歌本的 套装产品。

  • An Experimental Study on Conserving Time of Operating Instrument Set for Combat Readiness in Inland and Plateau Section

    内陆和高原地区 战备消毒包储存 时限的试验研究

  • The time zone of a deployed VM is set as UTC by default .

    已部署的VM 时区在默认情况下 设置为UTC。

  • At the same time of heat exchanger tubes set fin could reduce air on copper tube shock and avoid cracking of brass tubes .

    同时热交器铜管上 翅片后可降低空气对铜管的冲击及避免铜管破裂。

  • The optimization quality and computation time of set covering arid tabu search algorithms were analyzed and compared .

    分析和比较了 集合覆盖和禁忌搜索两种高效布局算法的优化性能和计算 时间

  • A period of playing time added after the expiration of the set time limit .

    延长 时间加在 固定比赛时间之后的比赛期。

  • A simply supported beam with a crack was studied by finite element analysis methods . A crack was simulated by gap elements and the impulsive time history responses of a set of beam models with different crack positions were calculated .

    以间隙单元模拟裂纹,用有限单元法对带有裂纹的简支梁进行分析,计算了具有不同位置裂纹的梁在冲击荷载下的 时间历程响应。

  • Objective : To probe into the conserving time of combat operating instrument set in natural environment .

    探讨战备手术 存放在自然环境下的保存 时限

  • Dosage and fermentation time of yeast were set up by orthogonal design .

    用正交设计 确定了酵母用量和发酵 时间

  • If the hardware clock is set to local time instead of UTC select the Set to local time checkbox .

    如果硬件时钟被设置为本地 时间而非UTC,可选中 Settolocaltime复选框。

  • In a time of austerity how do we set priorities ?

    在开支出现紧缩之 ,我们如何 确定优先次序?

  • Once upon a time a group of young people set out on an expedition to look for the buried treasure mentioned in an ancient book .

    从前,一群年轻人去寻找被埋藏的财宝,这些财宝在一本 古书上提到过。

  • The experimental results show that the computation time of the discernibility set is significantly reduced by CAIR the reduction rate is 20.3 % higher than that of incomplete algorithm and the execution efficiency is enhanced by 13.2 times compared to the complete algorithm under same conditions .

    实验结果表明,所提CAIR在大大缩短计算差别 集合 时间的同时,约简率比非完备算法提高了20.3%,是同条件下完备算法执行效率的13.2倍。

  • Based on the analysis of some task scheduling strategies under different environments a repeated mapping scheduling strategy for gird resource management system which considers the Minimum Completion Time of mapping a set of tasks to resources is presented .

    通过分析比较当前多种环境下任务调度策略的基础之上, 提出了一种适用于网格资源管理系统的多次映射任务调度策略。

  • Before a system works the working time of the system is set according to different vehicle conditions through the key detecting circuit .

    在系统工作之前,需要根据不同的机车车况来 设定系统的工作 时间

  • The musicians played the polonaise in vogue at the time on account of the words set to it .

    乐师们奏着 当时歌词闻名于世的波兰舞曲。

  • The operating time of cleaning can be can be set and adjusted .

    超声波清洗机清洗工作 时间可以 设定和调整。

  • This period shall be two years from the date of the notification unless at the time of approval the Conference has set a different period which shall be a period of at least one year .

    除非大会在批准 确定了不同期限(应至少为一年),此期限应为自通知之日起两年。

  • Weight absorb quantity : Each time 's ordering each amount of set didn 't see change obviously and unusually ;

    体重、摄食量:各 时间点各剂量 未见明显异常改变;

  • At the same time the development of a wide set of suppliers reduces the risk of production bottlenecks .

    同时,随着供应商的来源更加广泛,降低 出现生产瓶颈的风险。

  • The Greeks already had a century 's long tradition of poetic education going back centuries to the time of Homer and Hesiod that set out certain exemplary models of heroic virtue and civic life .

    希腊人已有世纪长的,诗学教育传统,可 回溯到几个世纪前的荷马,与赫西奥德,他们为,英雄美德与公民生活 确立了典范。

  • It is proved that the strong ergodicity for nonexplosive positive Harris recurrence diffusion processes on Riemannian manifold is equivalent to the uniform boundness of the expectation of the hitting time of some compact set .

    本文证明了黎曼流形上的非爆炸正Harris常返扩散过程的强遍历性等价于某(任)一紧 击中 时期望的一致有界性;

  • At the same time the aggrandizement of machine set and the increase of the height of chimney all corresponding to the construction technique were put forward to meet the higher request .


  • The time of wire scrap absorption may be set for correct adjustment to bring the clean operation desk .

    设置线皮吸屑 时间可精准调整,让工作台面更清洁。

  • Displays the creation date and time of the media set .

    显示媒体 的创建日期和 时间

  • This journey home is also a return to spiritual roots ; a time of year set aside to pay respects to the ancestors and to thank the gods that watch over them .

    返乡之旅尊崇的是一种 归根的观念 &在年终 岁末,祭拜祖先,感谢上苍的眷顾。