time displacement

[taɪm dɪsˈplesmənt][taim dɪsˈpleɪsmənt]


  • The variation of negative pressures in seedling launching mechanism and the relationship of seedling dropping time and displacement with pressure were studied to determine the best opening and closing times of air sucking valve and seedling launching valve .

    研究水稻钵苗有序移栽机投苗装置内部负压变化规律以及钵苗下落 时间 位移关系,确定吸气活门、投苗活门的最佳开启和关闭时间。

  • Analysis the data getted conclude real time and whole time displacement change regulation of convergence at top and periphery of tunnel in soft-wreak rock .

    通过对所得数据进行分析,得出了软弱岩层隧道洞顶及周边收敛实时与全 时段 位移变化规律。

  • Study on the Time Grating Displacement Sensor of the Field Type

    场式 位移传感器研究

  • It makes deeper study on business management system session and resource manager asset management system and deploys video server time displacement acquisition equipment application server .

    对业务管理系统、会话资源管理系统、媒体管理系统等子系统进行了较深的研究及对视频服务器、 采集设备、应用服务器等设备进行了精细的部署。

  • At the same time displacement sensors and the pressure sensors can monitor displacement and pressure change real-time in assembly process .

    同时 位移传感器和压力传感器实时监控组装过程中的位移和压力变化。

  • The reliability of incremental time grating displacement sensor is analyzed and the idea and configuration of redundancy are introduced . HW redundancy schemes are presented for its signal processing circuit .

    在分析增量式时栅可靠性问题的基础上,介绍了冗余设计思想和冗余结构,给出了增量式 位移传感器信号处理电路的硬件冗余设计方案;

  • Incremental Implementation of Time-space Coordinate Transformation and Research on the Incremental Time Grating Displacement Sensor

    时空坐标转换方法的增量式实现与增量式 位移传感器研究

  • The time series of displacement monitoring data obtained in Maoping landslide of Qingjiang are analyzed by using macroscopic study of nonlinear dynamics method .

    利用非线性动力学的宏观研究方法对清江库岸茅坪滑坡的 位移 时间序列进行了分析,发现滑坡系统在演变过程中存在混沌。

  • The principle of time grating displacement sensor and traditional precision displacement measurement are reviewed . By comparing the imperceptibility but essential differences among them it is better to understand the time space coordinate transformation method and the advantage of the time grating displacement sensor .

    回顾了 位移传感器原理和传统精密位移测量原理,通过比较其间细微而本质的区别,可加深对时空坐标转换方法的理解和对时栅位移传感器优势的认识。

  • Firstly a time-frequency plane is gained by time-frequency analysis and then time displacement and frequency information of each component are determined .

    首先通过时频分析得到心音信号的时频分析图,确定 心音时间、频率平面内各成分对应的区域信息。

  • By using Melnikov function method Poincare mapping phase plane and time displacement we can judge if the system is in chaotic state . The single mode and multi mode methods are also discussed in this paper .

    利用Melnikov函数法、Poincare映射、相平面轨迹 及时 曲线判定系统是否处于混沌运动状态,并对单模态和双模态的分析方法进行了讨论。

  • The time - displacement curve of the received wave is calculated .

    求出了接收波 位移 时域曲线;

  • Each testing were repeated 8 times and the precise data ( torque time and displacement ) of different group and different part were noted on the MTS sensor respectively .

    每种测试重复8次,通过MTS传感器记录外固定针各部位在不同轴向压力下所需扭矩、 时间 位移

  • Chief parts of the instrument consist of monolithic microcomputer and self-made dynamic magnetic grating sensor composed of magnetic head magnetic scale slide block and shell . It can display the time displacement speed in process maximum and resilience speed impact energy etc.

    测量仪主要由单片微机与自制动态磁栅式传感器(包括磁头、磁尺、滑块与壳体)组成,可 测量运动过程的 时间位移 、速度与打击能量等。

  • This paper discusses the processing circuit and features of the CMOS miniature camera used as a graphic sensor in the real time photoelectric displacement measurement .

    本文将讨论微型CMOS电视摄像机作为图像传感器在 实时光电 位移测量时的处理电路及性能分析。

  • In this paper the real time displacement characters monitored by GPS are got through comparing several ordinary methods and the test data of Humen suspension bridge is analyzed .

    本文比较了几种常用的 位移监测方法,给出GPS( RTK)技术对 位移进行实时监测的特点,并对虎门大桥的GPS监测数据进行了分析。

  • An Automatic Moire Telemeter-Real Time Displacement Measuring System

    遥测自动云纹引伸仪& 实时 位移测量系统

  • The method for synthetically analyzing displacement in time and space is suggested the purpose of synthesizing the information of displacement time and displacement space to serve for engineering design and construction .

    位移时空综合分析法的提出旨在综合位移- 时间 位移 空间等两方面的信息,为工程设计和施工服务。

  • The transformation of the two kinds of traveling waves shows that the time grating displacement sensor using the transformation from the space traveling to the time traveling wave to reach the target using time to measuring space .

    从两种行波的变换原理揭示了原有的 位移传感器都是采用从空间行波到时间行波的转换来达到用时间测空间的最终目的,同时也启发并提出了直接形成时间行波的创新思想。

  • The field type time grating displacement sensor based on time space coordinate transformation is one novel angular displacement sensor .

    基于时空坐标转换理论的 位移传感器是一种新型角位移传感器。

  • A Measurement System Based on Linear CCD Technique for Real Time Space Displacement

    基于线阵CCD技术的 实时空间 位移测量系统

  • Research of Increment Implementation Method for Time - grating Displacement Sensor


  • Study on the Theory of Time-space Coordinate Transformation and the Time Grating Displacement Sensor

    时空坐标转换理论与 位移传感器研究

  • Besides the system can be used for exploitation which is facing non-linear error automatic fitting of time grating displacement sensor the correlative technique which has far-ranging application prospects also can be sued in other areas such as apparatus revise mechanical workout and manufacturing 3 .

    该系统除用于面向 传感器非线性误差的自动修正的开发外,相关的单元技术在其它领域中,如仪器校正、机械加工和制造业中均有广泛的应用前景。

  • Real - time Measurement of Displacement and Speed of Dynamic Object

    动态目标 位移和速度的 实时测量

  • The two models reflect the influence of load displacement and time on displacement of consolidation .

    该模型反映了荷载、变形和 时间三者对固结 沉降的影响。