
[ˈtæmbɚ, ˈtɪm-][ˈtæmbə(r)]


  • Fundamentals of acoustics harmonics and timbre .

    建立声学、和声与 音色的基础。

  • This musical instrument with a pure timBre is a must for experts .

    本乐器 音色纯真,实为名家之必备。

  • I fell in love with the subtly plaintive timbre of the Qiang flute .

    我喜欢上了羌笛那略带哀怨的 音色

  • Artistic conception of Erhu finds expression mainly in the leisure in performing and in the tranquility of timbre .

    二胡艺术的意境美,主要表现为演奏的舒缓和 音色的空

  • Her voice has a pure and sweet timbre .

    她的 音色

  • Pianos which have a pleasant timbre are of higher price .


  • I was a fool he said finally his voice low without timbre .

    “我是傻瓜,”最后他说,声音低沉,没有一点 激情

  • This results in a slightly less than bright timbre and a more controlled ( even compressed sounding ) projection .

    导致了细腻的 声音而不是辉煌的 音质和更受约束的 发音(被压缩的声音)。

  • The article discussed its entirety characters as well as its title touching timbre tempo pedal and dynamics .

    文章对它的整体性、标题、触键、 音色、速度、踏板、力度等进行了研究。

  • The timbre of the laryngeal sound stands out and oral noise decrease .

    噪音的 音色充分显露出来,口腔的噪音就消失了。

  • The voice had an ugly timbre to it .

    这嗓音的 音色很难听。

  • On The Timbre Feature of Electronic Music and Its Influence on the Methods of Music Creation

    电子音乐中 音色特性及其对音乐创作路径的影响

  • His voice had a deep timbre

    他嗓音 低沉

  • Timbre can be regarded as the ultimate carrier of musical opuses .


  • Do you know how to judge piano timbre ?

    你知道如何判断钢琴 音色 好坏吗?

  • It discusses the four performance patterns : sweet timbre mellower singing morbidezza feature and beautiful figure .

    就表现形态的四个方面: 音色甜美、演唱醇美、风格柔美、形象俊美,一一展开讨论。

  • The Texture of Vangelis Electronic Music with Timbre Research ;

    范吉利斯电子音乐作品的织体与 音色研究(上)

  • They say a giggle 's pitch and timbre establish a hyena 's identity and that pitch indicates age .

    他们发现笑声的音调和 音色可以显示出一个鬣狗的身份,音调代表了它们的年龄,而且 笑声里可以分辨出谁是老大。

  • Using this invention the receiving sound of timbre liked by user can be provided according to user fancy .

    采用本发明可以根据用户的喜好,提供用户所喜欢的 音质的接收音。

  • Different methods to touch the keys will result in different representation of timbre .

    不同的触键方法,会产生不同的 音色表现。

  • Meantime the example is given . The software reaches the effect of IP phone in timbre and time-delay .

    该软件在 音质和时延上都达到了IP电话的效果。

  • My favorites were Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood which she read with beautiful expression in her mezzo timbre a singsong much too cheerful for those awful fables .

    我最喜欢的是《灰姑娘》和《小红帽》,她朗读时, 音色适中,娓娓动听,对那些令人难过的童话来说,是过于欢快了。

  • Similarly the rousing or joyous timbre of a trumpet attests to its jagged array of harmonics .

    同样的,小号那“振奋人心”或是“欢乐鼓动”的 音色 代表了其参差不齐的谐波组。

  • The timbre of the violin is far richer than that of the mouth organ .

    小提琴的 音色远比口琴丰富。

  • Outside the voices had an unfamiliar timbre and I realised what it was : girls ' voices .

    在外面,喧闹的声音中 掺杂着一些不同寻常的 音色,我马上意识到那是什么:女孩子的声音。

  • The size and the command timbre of Gus 's voice startled Castor .

    格斯说话的嗓门和命令 口吻使卡斯托吃了一惊。

  • But in the piano-playing teaching the understanding of the timbre of the piano opuses is a problem of importance but not easy to grasp .

    但在钢琴演奏教学中,对钢琴作品 音色的感受和把握常常是一个重要却又不易的问题。

  • The quantitative evaluation of the timbre is given by testing the empty yard reverberation time and calculating the full yard reverberation time of the gymnasium in China Three Gorges University .

    通过对三峡大学室内体育馆空场混响时间的测试及对满场混响时间的推算,给出了定量的 音质评价。