time and again

[taɪm ənd əˈɡɛn][taim ænd əˈɡen]


  • Time and again political parties have failed to tackle this issue .

    各个政党处理这个问题 屡屡失败。

  • She 'd said so time and again .

    她说过 不只

  • They failed time and again but they never gave up hope .

    虽然 多次失败,他们 没有完全失望。

  • On the other hand people can time and again hear criticism of TV programs .

    另一方面,人们可以 地听到电视节目的批评。

  • And which makes me want to come back time and again .

    也正是这一点让我想 再来乐此不疲

  • Haven 't I pointed it out to you time and again ?

    我不是 再三给你指出过了吗?

  • It has proved its value time and again .


  • Time and again I have been bottlenecked by him .


  • Our Party warned time and again that leading cadres should follow the mass lines .

    我党一再 三令五申领导干部要走群众路线。

  • We have time and again declared that we will never be the first to use nuclear weapons .

    我们已 一再声明,我们永远不首先使用核武器。

  • He had asked himself that question time and again .


  • I told you time and again not to believe in him .

    多少 告诉你不要相信他。

  • We has witnessed this hit time and again in the history of Olympics .

    我们在奥运会的历史上目睹了 这样的天作之合。

  • Time and again we have seen security methods thwarted and broken .


  • She badgered her doctor time and again pleading with him to do something


  • I have told him time and again not to play in the street .


  • It was a trick he did time and again .


  • This question must be brought up time and again in the hope of attracting universal attention .

    这个问题必须 反复 ,以期引起各方面的重视。

  • Though I still have hot blood pumping through my heart my leg has time and again told me no.

    虽然我的心中仍有热血,但我的脚却 次次对我说不。

  • I 've told you time and again not to touch the vase .

    我不止 的告诉过你不要碰那只花瓶。

  • They inquired about the matter time and again .

    他们 一再探问此事。

  • The assessment revealed several themes that I have seen time and again through the industry .

    这次评估所暴露的一些主要问题,正是我在这个行业中所 反复看到的。

  • I 've told you time and again & make sure you look before you cross the road .

    我跟你说过 多少 三思而后行(过马路前一定要左右看一下)。

  • I read the poem time and again .

    一遍 一遍地读这首诗。

  • Facts have proved time and again the truth that energy can be changed from one form into another .

    事实 一再证明能量可从一种形式转变为另一种形式。

  • We 'll run into that problem time and again .

    这个问题我们还会 时不时 碰到。

  • The Central Committee has pointed out this policy of expansion to you time and again .

    这种发展的方针,中央曾 多次给你们指出来了。

  • This is an inexcusable mistake . haven 't I pointed it out to you time and again ?

    这是一个不能原谅的错误。我不是 再三给你指出过了吗?