timber measurement

[ˈtɪmbɚ ˈmɛʒəmənt][ˈtimbə ˈmeʒəmənt]


  • The size of crystalline region and relative crystallinity were measured by X-ray on the timber which was treated by PF resin . The measurement results show that the crystalline structure of cellulose baldly changed compared with untreated wood .

    利用X射线衍射法测得PF预聚物处理 的晶区大小和相对结晶度, 结果表明,PF预聚物的引入没有改变纤维素的结构。

  • To provide a theoretical basis for the conical stylus cone angle selection . ( 2 ) Analysis of the stylus tip radius and the stylus static pressure causing timber roughness parameter measurement error calculation of the roughness measurement error value caused by the different tip radius .

    分析触针针尖圆角半径和触针静压力引起的 木材粗糙度 测量误差,计算不同针尖半径造成的粗糙度测量误差值。

  • In timber measurement the counter is always top going .

    木材 测量柜台始终是最会。