time optimal process

[taɪm ˈɑptəməl ˈprɑsˌɛs][taim ˈɔptəməl ˈprəuses]

[计] 时间最佳过程

  • On time optimal control problem of population evolution process

    人口发展 过程 控制问题

  • Through single factor and orthogonal test the influencing factors of immobilized preparation conditions is discussed such as sodium alginate concentration calcium chloride concentration plus enzyme quantity immobilized time . Then the optimal preparation process is obtained .

    分别对影响固定化效果的四个条件(海藻酸钠浓度、氯化钙浓度、加酶量、固定化 时间)做单因素实验,然后通过正交试验确定 制备 工艺

  • The electrolysis parameters such as current density electrolysis time electrolysis efficiency and solution pH value were studied so as to determine the optimal process parameters .

    对影响COD降解的各方面因素如电流密度、电解 时间、电解效率和溶液pH值等进行了分析,以确定 最优 工艺 过程参数。

  • It also discussed some factors such as temperature time catalysis and so on to influence the reaction then obtaining the optimal synthetic process .

    并讨论了温度、反应 时间、催化剂等因素对反应的影响,得到了 最优化的合成 工艺

  • In this paper we explored the materials ratio reaction time reaction temperature solvent and processing method factors and economic factors to survey its optimal process conditions and optimal parameters .

    综合考察物料配比、反应 时间、反应温度、溶剂、处理方法等影响因素及经济因素,探索其 最佳 工艺条件,获取最佳工艺参数。

  • The electropolishing of the high speed tool steel ( W9Mo3Cr4V ) is discussed and the relations between roughness and parameters such as current time and temperature are investigated . The optimal conditions for electropolishing process are obtained with orthogonal experiment method .

    讨论了高速工具钢(W9Mo3Cr4V)电抛光,分别研究了电流密度、抛光 时间和抛光温度与粗糙度之间的关系,并应用正交实验找出了一组适合高速工具钢电抛光的 最佳 工艺条件。

  • Many factors which effect the reaction such as reaction temperature and reaction time ratio of batching have been studied . Moreover through the orthogonal experiment and data processing the optimal process conditions were confirmed .

    并对影响反应的因素:反应温度、反应 时间、物料比等工艺参数进行了研究,并通过正交实验进行 反应条件的 优化

  • At the same time via referring to domestic and foreign literatures found least square method cannot accurately fit the model in the case of more factors and in the optimal process needs to consider the correlation between responses .

    同时通过查阅国内外文献发现,最小二乘法在因子个数较多时难以准确的拟合模型,且在 优化 过程中需要考虑多响应之间的相关性问题。

  • Use intelligent control technology to solve the control problem of process with time varying gain and large inertia ; Use parameter on-line identification technology and optimal predication to solve the output predication problem of process with large time varying time lag .

    利用智能控制技术解决 变增益和大惯性过程的控制问题,利用在线参数辨识和 最优预测解决时变大纯滞后 过程的输出预测问题。

  • On the assumption that the failure time is of a continuous distribution and the checking interval is of an exponential distribution the reliability indices and the optimal checking cycle of the system are obtained by using probability analysis and vector Markov process method .

    在系统的寿命为连续型随机变量,检测间隔 时间服从指数分布的假设下,利用向量Markov 过程方法求出了系统的可靠性指标、系统的 最优检测策略。

  • By the investigation for the effects of annealing temperature and time on tensile strength hardness and elongation the optimal annealing process parameters of Ag / SnO_2 are determined as 650 ℃ for 2h .

    根据退火温度和 时间Ag/SnO2电触头材料的抗拉强度、硬度和伸长率的影响,确定了 最佳退火温度和 时间为650℃×2h。

  • In the process of preparing chelating state of foliar fertilization mainly discusses the different chelating process parameters on the stability of foliar fertilization optimizing parameters such as chelating agent pH of solution chelating temperature chelating time finding the optimal process .

    本研究在螯合态腐殖酸型叶面肥制备中,主要探讨不同的螯合工艺参数对叶面肥稳定性的影响,优化螯合工艺参数如螯合剂、pH值、螯合温度、螯合 时间,找出螯合的 最佳 工艺

  • To shorten the convergence time the optimal search problem of disparity map is converted to an iterative convergence process of bi-valued neural networks .

    为加快收敛 速度,该算法将视差图的 最优搜索问题转换为二值神经网络的迭代收敛 过程

  • Due to the zinc sulphate solution is characterized by a high temperature high concentration high viscosity and detection of metal ions concentration is accomplished by manual which has long lag time it is difficult to realize optimal operation for the entire purification process .

    溶液呈现高温、高浓度比、高粘度的特点,离子的检测基本上是通过人工化验进行,这种离线分析滞后 时间大,严重影响净化 过程 优化运行。

  • Mold temperature melt temperature injection pressure injection time packing pressure packing time and cooling time were optimized by using the signal-to-noise ratio range analysis and variance analysis methods then optimal injection molding process parameters were determined .

    结合信噪比、极差分析和方差分析方法优化了模具温度、熔体温度、注塑压力、注塑时间、保压压力、保压时间和冷却 时间工艺参数,获得了 最优 工艺参数 组合