time sequence

[taɪm ˈsikwəns][taim ˈsi:kwəns]


  • It also permits accurate comparison of datasets gathered in a time sequence .

    它同样可以精确比较根据 时间 顺序收集的数据。

  • Changes in the Time Sequence of Supply and Demand and Countermeasures for Flower Industry in China

    我国花卉产业供需 时序变化及对策思考

  • A low cost missile ground test and control system adopts distributed structure which can carry out launch control time sequence detection and pyrotechnics channel resistance measurement .

    导弹地面测发控系统可以对导弹进行发射控制、 时序检测和火工品通路阻值测量,其整体构成采用分布式结构。

  • While its time sequence and access mechanisms are very complex it is necessary to design SDRAM controller to improve the efficiency of accessing .

    但SDRAM的控制 时序和机制较复杂,因此需要设计SDRAM控制器以提高其读写效率。

  • The CAS characteristics recorded included laterality intensity time sequence and consistency with headache attacks .

    脑自主神经症状特点包括头痛的 侧,强度, 时间性和持续性。

  • Pertaining to the occurrence of events in time sequence with no simultaneity or overlap of events .

    用于修饰或说明诸事件按 时间 顺序出现,既不同时也不重叠。

  • R / S Analytical Method and Time Sequence of CPI In China

    R/S分析法与中国CPI 时间 序列

  • Based on Karnaugh map the design principle and method of time sequence logical circuit auto start are put forward and expounded .

    阐述了以卡诺图为基础的具有自启动功能的 时序逻辑电路设计原理和设计方法。

  • The coordination and stability among mechanisms of rotary type blow-molding machines are determined by the correct time sequence .

    旋转式吹瓶机的制造效率与稳定性须仰赖正确的 时序控制。

  • Prediction of Time Sequence Based on GA-BP Neural Net

    运用GA-BP神经网络研究 时间 序列的预测

  • Using time sequence method the starting process of some aero-engine is controlled by starting control box .

    某型发动机的起动过程采用 时序控制方式,由起动程序机构来实行控制。

  • The fractal structure and R / S analysis of a time sequence of strong earthquake of Eastern China

    我国东部强震 时间 序列的分形结构及R/S分析

  • Discourse Oriented Time Sequence and Foundation and Its Application on Product Design

    面向篇章的 时间 序列和建模及其在产品设计中的应用

  • The infrared target recognition method based on the invariance of spectral angle in time sequence is put forward in order to recognizing spatial target and balloon decoy .

    为了识别空间目标与气球诱饵,提出了基于光谱角 时序不变性的红外目标识别方法。

  • The article describes a time sequence sampler to record the time of two-channel signals individually which can be used in time measurement system .

    叙述了一种 同时记录两路脉冲信号到达探测器时刻的 时间 序列采集器,可对脉冲信号进行时间测量。

  • Pattern Search Method Research of Cascading Outage Based on Time Sequence Theory

    基于 时序理论的连锁故障模式搜索方法研究

  • The above information is listed in time sequence ;

    以上的讲座按照 时间 顺序 排列

  • Through destructing language rules the language variations have changed the established process of time narration and formed a new time sequence .

    变异语言通过对语言规则的解构,改变了叙事时间的既定进程,形成了新的 时间 顺序

  • Time Sequence Analysis Applying for Forecasting Clinical Blood Demand

    时间 序列模型在预测临床血液需求量中的应用

  • Rotating movement is often changed into linear movement in the machine design and there are time sequence relations in various forms of movement .

    在机构设计中,常常需要将回转运动变化为直线运动,并且各种运动形式之间保持某种 时序关系。

  • A method of converting rotating movement of cams into horizontal linear movement and vertical linear movement is proposed and the time sequence are realized using a differential commutator .

    本文提出了用一根驱动抽来带动两个凸轮实现水平方向和竖直方向的往复直线运动的方法,用差动换向器实现了运动间的 时序关系。

  • Correlation dimension is an important parameter to measure a nonlinear time sequence quantitatively and it is widely used to analyze biomedical signal such as EEG and ECG .

    相关维数是定量描述非线性 时间 序列的一个重要参数,在脑电、心电等生物医学信号的特征描述方面得到了广泛地应用。

  • A judger dealt with cases in time sequence .

    一个法官按 时间 次序处理案件。

  • Constantly automatically loading and upgrading data warehouse according to the rhythm of time sequence ;

    按照 时序节奏不断地自动装载、更新数据仓库;

  • Article structure is clear have time sequence the grandmother of love to you into four seasons of bring you warm .

    文章结构清晰,有 时间 顺序,把外婆对你的爱融入到四季当中,给你带来温暖。

  • An evolutionary Support Vector Machines ( SVM ) algorithm based on time sequence was brought forward in the paper .

    本文提出的新的基于 时间 序列的进化支持向量机(SVM)的负荷预测方法。

  • After analyzing the model of time sequence of electrical power consumption model of it is built .

    通过对城市电力网中用电量的 时间 序列分析,建立其线性模型。

  • However a communication diagram focuses more on showing the collaboration of objects than on the time sequence .

    然而,通信图更看重对象的协作,而不是 时间 序列

  • The paper based on the comparison of time sequence for the international competitiveness of Chinese financial services makes an internationally comparative study with the US .

    文章在对我国金融服务国际贸易竞争力进行 时序比较分析的基础上,与美国进行比较。