



  • This agency has been far too easy on the timber industry over the years .

    多年以来,这个机构对 木材业的管理太过宽松了。

  • The timber has rotted .

    这些 木材已经腐朽了。

  • Wood of this species is a commercial timber used in construction ; bark and wood used as medicine .

    本种木材通直,橙黄色,为优良的建筑 用材;树皮和木材可供药用。

  • They have been bartering wheat for cotton and timber

    他们一直用小麦交换棉花和 木材

  • One quality of this kind of timber is that it can be sawn easily .

    这种 木料的一个特点是容易锯开。

  • The output of tobacco paper and timber is recovering .

    烟、纸和 木头的生产也开始有了点生气。

  • They grow rice and timber .

    他们种植大米和 建材 树木

  • The timber swung slowly so that the bank was behind me and I knew we were in an eddy .


  • Tall timber tree of central and southern Europe having a regular crown and gray bark .

    欧洲中部和南部的一种高大的 木材,树冠整齐,灰色树皮。

  • The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales .

    伐木工人说由于 木材销量下降,他们的工作恐不复存在。

  • Fires have burned up 180 acres of timber .

    大火烧光了18万英亩的 木材

  • Other major exports and timber products fish and horticultural products .

    其他主要出口产品有 木材、木器、水产和园艺品。

  • They often reuse old window and door frames timber roof sheets sometimes bricks .

    他们常常重新使用旧窗户和门框、 木材和房顶,有时候还回收使用砖。

  • Small genus of east Asian and Australian timber trees .

    东亚和澳大利亚的一个 树木小属。

  • Half of the north-west 's timber land is public property .

    西北部的一半 林地是公共财产。

  • Neither the timber frame nor metal chassis were protected against rot.


  • Every piece of timber was planed cut to size and stained with cedar preservative .

    每根 木材都被刨平了,切割成一定尺寸,并涂上了雪松防腐剂。

  • The timber expands as it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere .


  • A natural timber deck leads into the main room of the home .

    有一个天然的 木制平台通到房子的客厅。

  • He felled peeled and hewed his own timber .

    他自己砍树、剥皮、劈成 木材

  • This is the cableway which the lumberjacks use to haul out their timber .

    这就是林业工人用以运送 木材的空中索道。

  • Coniferous sawn timber This wood saws easily .

    GB/T153-1995针叶树 锯材这木材很容易锯开。

  • And besides I yelled timber .

    而且,我喊过“ 了”。

  • The builders will have to strengthen the existing joists with additional timber .

    施工人员将不得不另外用 木料加固现有的托梁。

  • You 'll have to make do with this timber .

    你就可着 这块 木料做吧。

  • He supplied housebuilders with modern timber frames

    他给房屋建筑商提供了现代的 木构架。

  • The work of cutting down trees for timber .

    砍伐树木以得到 木材的工作。

  • These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times .

    从撒克逊时代起就开始采伐塞文山谷的这些树林获取 木料

  • International Timber and Trade Organization

    国际 木材和贸易组织

  • The boxes should be constructed from rough-sawn timber

    这些箱子应该用粗锯 木料来做。