total acidity

[ˈtotl əˈsɪdɪti][ˈtəutəl əˈsɪdɪti:]


  • The analysis of acidity in liquor comprises of analysis of total acidity volatile acids and available acidity .

    酒类酸度分析包括 酸度、挥发酸和有效酸度分析。

  • The results showed that during fermentation total acidity increased total sugar content decreased with the increased of time and nitrite content peak appeared quickly .

    结果表明, 人工 黄瓜在发酵过程中, 酸度增高,总糖的含量随发酵时间延长而减少,亚硝峰出现较快,发酵后期大肠菌群最 近似 降到很低;

  • It can decrease the total acidity of gastric juice the activity of pepsin ;

    能降低胃液的 酸度,降低胃蛋白酶活性;

  • Based on the principle of acid-base reaction the automatic electrometric titration has been used for the quantitative determination of the oxygenic functional groups such as carboxyl hydroxyl lactone and total acidity .

    Boehm法的基础上,应用 酸碱反应的基本原理进行炭黑的表面官能团分析,通过采用滴定法确定反应终点,使测量的准确性和重现性均得到提高。

  • The most notable quality index related to the storage time was total acidity . 5 .

    与贮藏时间关联最显著的品质指标是 酸度

  • The active ingredient content in film-forming solution and the film thickness were tested by spectrophotography and the total acidity of the solution was detected by Lung 's indicator .

    采用分光光度法测定了涂膜液中活性成分的含量、膜层厚度,采用指示剂法测定了涂膜液的 酸度

  • After 163 hours fermentation the total acidity and the acetic acid conversion rate reached 10.363 g / 100 ml and 98.11 % respectively .

    醋酸发酵于163h时达到峰值, 酸度为10.363g/100mL,醋酸的转化率为98.11%。

  • Relationship of Total Acidity of Tobacco Leaf Aqueous Infusion with its Stalk Position Color and Grade

    烟叶水浸液的 酸度与其部位、颜色、等级的关系

  • When other fermentation condition was constant the total acidity in medium increased when the volumetric ratio of medium to flask and corn steep liquid concentration were increased .

    发现在发酵其它条件恒定,装液比和玉米浆浓度增加时,发酵液 是递增的。

  • Establishing the rat model with chronic atrophic gastritis do the research through the experimental indice as free acid in gastric juice total acidity pepsin activity etc.

    制备大鼠慢性萎缩性胃炎模型,通过胃液游离酸、 酸度、胃蛋白酶活性等实验指标,对半夏泻心汤进行拆方研究,观察其对大鼠慢性萎缩性胃炎的治疗作用。

  • The use period of the phosphating solution phosphating sample area and the complement of the phosphating solution were preliminary experimented through analyzing the correlation of phosphate effect with free acidity total acidity phosphate ions concentration zinc ion concentration .

    通过分析磷化液的游离酸度、 酸度、磷酸根离子浓度、锌离子浓度与磷化效果的相关性,对磷化液可使用的周期与磷化面积和磷化液的补加进行了初步实验。

  • The effects of alcoholic fermentation processing such as fermentation temperature yeast inoculums amount adding amount of glucose initial total acidity and fermentation time were studied as well as clarification craft .

    研究分析了温度、酵母接种量、加糖量、初始 酸度、发酵时间对产酒发酵的影响。

  • K application increased the yield by 28.5 % in average in 2 years with increasing fruit size but the edible rate was reduced and the total acidity was increased .

    施钾两年平均增产28.5%,并使果实增大,但使可食率降低,果汁 含量增加。

  • Determination of Total Acidity of solid Catalyst by Pyridine-Thermobalance Method

    吡啶-热天平法测定催化剂固体 酸度

  • Effect of exchangeable ions and total acidity on Corrosion of mild steel in acidic soil

    交换性离子和 pH 对酸性土壤腐蚀的影响

  • With fresh pineapple juice as a sample the automatic potentiometric titration was established to analyze the total acidity in the fruit juices .

    以鲜榨菠萝汁为样品,建立了测定果汁 的自动电位滴定法。

  • During storing period the husked rice under conventional storage usually has apparent degeneration in its fatty acid content the total acidity of water-soluble acids also changes distinctly and the catalase activity and the germination percentage of husked rice will reduce evidently with the extension of storing duration .

    常规储藏的糙米在储藏期间脂肪酸含量变化明显,水溶性酸的 酸度变化也较明显,糙米的过氧化氢酶活性、糙米发芽率会因储藏时间的延长而明显降低。

  • Results : At 3 hours postburn the gastric juice volume total acidity and acid output were already significantly decreased ( all P < 0 01 ) which were sustained and reached the lowest values at 12 hours postburn .

    结果:伤后3小时胃液量、胃液 酸度和总酸排出量均显著低于正常对照组(P均<0.01);伤后6小时上述指标值继续下降,并于伤后12小时降至最低值;

  • The total acidity and the number of strong acidic center increase with the decrease of SiO_2 / Al_2O_3 ratio . On the other hand the SiO_2 / Al_2O_3 ratio of DG zeolite has less effect on the characters of crystal structure e.g. framework density and so on .

    此外随着SiO2/Al2O3降低,催化剂 酸度和强酸中心数目增加,另一方面DG分子筛SiO2/Al2O3变化对其晶体结构特性,如骨架密度等影响不大。

  • In the byproduct HCl no red colour appearance upon 1 ~ 2 drops of methyl orange in total acidity analysis ;

    测定副产盐酸 酸度,加1~2滴甲基橙不显红色;

  • While drying Chinese jujube with far-infrared radiation or hot air the contents of Vc reducing sugar and total acidity reduced gradually in whole drying process .

    用远红外辐射或热风干制红枣,其Vc、还原糖和 含量在整个过程中均下降。

  • The Indirect Determination of Total Acidity of Beverage with Differential Pulse Voltammetry

    微分脉冲伏安法间接测定饮料 酸量

  • The reason of the total acidity and ester was indicated on the low side in trans-permutation basic liquor .

    指出了转排基酒 酯偏低的原因所在。

  • The results showed that the granules could obviously inhibit gastrointestinal movements and increase the total acidity of gastric juice and gastric protease activity .

    以不同剂量的胃肠康冲剂对大鼠进行胃液分泌试验。结果显示胃肠康冲剂具有明显的抑制胃肠运动作用,同时能够显著增加胃液 酸度和胃蛋白酶活性。

  • Organic acids in beer are one of important flavor substances which have their characteristic sourness and key factors which influence on beer pH beer buffering capacity and total acidity .

    啤酒中的有机酸类物质是主要的呈味物质,其特有的口感和香气与其他风味物质共同构成了啤酒特有的 品评特性。

  • Determination of total acidity in drink by differential pulse polarography

    微分脉冲极谱法测定饮料的 酸量

  • However respiration rate ethylene production relative conductivity and softening were reduced by 1-MCP when the fruits were stored at 20 ℃ while contents of total sugar total acidity and anthocyanin were not significantly influenced .

    然而,1-MCP对20℃下贮藏的杨梅果实的呼吸强度、乙烯释放量、相对电导率和果实软化均具有不同程度的抑制作用,但对总糖、 和花色苷含量的影响不显著。

  • The total acidity of gastric juice was measured by NaOH titration method .

    用NaOH滴定法测定胃液的 酸度